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Status Replies posted by eiheartx

  1. Rouge is the new Gossip. <3

  2. Rouge is the new Gossip. <3

  3. Rouge is the new Gossip. <3

  4. Rouge is the new Gossip. <3

  5. Rouge is the new Gossip. <3

  6. Ugh, if last.fm's artist auto-correct feature actually worked, songs that my stubborn phone keep tagged as R指定 would be scrobbled as R指定, as they should be. Guess I'll never be able to listen to that band on my iPhone anymore without them scrobbling wrong... yay -_-

  7. Accidentally dropped my ext 2TB hard drive to the hard floor. It split in two, the drive and base, but was not broken physically. So, I tried to plugged them into one piece and turned it on. Luckily, it still worked. I'll keep it powered off until I can get another drive so that I can make a mirror of my music library. So many close calls have happened to me within a few days this year. :<

  8. why can't everyone just stop being mean to each other...

  9. MW/V is still not on sale on CdJ ToT ! maybe I should send them an email and ask for it? éè

  10. eiheartx, you made all the calendar events nice and pretty <3

  11. eiheartx, you made all the calendar events nice and pretty <3

  12. Fucking puresound! They're the ones that outbidded me at auctions. FAWK

  13. Black Gene's new single announcement!!!!! HATERS GONNA HATE ♥

  14. Black Gene's new single announcement!!!!! HATERS GONNA HATE ♥

  15. How exactly do I go about posting a different type of a release that's already available in the Downloads section? For instance, Type A of album []ying&yang by goatbed has been posted, but i'd like to also post Type B CD2; do I just comment on that same thread with a download link or do I create a new thread?

  16. just spent 1.5 weeks at my parents' place without internet connection, but now i'm back! 51 notifications fml, why have you guys been so active ;_;

  17. why do people constantly feel a need to talk shit in threads of artists they don't care about

  18. The best Christmas gift would be Shounenki announcing the release of an album

  19. hold the phonem shameless and the musketeers are about to come back on.

  20. Gossip's new single is so awesome

  21. Bravely Default is fucking up my sleep schedule.

  22. MH you're back. I was getting worried about you!! ;;

  23. I forgot to mention it here like I did in the VK selling comm, but I'm selling some VK pooprarez via facebook if anyone is interested :v https://www.facebook.com/matthew.siwicki.5/media_set?set=a.10101647279376049.1073741825.32816567&type=1&pnref=story

  24. I truly hate how I cannot buy anything from outside the EU without being bombarded by a shitload of custom costs.

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