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Everything posted by Silverhawk33

  1. Silverhawk33

    Woo! Been waiting for a while, glad to see another single is heading our way!
  2. Nice! I quite enjoyed their first single.
  3. Silverhawk33

    That'll be interesting to see.
  4. Really liking that track list! Can't wait to see how this fares up with their past two albums.
  5. Those set-lists are pretty amazing to me! Really happy to see they decided to throw in "the WORLD" as well along with the new album songs. A definite buy!
  6. Hiroshi, the drummer of Sick², singing in what I assume would be his own session band? I would be very interested to hear how this sounds! I might just try to hunt down this single, which I imagine would be incredibly difficult to find..
  7. I'm defiantly on edge when it comes to anything lately by this band, but Trombe's post gave me some hope. Time will only tell but I feel like we may still 'eventually' get the album.
  8. Getting sick of these "live-limited" singles, but luckily with a huge band like this, it will eventually find it's way online.
  9. Silverhawk33

    Wish I was there!
  10. Silverhawk33

    Huge fan of anything they do honestly. Defiantly want a copy.
  11. Great news and loving the name!
  12. Silverhawk33

    That's strange but sad nevertheless that it was stolen.
  13. I'm pretty impressed by the sound, even more hyped for the new album.
  14. Silverhawk33

    Really liking most of their releases so far, should be good.
  15. Another band that's been a hit or miss with the singles after VISUAL IS DEAD (which I loved btw, even if it was inconsistent), but still happy that they're FINALLY releasing another album!
  16. Silverhawk33

    Should be a good outcome either way!
  17. Damn that was faster than I ever expected. This is truly sad, they were one of the three recent bands that caught my attention and never lost it. Their sound was incredible and unique, I could only hope for an eventual album release. So much for that. At least it's only a hiatus for now...
  18. Silverhawk33

    Totally different then what I was expecting, but I really like it!
  19. Silverhawk33

    Fast as usual, which is good!
  20. Silverhawk33

    They're recent releases are so hit or miss for me lately. Will be interesting to see how this sounds.
  21. Silverhawk33

    This is probably their best look and the first one that I actually like. All five look so stunning.
  22. Silverhawk33

    Would actually like a live DVD from them, shame it's so far sold only at lives.
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