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Everything posted by beni

  1. If I'm ever on here when I'm tired/should be sleeping, I'm sorry for anything I say. Shoo me away.

  2. Hopefully this isn't too late to bring up but I finally gave 88kasyo's album a listen and now, I regret not doing so earlier so it could be higher on the list. xD A very enjoyable album, I'm going to have to check out the rest of their stuff now! On the subject of that, reading everyone's reviews on the albums has sealed the deal in needing to listen to all these guys. I've been planning to go through girugamesh's whole discography, since I seem to have only went through their supposed worst releases. xD Kameleo are awesome too, had given their NOW! album a listen ages ago and really loved it. Happy to see them here. About 6th spot, I think I've talked far too much about him here as it is. xD And everyone probably knows what I think of the album (Realised I forgot about the album review link to the post... sleep depravity is annoying so if anyone's interested, it's linked here and above, at the top until the next Featured Review is finished). If not, I'll just keep it short: it's fabulous~ Seems like not much love huh? D':
  3. beni

    I Want To Break Free - Queen at that kid's age, I'd be out of the car already xD How'd you react if someone offered you free food?
  4. beni

    So in support of a college girl I've spoken with a bit, we had to have something purple on us today. The girl's mother died and purple was her favourite colour. I was going to come in with the only purple clothing I have but it has a skull on it and in the last minute thought that'd be tragically and horribly ironic in this kind of situation. So I just put nail vanish really badly on my nails. But also went in my usual clothing, all black. A friend of the girl just had to ask me 'why do you dress like you're going to a funeral?' That was just so bad and dumb of me...
  5. beni

    Hey there! Welcome to MH, I do hope you enjoy your time here. I can see you like to try different music from different areas. A lot of variety indeed! And yes, there's WAY too many bands to discover and listen to! Good to have you on board! I hope you'll find every more musicians to enjoy and discover here. And join in on the chat and contribute as much as you like. Terrible jokes? I have a new friend. xD My puns are horrible but I feel so pleased with myself for doing any kind of 'word play' even if it's absolute crap haha. And memes are just the best thing to come out from the internet and people! High fiving you from over here about your hobbies too, literally what I spend most of my free time doing ehe. Both rocking the 'dull' life. xD See you around!
  6. beni

    ^ I am SO mad at myself right now, how could I have forgotten her!? < 3 What a flawless star hehe.
  7. beni

    I still love most of the ones in the 'bad' sections but supporting and upping both Jun Togawa and Shinsei Kamattechan as well for such good WTF-inducing vocals! Love them so much, I was already prepared to bring them up until I read through the thread ehe. As for contributing, I do have a 'bad' one. As soon as I saw the thread, I thought, 'I actually have one I can safely say even I can only listen to for a bit and then must take one hell of a long ass break from it.' xD Tokami's Agato, newest vocalist. He sounds just.. so bad... And not only to me either, he seems quite popular to the fans for being pretty bad as a singer haha. And yet, we still love it. xD
  8. ...Or you can just mentally? Then you can have both! o.o
  9. I'm refraining myself from sounding like ones of those fangirls on this one because Chara is one of my favourite singers but I do understand what you mean. I gave the option in the poll 'not my cup of tea' because both vocalists definitely won't appeal to everyone. I do, however, recommended listening to such vocalists for a breath of fresh air from all the mainstream music we always hear. I rememebr my mum saying Chara sounds like a dying cat and I just had to laugh because while her voice can sound like that exactly, haha, it's what gives her such charm, in my opinion. I remember first listening to her as well and thinking, 'how is she even a singer!?' But having accepted her singularity within the music industry, I find it a lot easier getting into such 'untrained' sounding vocals. While TK's vocals sound a lot more fitting to the genre to me, Chara is something else. I find it her voice so sincere and honest, and that's exactly what I think her charm is. But as I said already and I'll keep repeating it, such vocalists aren't always singers to some. Thanks to checking them out though, reading, and giving an opinion! prz, you the man! Nice favourites, I'm glad someone else is also backing Shinkiro! And fun trivia is always appreciated! I like how he tried a more 'smoother' and softer approach on his own compared to the band work. It's a nice introduction and a build up to those who might check out the band after I think. I'm sorry I'm replying so many times. ><
  10. I fail so hard too many times. ><

  11. beni

    Nope. There's types of kisses? xD Do you like the place you're living in at the moment?
  12. I actually fell for both bands instantly because of the vocals. I still listen to both bands because of the vocals I'm a biased vocalist fan, I'm sorry. It's a pretty easy choice for me though, as most of you I'm sure know. xD TK, hehe. Seriously though, I adore how harmonised yet messy everything mixes and mashes together with that band. The clear vocals against rough instrumental play which then suddently changes to TK's shrieks and screams which is balanced by the Miyoko's softer vocals. They're one of the most impressive bands in my opinion. And even if they might be called a 'one trick pony,' I think most musicians follow the same pattern throughout their career so I've never cared about that. If they do choose to make changes, like what Girugamesh have done before, then I'm all for that. I actually like that a lot in a band and I'm impressed with any musician that tries something different from the rest of their discography. It shows they're experimenting and wanting to try new things, not afraid of change. However, I'll still always love bands even if they never step out of their comfort zone. I gave 9mm a listen when I heard their album 'Termination' was very highly regarded. I wasn't disappointed, but I actually have a few other bands I favor over them which I'm reminded of when I listen to them, like The Mirraz. Like I've always said, I'm happy with pretty much everything in music so I love both bands. However, it's an easy pick for me since I always seem to prefer something which stands out from the norm. And any difficult vocals to like is always a plus for me!
  13. I enjoyed this album a lot so I was really happy to be able to have to keep repeating it so many times! So it wasn't a problem at all reviewing it, throughly enjoyed it! And I'm happy to see you liked it too Cat! I know I can be a bit too easy and kind on certain things, especially music, but I found this very easy to rate actually, and I don't think I chose the wrong rating (okay well, maybe lower since his voice certainly is hit or miss ><). I thought it was an amazing listen the first time and I just became even more obsessed with it the more I listened to it. I heard his first album is even better so I look forward to giving that a listen. I didn't give it a full 5 stars because of the reasons you brought up. But I actually disagree with his voice not suiting the slower songs. I feel like there was an imbalance to these songs compared to the kind of songs on the album similar to his band work or louder tracks (pretty much every track not a ballad/slow track). They're rather similar to each other which makes for lengthy listening which might becoming boring but I thought TK's vocals made up for that. They were interesting because of his voice to me. Not dreary at all, just very different. My favourites were probably the single releases too, but overall this album is fabulous to me. And HEY, no calling my Chara unnecessary! </3 xD I just think she was a nice addition to the track after the similar sounding songs around it. Don't speak those words Cat, please! No more disbandments, especially them! Like I said in reply to Cat, I still MUST give that album a listen! Since I only have one complaint on this album, I bet that album is perfection to me. xD Same here, I like how it's slightly poppier compared to the band. It shows there can be many sides to his voice and even if that's not always a good fit, I love it when unique sounding vocalists do a different sounding track unlike what they usually do. xD I was about to say, I like how you weren't too fond of my two favourite tracks haha. Yeah, I thought they fit well in the album. And I'm giving you a virtual high five for that compliment on Shinkuro, their voices makes that track stand out so much. It's beautiful. Honestly, tokio took me a while to appreciate, probably the longest out of the tracks for me to enjoy but apart from that, they're all defeintly worth checking out. And guys, thanks for replying. Love reading what others have to say about his and Rin Toshite Shigure music!
  14. beni

    Fit For Rivals - Burn a bit of English for a change
  15. beni

    No. I'd prefer to not be remembered for anything at all. Do you skip eating any meals?
  16. beni

    Yes but nothing you hear on the charts. Do you remember what job you wanted as a kid?
  17. Having done a photoshoot where male students had one half of their face as normal and the other half made to look like a female, it was like a paradise to me. xD Drag queen heaven.

    1. beni


      kyo, I know right!? I've never complimented so many people before in one room alone. xD Totally worth it. Peace Heavy, that's exactly the reason why we did the photoshoot, a reponse to his work. Best part of the course to me hehe.

    2. PsychoΔelica


      Cool, I hope it didn't look like this xD 010-450x600.jpg?d7aed3

    3. beni


      xD That's too fabulous for my eyes!

    4. Show next comments  231 more
  18. beni

    Hello and welcome to MH! I do hope you enjoy your time here. Hey, you got some awesome hobbies and interests. Hooray for DeG and An Cafe~ Actually, yay for everything you've just said aha. Just been a fan of those two for a while now too, awesome favs. If you're wondering how to add an avatar, just go onto your profile located on the top right where your name is. Click on 'My Profile/Your Profile,' and then when on your profile, just click on the text 'change' located where your avatar is on the left. You can also 'edit your profile' by clicking on that text on the right to get to your User CP. You can even add a signature which is pretty neat! For any questions, feel free to ask users with a red and blue name. They'll be quick and happy to help. Hope to see you around and have fun!
  19. beni

    I might be a bit too nice when it comes to movies but I try to like any movie I watch. I've never heard of either but The Last House on Dead End Street's title reminds me of The Last House on the Left, which scares the crap out of me. I should never watch anything where people are the villians, makes me hate humans even more and that's not a very good thing. It tried to shock and make people believe it was real? That reminds me of that recent movie The Devil Inside (2012... oh, time flies), at the end of the movie it gave a website link or something, saying to check out the whole true story. That sounded really cheap to me. And it's got really poor ratings. I love the trailer though. Now that I think about it, I think I have a habit of picking some of the worst films. xD But I find ones about people, as I said above, invading your own property, your own home, the scariest. Like The Strangers. I've always wanted to live in the countryside but now, after watching that film, I don't feel safe even in my own home! It's the same with every hobby right? I find that quite sad but exciting, how we'll find and see things differently with time. My mum says I'll understand why she tells me to mute the Japanese bands I listen to when I'm an adult, but I don't want that to happen! xD I get that same feeling with listening to some of my old favourite American/British bands. The love is still there, but it's weird how.. detached we get with things. Well they got that wrong! The opening scene is one of the scariest horror moments I've ever seen. -.- It's clever, and I never thought it's that big to be honest. Not films like Fight Club and The Matrix which still seems to be popular even now (at least around here). I actually don't hear much about classic horror movies at all so I'm enjoying looking into this genre now, after hiding away from it for so long. I really want to try Eraserhead some day, it looks SO weird! It's the same with every movie with that too right? Most things have been done before, if not everything. It's just the same ideas these days. I feel that way about popular music, nothing's individual anymore to me. While watching Scream, I was curious if they were just playing around with the genre since at moments, it felt like a cheesy comedy. xD I'll have to check out the sequels now then, since I managed the actual parody series. And yeah, re-visiting this thread didn't help again!
  20. beni

    I haven't spotted any B1A4 love so.. allow me to start the love please: CNU :'3 And who can ever forget the best K-pop song in history and forever more: Please don't hurt me, I'm not serious with the 2nd one. xD Actually, did anyone here enjoy the dance craze due to this video? I thought the dance is quite humorous, but when everyone does it, it reminds me of that rather irritating song, the Harlem Shake. I remember a whole class I was in did it once and then a few guys got mad at me for not joining in... I wouldn't even join in with Gangnam Style. xD
  21. Artist: TK from 凛として時雨 Single: Fantastic Magic Score: Fantastic Magic? You bet it is! TK from 凛として時雨(Rin Toshite Shigure), male vocalist of said band, presents his second solo album titled Fantastic Magic. 凛として時雨 and TK’s solo works are indie rock and alternative, but both units also utilize the genre of shoegaze, making them incredibly interesting. As TK breaks away for a solo effort from his band formed way back in 2002, he successfully creates a wild and dramatic ride sure to please all our musical needs. The album starts with “Fantastic Magic.” Our ears are exposed to thrashing drums and quick piano keys playing along to strumming of guitars along with TK’s whimsical vocals calling out to us between the pauses. As soon as the song’s in full flow, it’s a manic musical racecourse, building up to the chorus where we hear TK’s sincerest shouts we’ve been waiting for. The single “unravel,” featured as the opening for anime Tokyo Ghoul is up next, the song many listeners look for. It gets any listener pumped up for what’s coming next. Thanks to the cluster of violins, drums and guitars playing together, and the emotional drive of TK’s helpless tone, “unravel” is a gripping song. Along with the tuneful build up to the end, we’re hit by TK’s desperate shrieks after the first chorus. Not only is it fitting for the anime tie-in, it’s a perfect fit to TK’s signature musical style with the mixture of high and low vocalisation, creating a quick, pulse-racing track. Being a more beat oriented track, “kalei de scope” builds up tension and the emotional chaos is slowed down. The tiny taps of piano with small segments of drum beats, guitar strings, and electric beats all mix into a mesmerizing piece of music. The abrupt end makes you want more. “an artist” contrasts with previous tracks, sounding far more hopeful. TK doesn’t raise much of his voice in the song and it’s is definitely the calming point of the album. With piano backing the band, its melody is enchanting. In small sections, the music may completely halt so we can only hear TK’s echoing, breathy vocals. This creates a haunting tone, never stopping in dragging the listener in. TK’s tone in “tokio” is just as emotionally breath-taking as his shrieks. He captures us, being entrapped and torn by his vocal work. An impressive acoustic track, it shows us just how emotional his unique voice is. A piano is used throughout this song which continues into the upcoming track. The stunning ballad “Shinkiro” features the equally child-like, innocent sounding singer Chara. The track is distinctive because of the added vocals and emotions. The fluid sounds of acoustic guitar, drums and bass doesn’t make the song overbearing or sleep inducing. The imperfection of both vocalists’ voices creates a modest and honest song which is chilling to the bone. There’s a sense of gentleness and warmth with the duo of sweet sounding voices. The album version of “Dramatic Slow Motion” now begins to refill the tank after the few resting tracks, which is a thrilling ride, effectively building up throughout by the instrumental involvement to create a dramatic and racing tune that delivers an electrical current until the end. “Spiral Parade” is instantly a toe tapping number. Catchy and addicting. This track welcomes you to dance while rocking out. TK keeps his unique tune as the violin playing within the chorus adds another layer of chaos below the electronic beats and taps. The louder the music gets, the more instruments become involved, including random piano keys playing and steady beats from a drum. TK takes on another soothing song, entitled “fragile.” The track is just as atmospheric as the ballads beforehand. What can now be noticed is how strained TK’s voice can be when he sings in a lower tone. This may put many listeners off the acoustic/ballad sounding tracks due to how piercing it can be. However, that’s where the source of magic can be most noticed. The irregularity of TK’s vocals creates the much needed melancholic feeling. “contrast” mashes various pieces of instruments very smoothly to create a tuneful closing. Starting off with only the piano, it quickly becomes very pleasing to listen to. We’re given everything TK’s offered us throughout the album in this final track alone. It’s atmospheric in the verses and bridges then energetic as soon as the chorus hits us. And when it does, it’s stunning. The instruments play harmonically together into a dramatic finish and TK’s vocals never slip up. It’s very worthy of being the album closer. In conclusion, what we have here is a gem. Listeners who haven’t given a shot at the genre should definitely give TK a listen. His individuality and uniqueness is expressed wonderfully and definitely deserving of more attention. Because of how the tracks are ordered, various songs contrast effectively with one another. While my personal preference disagrees with the placement of “fragile,” the ‘problem’ many may be turned off by is TK’s vocals in the slower songs. However, the tranquility of each and every song deserves recognition. It’s ‘Fantastic Magic.’
  22. beni

    Banned because I have to always copy and paste your username whenever I want to address you. : p I feel rude otherwise
  23. beni

    You just broke my heart with this realisation. D:
  24. You're right on that. Mana's not involved with her anymore. And HELL TO THE YES. I love her too much, this is awesome news! =D
  25. beni

    Oh yay! Can't believe I missed this news.
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