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Everything posted by Silverhawk33

  1. Silverhawk33

    Well shit. ._. They were among the best in the current wave of Visual-Kei bands..
  2. Silverhawk33

    Finally arrived!
  3. Silverhawk33

    Can't wait!
  4. Last single had some pretty good b-sides on it, nice to see them coming out with four new tracks.
  5. Well, that's better than nothing at the very least.
  6. Really happy to say Myakuhaku is another exceptional album from MUCC! EMP is my jam for the week and really digging the 80's vibe of Himitsu to the epicness of Fuka.

  7. Silverhawk33

    Woah, really digging Kamijo's vocals in the preview.
  8. Already sounds like one of their best songs and that video is top-notch. Seriously can't wait for this release!
  9. The last album and their songs for the Family Party single for me is their most disappointing releases to date. Gekokujou and it's singles (especially the godly Waruagaki) are still the highlights of their discography followed by their early material. Don't get me wrong, I'm still interested to see what they do next, but I never expect anything wildly ambitious since they are releasing an album every year with the constant singles in between them. I wouldn't mind a break from the usual with a mini-album like they did with Candy-Man (which had some of their more interesting tracks). At least their looks always deliver lol
  10. A little surprise to see some hate for this beautiful artwork, but it is the internet after all.
  11. Silverhawk33

    Would love to see some more music from Schwarz Stein, it seems like now is a better time than ever.
  12. Silverhawk33

    I'm really hoping for a progression of "Can you feel this kisses? as well.
  13. Silverhawk33

    Something is better than nothing.
  14. Silverhawk33

    Damn, can't wait to check it out!
  15. Silverhawk33

    Loving MUCC a lot more lately, so this is great news.
  16. Silverhawk33

    As long as it means more music in the future, I'm all up for it.
  17. Silverhawk33

    Luna Sea - Desire
  18. Silverhawk33

    Can't handle the hype for this album. Haven't disliked a song of theirs yet ^.^
  19. Silverhawk33

    Angelo - CORD The Th13teen - LIAR. LIAR. マオ - Madison de M (Type A-C)
  20. Silverhawk33

    I was hoping we would get a new album sooner rather then later, and all those new songs!
  21. Silverhawk33

    REIGN - 君に (Type A + B) MUCC - CLASSIC (Regular + Limited Editions) DaizyStripper - アマカラ (Type B + C) 仙台貨物 (sendai kamotsu) - 仕事をサボりTIGHT (Regular + Limited Editions) Chanty - 不完全な音楽 アネモネ (anemone) - フラッシュバック・トリップ Versailles - The Greatest Hits 2007-2016 Along with three posters of DaizyStripper, Chanty and Versailles. Just wish the Versailles poster wasn't so small lol
  22. Silverhawk33

    If it's anything like the mini-albums from last year then I'll have no complaints.
  23. Silverhawk33

    Oh bby that preview <3
  24. Silverhawk33

    Damn, it's understandable why another printed magazine is going out of business and everything in today's modern technology-driven world, but I really like those posters that came with the odd issues
  25. Silverhawk33

    That video is so full of cute!
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