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    beni got a reaction from Original Saku in 25 Days of ChristMHas Discussion Thread - 2014   
    I had heard of chouchou merged syrups. thanks to our lovely Cat but had yet to listen to them until yesterday after knowing today is their place on the chart. I'm an easy target with any female vocals so I just had to give them a listen at that point. I can't believe how many musicians I've pushed aside for later hearing and forgetting them! Having listened to clepsydra now, they're one of my new favourite indie bands. The vocalist's voice is just so perfect and really gives me those typical indie vocal vibes to me, her pitch and performance is just brilliant to me. And the music is so awesome, I instantly adored it with the opening alone. I found it interesting to read that cinema staff's bassist is involved in the group, and seeing as I'm quite fond of that band, I looked forward to finally trying it out. It's just too bad the album is so tiny, but that gave me more encouragment to download a few other of their tracks. No regrets!
  2. Like
    beni got a reaction from CAT5 in 25 Days of ChristMHas Discussion Thread - 2014   
    I had heard of chouchou merged syrups. thanks to our lovely Cat but had yet to listen to them until yesterday after knowing today is their place on the chart. I'm an easy target with any female vocals so I just had to give them a listen at that point. I can't believe how many musicians I've pushed aside for later hearing and forgetting them! Having listened to clepsydra now, they're one of my new favourite indie bands. The vocalist's voice is just so perfect and really gives me those typical indie vocal vibes to me, her pitch and performance is just brilliant to me. And the music is so awesome, I instantly adored it with the opening alone. I found it interesting to read that cinema staff's bassist is involved in the group, and seeing as I'm quite fond of that band, I looked forward to finally trying it out. It's just too bad the album is so tiny, but that gave me more encouragment to download a few other of their tracks. No regrets!
  3. Like
    beni reacted to Zeus in 25 Days of ChristMHas Discussion Thread - 2014   
    Without spoiling the rest of the list, and accounting for releases that fall somewhere between visual kei and not visual kei, the ratio of visual kei reviews to non-visual kei reviews average out to the same as last year. We may actually have more visual kei releases this year but I haven't counted the picks myself so don't take my words as truth. What's most important about the visual kei releases this year is where they pop up in the list. All I can say is we have some interesting picks so keep checking in every day until Christmas!
  4. Like
    beni reacted to RpgRiser in Had a fight with my best friend   
    Thank you guys for your swift answers.
    It's midnight here,so I think that after some sleep I will have clearer thoughts,and tell her about how I feel in the morning.
  5. Like
    beni got a reaction from PsychoΔelica in [HELP] Converting audio to text   
    Would this site be of any help?
    It seems like most, like the above, you have to pay for... I had found a Chrome App (simply called Transcribe) but that also seems to ask for a fee. The best I could find is this one. Looks like that's free but I could be wrong.
    I can continue searching later in the day but these seems to be the top ones when searching.
  6. Like
    beni got a reaction from RpgRiser in Had a fight with my best friend   
    I think talking to her and telling her how you truly feel is for the best. It's pretty much up to her how she handles this, but don't forget she clearly cares very much for you and you do with her. Therefor, don't think you've been replaced or your importance to her is forgotten. Sometimes people'll come in our lives again or leave for good or even return. It happens, just like this. Reply to her and see what she has to say. Listening and replying back is what's important to come to terms and agree on a solution to this I think. Just please don't get upset, or think you'll say something hurtful, be honest and do what you want to do. But remember, if you truly care for her, think what'll make her happiest as well as yourself. It's hard but it's possible.
  7. Like
    beni reacted to kyoselflove in random thoughts thread   
    I'm going to use this eiki bait to lure out a wild paradoxal...
  8. Like
    beni reacted to PsychoΔelica in MH FEATURED POLL #10: Would you ever want to get married?   
    Lesbian marriage? I haven't considered that yet lol. But I'd propose you just because you're so sweet
  9. Like
    beni got a reaction from PsychoΔelica in MH FEATURED POLL #10: Would you ever want to get married?   
    I'd marry you just for you. But I'll take your drawings as an extra hehe.  Or do you want me to love your art more hmm? I love your art by the way so please don't take this the wrong way!
  10. Like
    beni got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in The Extremely Official MH J-meme Thread   
    Bumping this again in the hope more'll come in because I don't want this thread to die! More fab kyary which is more relevant to the thread and the time of year compared to my last post haha. Puns are just too good.

  11. Like
    beni reacted to sai in ヒトリエ [HITORIE] - WONDER and WONDER   
    Artist: ヒトリエ
    Album: WONDER and WONDER
    Having an incredible musical allergy against all things Vocaloid-related, Hitorie shows that having Vocaloid roots does not always equal terrible taste. In fact, I'm going to be as bold as to say that Hitorie basically dropped the best indie-rock album of 2014.

    WONDER and WONDER is the band's debut album, after their incredibly solid first single and mini-album. The bar for this album was thus set incredibly high, yet I was not worried that this album would disappoint me the second they dropped the music video and the previews. If you're not into Ling Toshite Sigure because of TK and the shrill noises, Hitorie is the band for you.

    Hitorie's vocalist has a very pleasant voice. He's not the best vocalist but he's incredibly well in synch with the rest of his band. Hitorie's strength lies in their own sound. Despite being a very young band, they have thoroughly established their own sound, a sound that is similar to other bands but still has something quite unique about it that makes you say "this is Hitorie!". Their combination of diverse melodies and catchy hooks makes them one of the best newcomers of the year.

    WONDER and WONDER is a showcase of everything Hitorie has to offer. The album is mostly made up of upbeat songs, but they differ a lot from eachother despite all executing the same signature sound. Hitorie found their formula, but isn't afraid to experiment within their formula instead of constantly churning out the same exact song as some other bands tend to do. From the incredibly well done ballad 癖 to the minimal なぜなぜ and the fun upbeat 我楽多遊び, this band shows a lot of different sides of itself. There was not a single song on this album that I did not like or  considered average. The second half of the album is better than the first half in my opinion, but in general the quality is good throughout the entire album.

    What also makes this album so good is that it's fun. It makes you want to get out of your chair and dance along to the incredibly catchy tunes.

    While this review might not be as in-depth as those of the Review squad, I do hope I've managed to make you at least a tiny bit interested in this album. It's just a fantastic album from start to finish and I can hardly find any flaws. I don't rate albums five starts often, but when I do, it's Hitorie.

    Final verdict: - It's just that good.
  12. Like
    beni reacted to Biopanda in R.I.P. plug.dj   
    I'll most likely actually be there on time this week \o/ Perks of being finished with school for the semester and everything.
  13. Like
    beni reacted to sai in 25 Days of ChristMHas Discussion Thread - 2014   
    I actually tried the Wagakki-band album and I'm really pleased. I've never been a fan of Vocaloid, but to see Vocaloid songs to be covered so creatively always makes me smile. Definitely a favourite of mine this year.
    Could never get into Kameleo sadly, I don't mind pop-rock VK bands in general but the songs aren't catchy enough for my taste.
    Wasn't too fond of gravitation either. It's still the same formula they've played since NOW, just mixed with deeper guitar riffs and more wubs. But if fans are digging it again, then sure, great!
    Arukara's album was great as usual, probably one of my favourites of theirs yet next to Drama. The violin play in the third track was one of the best sections I've heard this year.
    I sadly never got into 88kasyou, it just doesn't click with me and I have difficulties describing why. Maybe I'll get into them one day, I hope. They're very talented though, it's just not for me.
    TK did a great job as expected. Fantastic Magic had a few filler tracks near the end that made me go "eh" but overall it was an enjoyable album. unravel is probably the most overrated song on the album in my opinion. The guitar sections are excellent but the chorus is very underwhelming. I feel like the popularity is also caused by it being the opening song for Tokyo Ghoul. The title track is one of my favourite songs this year though.
    I've never heard of TESLA, but that video made me really interested! Loving the piano-driven sound, definitely going to give this one a try!
  14. Like
    beni reacted to CAT5 in R.I.P. plug.dj   
    It's usually at 8pm UTC/GMT...
    That's 3pm my time (eastern time US/Canada)
    You can use this timezone converter to find out what time it is for you: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
    Also, is this time still agreeable with everyone? We can always alter it
  15. Like
    beni reacted to fictioninhope in R.I.P. plug.dj   
    I'm so excited that I finally have a sunday off and can join this. ;u;
  16. Like
    beni reacted to PsychoΔelica in MH FEATURED POLL #10: Would you ever want to get married?   
    Who came up with this nonsense? D:
    Sure, to an anime character pillow.
  17. Like
    beni reacted to sai in MH FEATURED POLL #10: Would you ever want to get married?   
    CRAZY CAT LADY/PERSON 4 LYFE aka 5EVER alone (.=^・ェ・^=)
    of course, I'm a CAT5-lady ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  18. Like
    beni reacted to PsychoΔelica in The Extremely Official MH J-meme Thread   
  19. Like
    beni got a reaction from Tetora in 25 Days of ChristMHas Discussion Thread - 2014   
    Hopefully this isn't too late to bring up but I finally gave 88kasyo's album a listen and now, I regret not doing so earlier so it could be higher on the list. xD A very enjoyable album, I'm going to have to check out the rest of their stuff now!
    On the subject of that, reading everyone's reviews on the albums has sealed the deal in needing to listen to all these guys. I've been planning to go through girugamesh's whole discography, since I seem to have only went through their supposed worst releases. xD Kameleo are awesome too, had given their NOW! album a listen ages ago and really loved it. Happy to see them here.
    About 6th spot, I think I've talked far too much about him here as it is. xD And everyone probably knows what I think of the album (Realised I forgot about the album review link to the post... sleep depravity is annoying so if anyone's interested, it's linked here and above, at the top until the next Featured Review is finished). If not, I'll just keep it short: it's fabulous~
    Seems like not much love huh? D':
  20. Like
    beni got a reaction from ghost in #15: Fantastic Magic by TK from 凛として時雨   
    Artist: TK from 凛として時雨 Single: Fantastic Magic Score: Fantastic Magic? You bet it is!
    TK from 凛として時雨(Rin Toshite Shigure), male vocalist of said band, presents his second solo album titled Fantastic Magic. 凛として時雨 and TK’s solo works are indie rock and alternative, but both units also utilize the genre of shoegaze, making them incredibly interesting. As TK breaks away for a solo effort from his band formed way back in 2002, he successfully creates a wild and dramatic ride sure to please all our musical needs.

    The album starts with “Fantastic Magic.” Our ears are exposed to thrashing drums and quick piano keys playing along to strumming of guitars along with TK’s whimsical vocals calling out to us between the pauses. As soon as the song’s in full flow, it’s a manic musical racecourse, building up to the chorus where we hear TK’s sincerest shouts we’ve been waiting for. The single “unravel,” featured as the opening for anime Tokyo Ghoul is up next, the song many listeners look for. It gets any listener pumped up for what’s coming next. Thanks to the cluster of violins, drums and guitars playing together, and the emotional drive of TK’s helpless tone, “unravel” is a gripping song. Along with the tuneful build up to the end, we’re hit by TK’s desperate shrieks after the first chorus. Not only is it fitting for the anime tie-in, it’s a perfect fit to TK’s signature musical style with the mixture of high and low vocalisation, creating a quick, pulse-racing track.

    Being a more beat oriented track, “kalei de scope” builds up tension and the emotional chaos is slowed down. The tiny taps of piano with small segments of drum beats, guitar strings, and electric beats all mix into a mesmerizing piece of music. The abrupt end makes you want more. “an artist” contrasts with previous tracks, sounding far more hopeful. TK doesn’t raise much of his voice in the song and it’s is definitely the calming point of the album. With piano backing the band, its melody is enchanting. In small sections, the music may completely halt so we can only hear TK’s echoing, breathy vocals. This creates a haunting tone, never stopping in dragging the listener in.

    TK’s tone in “tokio” is just as emotionally breath-taking as his shrieks. He captures us, being entrapped and torn by his vocal work. An impressive acoustic track, it shows us just how emotional his unique voice is. A piano is used throughout this song which continues into the upcoming track. The stunning ballad “Shinkiro” features the equally child-like, innocent sounding singer Chara. The track is distinctive because of the added vocals and emotions. The fluid sounds of acoustic guitar, drums and bass doesn’t make the song overbearing or sleep inducing. The imperfection of both vocalists’ voices creates a modest and honest song which is chilling to the bone. There’s a sense of gentleness and warmth with the duo of sweet sounding voices.

    The album version of “Dramatic Slow Motion” now begins to refill the tank after the few resting tracks, which is a thrilling ride, effectively building up throughout by the instrumental involvement to create a dramatic and racing tune that delivers an electrical current until the end. “Spiral Parade” is instantly a toe tapping number. Catchy and addicting. This track welcomes you to dance while rocking out. TK keeps his unique tune as the violin playing within the chorus adds another layer of chaos below the electronic beats and taps. The louder the music gets, the more instruments become involved, including random piano keys playing and steady beats from a drum.

    TK takes on another soothing song, entitled “fragile.” The track is just as atmospheric as the ballads beforehand. What can now be noticed is how strained TK’s voice can be when he sings in a lower tone. This may put many listeners off the acoustic/ballad sounding tracks due to how piercing it can be. However, that’s where the source of magic can be most noticed. The irregularity of TK’s vocals creates the much needed melancholic feeling. “contrast” mashes various pieces of instruments very smoothly to create a tuneful closing. Starting off with only the piano, it quickly becomes very pleasing to listen to. We’re given everything TK’s offered us throughout the album in this final track alone. It’s atmospheric in the verses and bridges then energetic as soon as the chorus hits us. And when it does, it’s stunning. The instruments play harmonically together into a dramatic finish and TK’s vocals never slip up. It’s very worthy of being the album closer.

    In conclusion, what we have here is a gem. Listeners who haven’t given a shot at the genre should definitely give TK a listen. His individuality and uniqueness is expressed wonderfully and definitely deserving of more attention. Because of how the tracks are ordered, various songs contrast effectively with one another. While my personal preference disagrees with the placement of “fragile,” the ‘problem’ many may be turned off by is TK’s vocals in the slower songs. However, the tranquility of each and every song deserves recognition. It’s ‘Fantastic Magic.’
  21. Like
    beni got a reaction from doombox in R.I.P. plug.dj   
    That's an awesome idea! This time I hope to join in on the DJ list, so maybe for the first time doing so having a theme would be easier ehe. It'd be like a special plug episode, woop woop! : 3
    If anyone has any suggestions and we all agree, I'm really happy this'll happen. Oh! I do have one suggestion, but maybe it's too soon for this so on Thursday the 25th, maybe we can all have an earlier one for that day in celebration for Christmas together? I mean, if everyone isn't busy. If not, maybe the 21st or 28th? Both upcoming Thursday nearest to Christmas. 
  22. Like
    beni got a reaction from shizukasou in Friends IRL and at internet - what's the difference?   
    While I agree somewhat with what Incogneeto said, that's because I'm thinking about old friends. When I was depressed, they didn't care one bit, they just ignored me, they weren't interested in why I felt that way, they just didn't care. But now, with the recent ones I've made through my college years, they want to stay in touch with me after planning to move away. They want to spent time with me. They CARE if I haven't said why I'm off from college, they worry. They want to know what's wrong and try to get to the bottom of it. If I say I'm sad or angry, they give me space. If I'm just too hurt, they'll be there for comfort. It's the little things that makes relationships important to me.
    Because they understand, care and love, that's all I need in a friends. Friends can be found and kept for many, many years. If you don't have that, then those people just aren't for you. While I've always felt like everyone only cares about themselves, there are those kind enough, even if you don't know them, to take a bullet for you. So, you're wrong in that. Friends are important just as much as family and some don't even have family. They can and will be found in everyone's lives. 
    I went into full flow with this discussion but I quoted Nyasagi because, that is so true. As I said above, it takes time with the right people!!
  23. Like
    beni got a reaction from kyoselflove in Lycaon   
    Bolded text = What happens to me whenever I look at them. x) I could stare at the pic all day, too precious, they should dress like that more often. This'd be my dream team on any shooting game. : 3
    Oh and, just because I'm on this thread, I might be rather late on this but I gave all their releases after Royal Order a listen recently and I'm surprised having heard so many people say that that was their only good release. Might just be me having gotten used to their newer stuff very easily but it fits them much better to me. Need more.
  24. Like
    beni reacted to paradoxal in Band Parody Names.   
    Cocturnal Cashlust fits even better.
  25. Like
    beni reacted to doombox in Band Parody Names.   
    "Dir en gay" is probably one of the oldest ones I remember.
    "Gay-zette" Too easy tho...
    "Fuck-Dick" for Buck-Tick
    "suck-it-kyo" sukekiyo
    There's also a joke for Spanish speakers when you call LM.C by their full name as Lovely Mocochang because it translates to "Lovely booger-chang".
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