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Status Replies posted by PsychoΔelica

  1. pls cum back 2 this style, the higher queen of us mortal lessers


  2. Can anyone please tell me how to do a system restore on a lapotp? I was trying to follow some instructions I found about this but I fail so bad, holy shit. 

  3. Can anyone please tell me how to do a system restore on a lapotp? I was trying to follow some instructions I found about this but I fail so bad, holy shit. 

  4. Can anyone please tell me how to do a system restore on a lapotp? I was trying to follow some instructions I found about this but I fail so bad, holy shit. 

  5. I am awesome, really. Most people just haven't realized it yet. lol

  6. Why does everybody care about heavy and dark and blablabla, but nobody cares about the actual song content?

  7. Why does everybody care about heavy and dark and blablabla, but nobody cares about the actual song content?

  8. Why does everybody care about heavy and dark and blablabla, but nobody cares about the actual song content?

  9. I'm pretty hyped about ZMI band! I'm already waiting for some preview :D

  10. Registered on japanese dating service (with friend, just for fun) - FUCKING TONS OF MESSAGES AND VISITS is it truth japanese women are really 'so-so' and japs interested in dating with white girls...

  11. Registered on japanese dating service (with friend, just for fun) - FUCKING TONS OF MESSAGES AND VISITS is it truth japanese women are really 'so-so' and japs interested in dating with white girls...

  12. Hey mom, if you could like come spend time with me that'd be great.

  13. 91 notifications, help

  14. 12012 was too good... SEVEN is a hell of an album!

  15. Prince..is dead......what the fuck man

  16. Another earthquake in Japan. Wth?

  17. On a second thought I'm glad there is no huge VK fandom in my country.

  18. On a second thought I'm glad there is no huge VK fandom in my country.

  19. Hey! This is not fair. 

  20. Hey! This is not fair. 

  21. Remember, that if you think a post, a status or a topic needs some special attention from the staff, you can use the report tool! :) You can find it next to the time stamp. The whole staff gets a notification from the report, and usually the problem is dealt with extremely quickly.

  22. Hey! This is not fair. 

  23. Hey! This is not fair. 

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