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Everything posted by Silverhawk33

  1. Silverhawk33

    Wow, that was a lot better than I thought it would be. Now I'm pretty psyched for the mini album.
  2. Silverhawk33

    Two more death titles like the last single? Interesting considering they've been a hit or a miss. It's also to early to tell if the single sounds any good from that preview.
  3. Silverhawk33

    Excited to see so many new releases.
  4. Silverhawk33

    Damn, that's terrible to hear. Hopefully they'll continue on just fine without him.
  5. Silverhawk33

    Hm, not sure about this release.
  6. Silverhawk33

    This would be one concert to defiantly check out.
  7. Silverhawk33

    Yes! Been waiting for something from them for a while now.
  8. Silverhawk33

    Shocked that they're still making PVs for this EP.
  9. Silverhawk33

    Got extremely excited with the headline stating "5 new cds" until I saw the two live-distributed singles and that killed me. -.-
  10. Silverhawk33

    This should be exciting!
  11. Silverhawk33

    That's good
  12. Damn, this one hits me hard, they had many good songs. Al least we're getting an album out of them.
  13. Silverhawk33

    I'm so excited for this release! I just hope they sound good live.
  14. Silverhawk33

    Very excited for these guys.
  15. Silverhawk33

    So many good looking covers.
  16. Silverhawk33

    That actually looked and sounded pretty awesome. 0.0
  17. The only decent sounding song for me is 蟻の行進. The other two just don't sound remotely good. The full versions could change my mind nevertheless.
  18. Silverhawk33

    Should be interesting.
  19. Quints sounds amazing with that strong chorus and overall impressive looking video. It would be nice if the album could live up to this song! Man, opinions must be a hard thing to comprehend for you OR even "impossible". xD I'm sorry to hear that you think your opinion is fact, but I'd imagine you have a close-minded way of thinking either way. Not because you have a different opinion from mine, but due to the fact that you had to point out that I was apparently wrong? lol Have fun replying buddy, I hate to lose any more of my time on petty arguments.
  20. Not impressed by the preview, but I'll hold off my judgement until I hear the full release.
  21. Always is a shame to see such a big VK act go out like this...
  22. Silverhawk33

    Damn, that's a shame to hear.
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