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Everything posted by beni

  1. beni

    I've lost count on how many Shannon's I know but I know there were quite a lot, but about 5 old friends I had (counting all my years in education) were called Chloe. What would be your choice of weapon if a zombie apocalypse happened?
  2. beni

    *whispers*youdon'tseemebackhereyetagain...I don't usually let my hair down like this, and definitely not without my forehead being covered. xD I would go out like this but.. people like to pick on it... D': And just a warning, it's quite big, I always forget to shrink linked images *sigh* How can you all seriously look so fabulous!?
  3. beni

    Have a lovely day VisualKEIcrasher!
  4. beni

    Banned because YOU just have 『 . 』 in your sig. x'D
  5. beni

    In all honesty, Twilight and Shaun of the Dead have ruined anything relating to zombies and vampires for me. Sure, watching Nosferatu and Michael Jackson's Thriller PV gets me in the vampire and zombie support mode but still knowing Twilight or something like The Walking Dead are more popular hurts haha. So I'll go with werewolves for this one. And yes, even if Harry Potter has a movie centered around this one, it was pretty cool at a young age.
  6. beni

    NOPE! Nah ah! I try to keep my clothes on me at all times thank you! Dx Do you like transport?
  7. beni

    Maths mock didn't go as badly as I was expecting. Why? My secret: just frantically writing any kind of mathematical nonsence to answer all the questions reassures me I did a good job. And yes, I am deluded in that way, please don't take that away from me. (And yes on talking a lot about maths. To let out my stress thank you)
  8. beni

    I REALLY want to go to this since I've never ever been to a concert. It'd be really great to not keep missing out on the rare opportunities the ones I like can come over. London's close enough to me, just stepping out of the house is the problem. And then the trains. What a mission! Anyone else planning to go? Thanks for the thread and info stylelover. Hopefully fans here'll check this out.
  9. beni

    I remember just scrolling through and watching literally any video on YouTube about misheard lyrics because I find them hilarious and pretty clever. It always makes me forget about the actual words, and most of the time, not positively ehe. The only one I can recall right now is girugamesh's 'Dirty Story,' when Satoshi says 'I wanna be a sincere man.' I was reading a translation of the song while listening and it was heard as 'I wanna be a sexual man.' xD Now I keep hearing only that.
  10. That bolded part is truly crazy. My family have to pay quite a lot of money for the internet because we also have the phone line (which we don't even use) and TV (which is only used for consoles) paid for with it (xD). But the internet, it's unlimited. I still remember the time and it actually wasn't that long ago we were stuck with having to use a mega slow cable plug in internet. You couldn't do anything on the computer with such speed. Couldn't even play mini/flash games. D: It was worse than the school computers, and that's bad aha. But I fully agree with what Owl said. I didn't even know so many deals aren't unlimited now. What are they thinking?
  11. beni

    Welcome to MH, lovely to have you. Loving your favourites, nice list! Join in on the chat and threads whenever you'd like. I hope you enjoy your time here. All the best, take care.
  12. beni

    I still can't believe they're disbanding. I love them. A lovely box set indeed. Still, you've now reminded me of that recent news. *ugly crying*
  13. beni

    Oh I see. I took it in that way, sorry for the misunderstanding. I keep doing that! I totally get what you're saying, I feel the same way. I'm still in college so people always say there's loads more chances to meet other people. So if others can say that about me, I'm sure that's the same with you. I'm not a fan of travelling but I'd like to go to other places to meet people outside of this area. I don't really believe in fate but just naturally meeting people in the streets happens all the time, right? Just because you don't have that much of an active lifestyle (I mean, socially, like what is expected, going out at night to parties and such) doesn't mean you won't meet anyone else, anyone who could be your partner. At least to me. I feel like this is the 'forever alone' meme, you're being silly. xD Dx I did it again, I'm really sorry! Made you have to explain yourself too. Sorry! This thread will just be me apologies, I'll be on my way after. You won't believe how worried I was, thinking I had upset you so thank you for responding. You make a lot of sense and I agree. I agree with what you quoted too, I just pretty much agree with everything. ''>< I find it hard to explain as well as yourself so this kind of response is probably pointless but I just want you to know I understand. I say what I said on my first post quite a lot so I know it must be annoying, but I only mean it in relevance to myself. I even say it because I find it comical now, better to make a joke out of something then get upset by it right? I used to have friends like that and it upset me too when they'd always say they're alone when I was with them. But then I remember I say the same thing. It's like when friends say they're bored when they're with you, it hurts and they don't realise that. I think, with time, we'll get better. Actually, I remember a case where a suicidal man was about to jump of a building but one talk with a female stranger and a kiss from her saved his life. This is pretty flimsy in relevance to what we're talking about but I know strangers can be just as supportive as friends and families, I believe that. Even online connections are important to us, in my opinion. We can all make a difference to someone at any time. Everyone is different so I know I shouldn't say anything such as what I said in case it looked like I was labelling everyone.
  14. Been obsessed with this band ever since I discovered them a few years back and are one of the rare English ones I'll still listen to.
  15. I'm all for this creation to go against what some young girls believe to be perfect. *stares at Barbie* Bit biased since I've never been a fan of such dolls hah. Sure the scars and stretch mark choices are a bit.. out there, a rather different yet honest approach. But at least it's being realistic. Now I'm waiting on celebrities, magazines and TV to tell us being natural is the best. Even though we shouldn't have to be told. You get my point.
  16. beni

    Oh no! D': I totally understand how you feel but you shouldn't think that way! I'm sad to not be able to look forward to your posts Rocketeer and I hope this is only for a short period of time or you change your mind. I hope to see you contribute again one day then, some time soon, okay? If you have decided then please take care, all the best. Catch you on Last.fm, right?
  17. beni

    No. Do you like doing sports?
  18. beni

    Last.fm, y u take 4ever to sort out!? D': (that angry text speech hurts to type)
  19. beni

    I go on there to do some random quizzes when I'm bored. I'll probably join some day when I feel more comfortable, looks like a lot of fun. I can see why you like making polls. I enjoy taking them more, I'm always wrong with what I expect to get! There's pretty much a fanclub for everything there.
  20. Totally this. That cover choice was something else. xD Liking this cover at least. It's fitting. I still can't WAIT for this release!
  21. Another band doing a countdown? Yay for BBS! Awesome, looking forward to more good news.
  22. Usually just the music I'm interested in but if I like the musicians a lot, I'll look for posters too. Even have a couple I've managed to get ahold of. And I also like clothing but as JukaForever said, size can be a problem.
  23. beni

    Your Square Enix point made me laugh more than anything. Still... waiting... </3 In all honesty, I didn't understand most of the points (I'm a lost cause when it comes to economy and business). But I had no idea about the attached articles, so that's got me even more worried. But with all the more showcasing of anime and manga series (at least on the online stores and small local shops I've come across), I've seen a big increase of both things being in stock more often and being brought a lot more. I felt guilty when I read that crossed out suggestion, since I've now become used to just reading/watching things on the internet (couple of years ago, I'd only ever accept having something if I paid for it). Hopefully it's only for a short time and nothing major. Am surprised.
  24. beni

    Welcome to MH! Lovely to have you here and to meet you. I do hope you enjoy your time here and feel free to join in the chat whenever you'd like. And also bringing up the awesome plug.dj that goes on every Sunday now. Just have fun! You've got a friend in all of us with that awesome list I can see. Mejibray = hell to the yes. *thumbs up* I'm sure you'll get a massive new list of bands you'll be interested in thanks to everyone here. Totally recommending Lycaon over here from the top of my head just because I'm thinking of Mejibray now haha. Those two are love. Enjoy your time here and see you around!
  25. beni

    Yes. Do you like Harry Potter?
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