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Everything posted by beni

  1. beni

    It's the name I desire to be addressed as. I am... simples~ xP Shout out to okaasan for not agreeing to it! ;-;
  2. beni

    Quoting both posts because the bolded parts are all I really have to say for this release I tried out tonight (but yes, I will continue to waffle on because that is me). I first listened to this duo back with their compilation album, 'Flash Back.' This was one of my first Japanese music artists and Japanese albums I tried. It's still one of my favourites so I was more than up to try this newest album of theirs out. I'm actually quite disappointed with it, due to the two reasons I noticed above. While I can't say anything on 'CAPS LOCK,' since I never got to it, I began missing the vocals halfway through this album. There just isn't enough Toshiko in it and this is important to me since it's her vocal work which attracts me the most to their songs. And the music, as a whole, became quite tiring since it carried on with this- (quoting the best quote for explaining this); 'Nakata tried to incorporate those stupid US dance music trends into this album and that's why it sucks;' said by physicalthings on Last.fm. This really rings true for me. Some tracks were enjoyable while listening and memorable after listening, but VERY few.
  3. Back when I only used iTunes, all the tracks were either already romaji typed (and sometimes, even with the English translation besides this), or I change the text to that. But now, I'm still going through my library in foobar to get them all as the orginal titles since I now use Last.fm, and I'd feel pretty bad if I kept using incorrect tags. I'd keep them as romaji if I wasn't using Last.fm so that I could read and remember them since I don't know Japanese. But, for now, at least I'm making them as they should be, really.
  4. beni

    I'm doing a Rose-chan and I can't decide on what avi to have once again. To those who manage to keep the same avi for so long, I applaud you. x'D
  5. beni

    A happy birthday to todays bunch~ Kles! joumyaku_salad! and bb digi!!
  6. A happy birthday status to two dear friends; RpgRiser for yesterday and digi for today! <3 <3

  7. Never do that again precious MH. You hear/read me? <3 ;;

    1. eiheartx
    2. kai_desu


      We were just moved to a better/faster cloud server )= so it's good we were down for a bit!

    3. beni


      ishiki, exactly! I was super worried and feared for the worst so it's great to see it back up and running. Ahaha, lol, Metoichi. ;) eiheartx, too? ;; How did we cope!? kai, thank you for explaining. I'm sorry, I was just a bit too ecstatic to see it back up, aha. Thank you so much for all the work, effort and time you put into sorting it out! <3

    4. Show next comments  186 more
  8. beni

    *saves for future avi pic* x3 I'm lovin' 'em~
  9. Aww yish. Been waiting for this for too long!
  10. beni

    A MASSIVE Happy Birthday to the previous lot. So sorry I missed out on doing these recently yet again. And, another massive shout out to today's lot and in particular, RpgRiser (have an awesome one, dear friend!), elias, Tenak1992, Kyara as well!!
  11. I love plugging with everyone and I'm always happy seeing others joining in! If those who do vote for the 5th option, it's be awesome to seem them give it a chance so we all can grow as a community, or at least pick up an activity we can all be together in and have fun with. Not only is it a great way to find new music interests as fitear at the top has said (and yes, you better come in moar, good sir!), but we're all enjoying one of our favourite hobbies in hearing and viewing music together while also chatting about it. Call me a shut-in (I won't deny this u-u), but it's an event I look forward to every day and has become an important and fun part of MH, at least to me. It's certainly the only party you'll see me at!
  12. beni

    Urg, more sad news. R.I.P.
  13. I loved their first album and still have to give their second one a listen. Will do before giving this one an instant listen when it's available. Thank you for telling us of this. I'm excited!
  14. Holy strawberries, this is awesome! Thank you for bringing us this news!
  15. kyoselflove, winner of best avi of 2015. u-u <3 hurg~

    1. kyoselflove


      I didn't even know you could comment on here lmao. Thank you, hahaha! <3

  16. beni

    Hell no. Four years is nothing. Age doesn't matter and shouldn't mean anything when it comes to love. It'd be weird if you didn't love her is all, haha. Is it weird I can't stand seeing bags on the floor? I have to pick them up and move them to a higher platform/elsewhere with a gap from the ground or I have to try to ignore it if I can't.
  17. Happy Valentine's Day MH~ *hugs and kisses all round* <3

  18. beni

    Jiggy-san, you genius. <3 Doing this more than right! That Shounenki one had me in stitches. x'D If I happen to be clever, I'll contribute my own too but it's not very likely lol
  19. beni

    I've listen to Moran more but, this is awesome. Although, yes, enjoy it while you can and then break your fans' hearts again after, ehe. ;; But that's interesting. How long ago it was. Should be a great moment to remember!
  20. beni

    Hi der. *waves excitedly* A member from the past!? ='D Welcome again! Great to see a MH friend return. ;w; I hope you enjoy your time here and get back into it. All the best and see you around~
  21. beni

    It must be because I've been quite new to it but the only problems I've had with it is scrobbles not going through and, on one occasion, duplicating the number of plays recent tracks got. I'm not fussy (and not calling anyone who would be annoyed by this fussy), but I don't mind the said flaws about it apart from the fact that I no longer use mainly Apple products which do scrobble. I just use simple mp3's a lot more, so listening to music away from the computer and not using my mobile instead, is a no goer. I didn't actually know the staff running it aren't motivated about the site themselves. Hire me up! I mean, I think it's a brilliant way of finding new music, meeting possible friends with the same music tastes and keeping track of what you like to listen to over such long periods of time. It's too bad there's a lazy crew in the background I guess, if so many aren't happy with it. But, reading that it might end really got to me, aha. The site, as I said before, is mega helpful to me, and has been my main source of new music ever since I stopped with iTunes and went on to using foobar instead (yeah, okay.. that was very recent xD). Guess there's more out there though, soundcloud and Spotify seem fitting. Seeing the dead shoutboxes/posts also gets to me. Like, it'd be awesome if Last.fm could be a happy community but by the sounds of it, most aren't happy at all. After typing this much, I can remember now one thing I get annoyed with and that's redirecting to incorrect artists. I don't mind shared artist pages but when it clearly goes to the wrong name, it's like, '...REALLY?' xD #benihaslittleknowledge
  22. Here's me also hoping for a quick recovery and this is being only for a short time! Sorry, I can't translate but I didn't even know about any of this... I love everything she's done, both in the band and on her own. So it'd totally suck if she were to retire. But at the same time, her health, happiness and life comes first before any music making. I might be being too hopeful but I pray she'll be able to sort out both. If not, she needs to do what's best for her.
  23. beni

    I'm glad to know you enjoyed MH while you could. It's sad to see you go, especially when having been accepted into the ORZ with you. I was looking forward to seeing more from you and working alongside you but, as you wish, please do what's best for you. I wish you all the best and take care. Two 'official' leaves. I'll just cry in this corner over here...
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