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Status Replies posted by eiheartx

  1. I want the new D's live DVD so badly (they've played KINGDOM in its entirely and I love this album so so much!!), but /expensive as fuck /they're kinda boring live /fuck this /do ya feel me? If only Cdj would make an % off in the future. xD

  2. Damn customs, charging me £20 for just 3 CDs... and now I have to wait till Monday, because it costs an extra £12 to get it tomorrow, and fck that shit.

  3. Just noticed the album covers for the new Codomo Dragon; woooooow, so nice! http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/BPRVD-156

  4. RIP Leonard Nimoy.

  5. Did you know if PureSound ship to oversea ?

  6. Did you know if PureSound ship to oversea ?

  7. Abe Mao's newest album is a fucking boring mess; what a cruel disappointment. I'm so done rn.

  8. ok i just bought a ticket for kamijo's show on saturday, and then i started listening to his music... i regret buying the ticket so much XD

  9. shout out to all the ppl who to -ryuujii- and eveyone else who dissesd Camera obscura

  10. shout out to all the ppl who to -ryuujii- and eveyone else who dissesd Camera obscura

  11. shout out to all the ppl who to -ryuujii- and eveyone else who dissesd Camera obscura

  12. So~I totes came across this post that was passively agressive indirected at me without saying it was about me, but I totes know it's about me. All I can say to that is, get the fuck off your high horse bitch, just because someone uploads your favorite bandoman-samas CD, doesn't mean he isn't going to die of starvation and don't act like your ass don't download music either, would you kindly delete all the music you don't own then? That's what I thought, sit your as...

  13. Abe Mao's newest album is a fucking boring mess; what a cruel disappointment. I'm so done rn.

  14. Yessssss. So I preordered MEJIBRAY's new DVD. Super excited about that since the last one was awesome!

  15. Never do that again precious MH. You hear/read me? <3 ;;

  16. Decided to sell my Lycaon rarez... Goodbye 夢 and SET ME FREE T_T

  17. Decided to sell my Lycaon rarez... Goodbye 夢 and SET ME FREE T_T

  18. Decided to sell my Lycaon rarez... Goodbye 夢 and SET ME FREE T_T

  19. Decided to sell my Lycaon rarez... Goodbye 夢 and SET ME FREE T_T

  20. I had a dream that Shounenki announced a full album in March.

  21. My New 3DS XL and Zelda Majora's Mask 3D has been shipped. #sobs

  22. My New 3DS XL and Zelda Majora's Mask 3D has been shipped. #sobs

  23. My New 3DS XL and Zelda Majora's Mask 3D has been shipped. #sobs

  24. I will probably get shot for this, but... there's nothing memorable on Camera Obscura.

  25. I will probably get shot for this, but... there's nothing memorable on Camera Obscura.

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