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Everything posted by Silverhawk33

  1. Silverhawk33

    This is such a waste, really wish this wasn't true.. For some silly reason, I felt like they weren't going to last that long. Quitting this soon seems like wasted potential. Best of luck to them regardless..
  2. Last two albums were incredible, can't wait.
  3. Silverhawk33

    It has potential, will defiantly be interesting to hear the full songs.
  4. Silverhawk33

    Beautiful covers and look, here's to hoping the album will be somewhat decent.
  5. Silverhawk33

    Two more singles? Sweet! I'm just happy to see these three still release music, I've had this bad feeling that they were going to split or something. >.> As for the album, it had some of their best songs, along with their worst. Speaking of their debut as a whole, it's overly average. I'm honestly a huge fan of their b-sides/bonus songs (just like And&), so the singles are more for me.
  6. Not sure what to think of this, as long as they stay with the same sound that they always had, then I'm fine with this.
  7. Silverhawk33

    That set-list is incredible!
  8. Silverhawk33

    That's something to keep an eye out for.
  9. Silverhawk33

    So many types, but you know what? I'm excited that they're still releasing new music, especially in one day.
  10. Exciting news, sooner than I expected.
  11. Silverhawk33

    Didn't know about all this myself..
  12. Silverhawk33

    This feels too random to happen all of a sudden. They seem to be pretty successful with their last few releases, seems like a major lost to let that go to waste. Always hated it when decent long term bands disband like this. :/
  13. I'm just happy we have new music from this brilliant band ^^
  14. Amazing! I was hoping for more material from them ^.^
  15. Silverhawk33

    You gotta be kidding me ._.
  16. Great news and another consistently good look.
  17. Silverhawk33

    Obviously since judging from your point of view, your opinion is fact and anyone who disagrees with it is just wrong. It's not like anyone might have a different music taste or prefer certain band albums over other more popular ones. God forbid if anyone may have *gasp* a different opinion from you. Tbh musical taste is subjective, music touches people in different, personal ways. Everything that involves taste could be argued as subjective, that includes music (at least for me). But hey, I'm just here to enjoy the bands I listen too, not hate on whatever band (this one being Nightmare) for many years due to the fact that they may never touch the undeniable greatness of that 'special album' (this one generally being anima) that you have idolize so much. It's not like 'Carpe Diem' had the fourth highest position album of theirs on the Oricon charts or one of the recent singles 'Rewrite' being the highest charted single in their career to date, despite not being connected to any movie or anime. It seems like they have plenty of fans who would like to disagree with your comment. Agree or disagree, I'll continue to like the things I like while you can dislike the things you dislike.
  18. Silverhawk33

    Like seriously? That track name is so out there. Also happy that a new single is out along with their third best-of. Exciting times despite the haters
  19. Silverhawk33

    The re-recorded songs could be interesting.
  20. Silverhawk33

    Exciting news
  21. Good to see them releasing the next single so soon.
  22. Silverhawk33

    Loving it!
  23. Good, hope to see lots more from them
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