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  1. Like
    beni got a reaction from Seimeisen in AvelCain will disband   
    I'm so done, this can't be serious.
  2. Like
    beni got a reaction from Aferni in AvelCain will disband   
    I'm so done, this can't be serious.
  3. Like
    beni reacted to Undead burger in Hello mine turtle!   
    Hi guys !

    So, it's time for an introduction there. Before anything else, please forgive me for any mistake since english is not my mother tongue. But I will do my best

    My nick name is Undead burger, and my real name is... unpronounceable if you're not french. Mathilde, like what the heck ? It's just the french version of Mathilda. ANYWAYS.
    I'm 21 and I live in france, in the southern part : French Riviera, sun, Cannes film festival and all the rest. I'm currently in a relation ship if you are curious about it, and I plan to become a funeral counselor in my adult life. I have various interests in life and death is one of them. Like, I've been obsessed with it since I was 8 or 9 years old when I found out about egyptian mummies. I'm kinda weird, but I promise i don't bite My other main interest is foreign languages. I obviously speak French and English (even if I still make silly mistakes.) I have basics in Spanish, German, Italian and Japanese (been studying it for 2 years now). I also do love piercings and tattoos. For the moment I only have one tattoo (a bat on my left clavicle) and two piercings (a neck surface and a microdemarl on my chest) But I have a looooot of other plans for my body when I'll have money lel. I do play video games A LOT, I'm insomniac, I smoke too much, I don't eat enough healthy things and I'm a crazy cat lady.
    My favourite band EVER is Dir en Grey, I fell in love with them back in 2007 when I heard their song Zan (the first version obviously). Thanks to youtube recommendations! One of the things I like the most is collecting/making dir en grey memes by the way. When it comes to japanese bands, I like the heavy ones mostly. Such as Dadaroma, Deviloof, Lynch, Noctural bloodlust, DIO, Maximum the hormone, Nega and so on. But strangly, I'm also a huge fan of Kamijo (this includes Versailles, New sodmy and his solo career), I do worship this man hair honestly. 

    I also listen to metal and whatevercore a lot. But not only, I do love strange/weird electronic music like witch house or J-crore for example. And I have guilty pleasures like everyone else...

    I guess this is long enough. See you soon guys
  4. Like
    beni got a reaction from yakihiko in 2016 Japanese Music Ratings   
    Ahem, "bruh" [2]
  5. Like
    beni reacted to Senedjem in MH FEATURED POLL #43: Do You Have Any Conscious Racial or Ethnic Preferences in Dating?   
    Doesn't factor into my attraction to people. Used to though, and it was honestly directly because of a lot of deeply ingrained biases I've worked very, very hard to overcome.
    Protip: you can in fact actively work on yourself to become a less shitty person!! 
  6. Like
    beni got a reaction from CAT5 in The Hack 'n' Slash, Beat 'Em Up, Musou Lovin' Thread   
    For those games that you just can't put down because there's thousands of enemies to massacre to kill time with plenty of rewards and an addicting gameplay style.
    While all three genres of gaming are different, they do have their similarities, hence the united thread for each category. Instead of simply listening all the games that can go under each, I'll go straight ahead on naming my personal favourites (and not so favoured lot), explain why they're worth trying (and why they're really not worth anything), then hand it over to you. 
    Popular hack 'n' slash games I have purchased, still have and am playing at the moment are Bayonetta and Devil May Cry. I have the HD Collection of Devil May Cry to Devil May Cry 3, and have yet to see the appeal. I admit I had played the Xbox DmC before trying the first lot, but I really prefer that one. It's a lot more fun and reminds me of the splendor that is Shadows of the Damned (Grasshopper reference for later~). Bayonetta has yet to grip me too, which I have always said when bringing this one up. It has very fluid and awesome gameplay, but despite it being so quick and engaging, it still doesn't get me (and I have this same problem with many well recieved titles like Asura's Wrath).
    Some oldies now. The Bouncer and Jackie Chan Stuntmaster (both from 2000) were my go to games as a kid. They both were the equilivant to those movies you kept rewatching after each viewing when you were at that age. Despite never getting far in The Bouncer, I loved the really typical and simple anime style, and still do to this day. It's not the kind of game I'd even bother playing now (static and almost two dimensional), it's still fun and has that nostalgic factor I seem immune to with almost every other title I've played years ago. The Jackie Chan game is one of the few games I can remember music/BGM from, and very clearly at that. I did complete the game many amount of times and I wish to replay it even now. 
    I never realised how many games I have which fall into these categories (now onto what's supposedly beat 'em ups). There's four in particular that are quite literally my babies. Heavenly Sword, Blades of Time, Drakengard 3 and Lollipop Chainsaw all kick ass and rightly so. I put HS and BoT together quite often because while they play out just as materfully done as the already mentioned Bayonetta, it has that pull I've been missing from that game. The characters are surroundings are interesting and beautiful. BoT has a feature of pausing time, while HS gives you another character to use as a sort of mini game that's a lot more challenging than your main girl where you're controlling her long range, arrow attacks to progressive the story. I had never played a Drakengard title before but its third installment got my pumped. I adored the art and soundtrack (Nier name dropping!), and almost finished my first run through. It's frame rate and rather outdated looking graphics shouldn't put you off. Even I managed to love it for what its worth, and it's totally worth it. Lollipop Chainsaw is literally a guilty pleasure. All these games are subject to the "too repetitive" slam down, and I've got to say, no one would surely disagree with me if I say LG is the worst culprite of this, closely followed by D3 (can you see where I'm going with this?) Despite that repetitive gameplay, I love it. It's a short but sweet game, with its obviously flaws, that allows for repeated runthroughs thanks to that good and bad ending options depending on if you save all of your school 'mates'.
    The last bunch I have of these are Genji, Trinity: Souls of Zill O'll and Ninja Gaiden Sigma. The latter is like the male counterpart to Bayonetta; looks flashy, but it's really all just for show. A bore, I've only ever tried to get through five minutes of the game only to not bother to reach a save point and try it again another month. Trinity I have actually gotten through a lot of. I was addicted with for a while but ended up forgetting about. I had no idea about its tie in to the Dynasty Warriors (which I'll be getting to btw), but I haven't gotten that far with Genji, which reminds me of the musou games because of it's traditional Japanese surroundings and characters, which makes me come to...
    Musou now, and I only knew about Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes and only that for a long time. I didn't even know about its genre other than assuming it was just a hack 'n' slash one. I was quite addicted to its gameplay and characters (Little Crane Tsuruhime and that gorgeously dark and morbid Oichi that kicks Dynasty Warrior's Oichi into a home run) but never really got into the whole musou genre itself until my bf introduced me to One Piece Pirate Warriors 3, Dynasty Warriors: Gundam Reborn and Warriors Orochi 3. OPPW3 makes me pumped for more of its games unlike the feeling the Naruto games gave me (I've ended up not even bothering to buy them ever since Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations). OPPW3 is just perfect of the genre, it's much quicker unlike WO3, and has even more of a challenge and balanced amount of enemies to wipe out than SB:SH. On the topic of WO3, I do love how long it's taking to complete and its almost endless amount of content to unlock, from weapons to characters. The story is simple to follow yet really involving (going back in time to save a variety of comrades that you even need to go further back in time to change certain events then retry the stage in order to rescue them). I haven't played much of DW:GR though, but that also looks like good fun and with loads of the franchise's characters, I'm sure I'll end up being excited to try more of the series (only ever watched Gundam Build Fighters) like I did after having played OPPW3 (unfortunately have gotten head over heels for plenty of characters now). Too bad there's no Kid... >.> The worst of the worst with this genre is definitely the Bleach: Soul Resurrection game. I have played it twice only because I wanted to get all the characters out and secondly the trophies which I had to delete the save and start all over on my new PS3 account due to the lost sign in password... The fact that it only goes over the "rescuing Orihime" arc and nothing before or after it is a joke and an embarrassment. It being the only Bleach game to ever grace the PlayStation makes me more than upset, so I reluctantly play it just because it's Bleach. they could've done a lot better, but even so, the gameplay enjoyment is there for barely a few hours if you're patient I guess.    Oichi's gameplay of nightmares:   Bird bae from OP:  
    She keeps me sane:

    Phew, now over to you! Remember to keep videos wrapped in a spoiler and feel free to expand and discuss on points from others and your own. Enjoy, and happy gaming/discussing.
  7. Like
    beni reacted to anadentone in Jrockers you think had work done   
    Not just plastic surgery but lost some weight, to teeth fixed, fixed boobies, calves, or even scars.
    When you see someone in their rookie days and compare them to now, you wonder if its the makeup, the light or if they had work
    I suspect Shou/Show from Alicenine/A9 had some work done.
    I think Hayato from Codomo Dragon got his cock eyed fix. From this old clip it looks like his left eye points inward to his nose but later on (noticeably with glasses) his eye is straight . Even with the glasses off.

    Anyone else ya suspect had work done
  8. Like
    beni got a reaction from CAT5 in The Doujin/Vocaloid/Utaite Thread   
    Belated as hell, how dare I. See videos to accompany explanations in the spoilers. For those who are already familiar with the terms, scroll to the bottom of the post for the introduction of the thread. 
    Doujin Music can be defined as non-official self-published Japanese works which can be derivative works, or completely original creations. (source: reddit/wiki)
    You either love it or hate it, no explication surely needed on this one. It's a singing voice synthesizer for those who may be unfamiliar. Please make note that Vocaloids and Utauloids are different; the latter can be made by anyone, usually of low quality while the Vocaloid is the official, company named unit WITH a voice bank. Examples can be seen below.
    Utaite (歌い手) is a Japanese term for people who cover previously released songs and post them on Nico Nico Douga (and/or YouTube) under the "utattemita" category. The term is unique to Nico Nico Douga singers, making it different from Kashu (歌手), which means "singer" in general.
    Please note this can be on English/Youtube based accounts and singers too, usually termed as a Youtaite. Also something to bring up is collaborations, and can be very popular ships in the fandom if they partner up often/sound complimentary (check the very bottom video under the cut).
    Touhou bring ups are allowed too. Any such subgenres/related musical work that is done independently can be mentioned!
    Use this thread to post or discuss anything relevant to this kind of music, be it either Japanese, English, or even outside of both (see vocaloid SeeU, Korean). Happy listening.
    To start off, some questions~ What are your guys' favourites in any/all sections? Any particular songs that stand out even when listening to a variety of different people covering it? Any albums you've recently discovered, or love to repeat? Favourite producers? Favourite singers? Favourite releases? Any ones that are major you like, such as Piko and nano?
    My favourite producers I've already inserted above and that's supercell's ryo (absolute bias of mine when it comes to Japanese music) and DECO*27. I've dug into Vocaloid producers quite a lot recently but no other producers can top these two for me. I've only ever focused on the popular lot of Vocaloids (never came across Utauloids until finding information to make this thread), meaning Hatsune Miku, Luka Megurine, and Gumi Megpoid mainly. Most of the Vocaloid songs I've already linked above and the ones I'll go back to and spam, I'm not much of a seeker for any more since I've got plenty to continue to enjoy, with Vocaloids and covers. My Utaite library is continuously expanding, but again, it's with the bigger names (Hanatan, Soraru). This is usually because of trying to locate every possibly cover of my favourite Vocaloid songs (Pierrot, No Logic). Not much of a fan of the Youtaites from what I've heard (supposedly super popular miku-tan goes through one ear and out the other for me). Will go into more detail with albums and such some time soon!
  9. Like
    beni got a reaction from doombox in Oh, Japan!: The Weird and The Wonderful from Japan's TV Shows   
    fking beautiful
  10. Like
    beni got a reaction from doombox in Your most recent music discovery?   
    No idea wtf this is but I need to buy it asap. Loving the whole sound. Really fun, and I now have my paws on their mini album!
  11. Like
    beni reacted to Trombe in V.A. album "And Your Birds Can Sing II" release   
    V.A. album "And Your Birds Can Sing II" will be released at 2016/04/06 (1,728yen)
    [track list]
    01.Sweet Place / Dizzy Sunfist
    02.ボーダーライン(borderline) / UNLIMITS
    03.NEVER MIND / Xero Fiction
    04.Wake up! Earl Grey / SpecialThanks
    05.遠くへ(tooku e) / rem time rem time
    06.If The Kids Are United / Kenco Yokoyama
  12. Like
    beni got a reaction from Ito in MH FEATURED POLL #43: Do You Have Any Conscious Racial or Ethnic Preferences in Dating?   
    I like whoever I like, no preference, no need as long as they're a sweet heart. They'll become even more attractive to me due to their kind nature. End up having eyes only on them.
  13. Like
    beni got a reaction from doombox in What do you do when the internet connection/power cuts?   
    Asking the serious questions now.
    I either go on my mobile or DS/3DS depending on which one is charged. If they've both abandoned me, then I just speak about whatever with my sister until we argue and I'm left with just the wall to converse with. Can never seem to sleep with a power cut, and I remember these hard times like it was only yesterday...
    In all seriousness it's never been a whole day but a few hours. u-u
    I've never actually had my internet connection stop apart from rather often but short times, unless I've just forgotten.
  14. Like
    beni reacted to CAT5 in MH FEATURED POLL #43: Do You Have Any Conscious Racial or Ethnic Preferences in Dating?   
    You should see a 'delete my vote' option below the poll. That should do it!
    As for me, my preferences have shifted over the years, but as of now, I'd say I'm definitely open to dating anyone. And while I'm sure I harbor a ton of subconscious biases, I feel like the only way to overcome those is to confront them head-on and embrace those 'uncomfortable' topics, etc. So in my experience, dating outside of my Race/Ethnicity has always been valuable and even enlightening in some ways. The woman I'm dating now lies outside of my race, ethnicity, and even nationality, but dating her has revealed to me a plethora of things about myself that I was previously oblivious to. Granted, dating within my race/ethnicity has been valuable too.
    Somewhat related, but some members of my family have some rather strong views about dating outside of the race. I can understand them, though...even if my personal views differ. The world has come a long way, but living in the southeast region of the U.S., it's still pretty easy to see that racism is nowhere near dead, and that white supremacy is alive and well. Statistically speaking, black women are among the least desired women on the planet, and with the effects of white supremacy still very much in play, I can understand how someone would scoff at or even feel it disrespectful for an oppressed person to date someone who is not inherently oppressed. It almost seems counterproductive. I understand that, I get it, but I also understand the longings of the heart.
    Thankfully, despite some of my family's views, they're still quite open and accepting of other races/ethnicities. In spite of their ideal wishes, I know they're open to anyone with a good heart.
  15. Like
    beni reacted to CAT5 in MH FEATURED POLL #43: Do You Have Any Conscious Racial or Ethnic Preferences in Dating?   
    Do You Have Any Conscious Racial or Ethnic Preferences in Dating?

    To submit a poll for the MH POLL OF THE WEEK, P.M. either @CAT5 or @beni with your poll question, choices, and state whether it's multiple choice or not.
  16. Like
    beni reacted to Trombe in KEKE new album "K" release   
    KEKE new album "K" will be released at 2016/03/30 (2,000yen)
    btw he will hold his one-man live at Ikebukuro CYBER at 2016/03/26
    KEKE band members at 2016/03/26:
    Vo.KEKE (ex-【TRiANGLE▼SONiX】)
    guest Vo.二階堂隼人(nikaidou hayato) (DINOSPEC)
    guest Vo.将星(shousei) (COLLAGEN BOY'z)
    guest Vo.マチゲリータ(machigerita)
    Gt.広末慧(hirosue kei) (MASQUERADE)
    Ba.shu2 (BabyDollSymphony(ティッシュ姫/tissue hime))
    Dr.ゆきみ(yukimi) (ex-ユナイト(UNiTE.))
    Dr.琥珀(kohaku) (ex-【TRiANGLE▼SONiX】(support))
    Key.透ch(tooru-chan) (美女♂menZ(bijo♂menZ))
  17. Like
    beni got a reaction from lichtlune in Anyone with disabilities?   
    I'm also dyslexic (funny that it's such an awkward word to spell itself xD). My handwriting is really embarrassing, but I guess it can be quite humorous that it can pass as a doctor's typical writing, aha. It's improved over the years since I used to study hard in my English classes as a child, so it's not too obvious I'm dyslexic unless you see my handwriting.
  18. Like
    beni got a reaction from Pretsy in 2016 Japanese Music Ratings   
    Ahem, "bruh" [2]
  19. Like
    beni got a reaction from CAT5 in 2016 Japanese Music Ratings   
    Ahem, "bruh" [2]
  20. Like
    beni got a reaction from Seimeisen in [Old Self BB] Old ayabie VS. Old girugamesh   
    I miss ayabie full stop. Never got into or even tried girugamesh's early works unlike ayabie so I'm vouching for ayabaes too.
  21. Like
    beni reacted to Naaaaani in GACKT new album "LAST MOON" & "PLATINUM BOX〜XVI〜" release   
    Too greedy moon
  22. Like
    beni got a reaction from Duwang in [Old Self BB] Old ayabie VS. Old girugamesh   
    I miss ayabie full stop. Never got into or even tried girugamesh's early works unlike ayabie so I'm vouching for ayabaes too.
  23. Like
    beni got a reaction from nullmoon in [Old Self BB] Old ayabie VS. Old girugamesh   
    I miss ayabie full stop. Never got into or even tried girugamesh's early works unlike ayabie so I'm vouching for ayabaes too.
  24. Like
    beni got a reaction from CAT5 in 2016 Japanese Music Ratings   
    Since I'm not using last.fm anymore, and my 2016 foobar list is already messy, here's hoping I'll keep updating this to keep track. u-u
    5/5 - "You have reached fabulous status. Congrats. Very likely EOTY picks."
    BUMP OF CHICKEN - Butterflies
    しなまゆ - ヘンシン
    4/5 - "Almost perfect, damn it."
    Yeti - 光
    GOMESS - 情景 -前篇-
    中島孝 - TAXIS
    Awesome City Club - Awesome City Tracks 3
    3.5/5 - "It's complicated" <- *NEW STAND ALONE*
    Rie fu - O
    ハンバート ハンバート - FOLK
    DECO*27 - GHOST
    3/5 - "I like you. Possibly grower material if I want to spend more time with you."
    macico - papa
    まじ娘 - Magic
    ななみ - 桜
    n_o.b_o - Liberty
    Hitomi Yaida - TIME CLIP
    SuG - VIRGIN
    ミツメ - A Long Day
    リリィ、さよなら。 - どうして君は世界で一人
    まり子 - 幼馴染み-あの頃の僕ら-
    Utada Hikaru - Fantôme
    2/5 - "Got only a few redeeming moments. And no, my mind ain't changing, I'm not giving you any more listens."
    LILI LIMIT - #apieceofcake
    東京カランコロン - noon/moon
    Swinging Popsicle - Flow
    加治ひとみ - ルール違反
    赤い月 - LADY
    非常階段×戸川純 - 戸川階段
    often mofun - Tiny Boxes
    小野賢章 - COLORS
    ナードマグネット - Crazy, Stupid, Love
    Gotch - Good New Times
    andguitar - such a good day
    Alisa - Run Through
    小谷美紗子 - Monster
    住岡梨奈 - Moment
    Special Favorite Music - World's Music
    白波多カミン with Placebo Foxes - 空席のサーカス
    Homecomings - SALE OF BROKEN DREAMS
    phatmans after school - アンクロニクル
    1/5 - "Well, I just threw my time out the window..."
    Galileo Galilei - Sea and The Darkness
    己龍 - 彩
    加藤 ミリヤ - FUTURE LOVER-未来恋人-
    SKY-HI - カタルシス
    exist†trace - This Is Now
    Fuki Commune - Welcome!
    赤西仁 - Audio Fashion!
    結香 - gently
    朝倉さや - 快進撃のミュージック
    natchy - 一歩ずつ
  25. Like
    beni reacted to Aferni in random thoughts thread   
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