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Status Replies posted by PsychoΔelica

  1. this name annoys me. eh.

  2. This russian mafia.

  3. This russian mafia.

  4. this name annoys me. eh.

  5. this name annoys me. eh.

  6. I don't think I will ever understand people who refer Dir en grey members to their "real names" (who btw are not even their real names). I mean, what's the reason?

  7. I hate having to wake up in the morning ._.

  8. I want money for plastic surgery :c I need to start working as soon as possible!

  9. I wanna fight Emmny. Square up!!!!

  10. I wanna fight Emmny. Square up!!!!

  11. the GazettE creates such elitist phenomenon among their fanbase. And it's all based on how much money the fan is willing to pay for such status.

  12. I'm tired of fighting a losing battle.

  13. curious: do you also have those days where you listen to music of your motherlanguage(for me its croatian which I didn't listen since end of 2k14 xD)

  14. I am tired to love a man who lives on the other side of the earth. Where can I buy a boyfriend in my country?

  15. stay in school

  16. do not eat ass on christmas

  17. just got another active stylus that doesn't work... at this rate I'll never be able to properly try digital art ><

  18. all i want for christmas is you...lol

  19. I don't feel the Christmas spirit this year :(

  20. all i want for christmas is you...lol

  21. all i want for christmas is you...lol

  22. all i want for christmas is you...lol

  23. all i want for christmas is you...lol

  24. I'm about to choke a motherfucker for reducing my grade. How can an English teacher not know the fucking difference between Liquify and Liquefy? I just can't take them seriously anymore.

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