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Status Updates posted by Duwang

  1. It's getting close to doors for Shounenki's last live. Pre-live buppan was intense and the air is even moreso.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tetora


      Enjoy it for me.

    3. Duwang


      @eiheartx - They weren't selling any live limited stuff but you could win limited stuff if you got atari cheki. (special DVD they showed at their fan meetings earlier this month, their t-shirts that they wore at said fan meetings, etc.) Sadly I didn't get any but I didn't want to throw away too much money on polaroid photos.

      Tetora - It was fun, but it was kinda short for a last live.

    4. Tetora


      Nice, if you write a report lemme know.

  2. Just got home from seeing XAA-XAA and DADAROMA in Sendai. So worth the 10 hours total of traveling. XAA-XAA was so gooddddd [as usual] and I enjoyed DADAROMA a lot more than I expected.  I have another live on Friday but to be honest it's not even on my mind because I can't wait for the final on Saturday.  

    1. anakuro


      Yeah man saturday was unreal too. 

      You gotta come for anniversary!!!!

    2. Duwang


      @anakuroxaax/dadsmell is such a good combo. I'm totally cool with them playing together more often even though their fans inflate ticket prices like crazy. 
      I actually just bought my ticket for the anniversary yesterday and it's absolute shit. lmfao. Krystal pulled a really good one though so I guess we're set.
      Also Kogoe says hi lmfao

    3. anakuro


      yeah they fit each other even more than i expected tbh!! what do you mean? like scalping?? because i mean i just grab my ticket normally lol 


      lol i have 一桁 so I'm set :')) 


      what hi kogoe i miss him why doesnt he talk to me???!?!??!?! (*ignores the fact that I walked up to buppan asked him where the CD was and ran off to the リトハ buppan immediately*)

  3. Guess who is gonna go broke traveling around the country for XAA-XAA/DADAROMA again in September. Last year was lit so I'm thrilled they're doing it again.

    1. Elazmus


      that tour could rob anyone blind :o

    2. 蝉時雨色 -semishigureiro-

      蝉時雨色 -semishigureiro-

      Xaa-Xaa is it definitely worth to travel broke for them :3

    3. Duwang


      @Elazmus Right? And this year there are more dates with most of them being on a weekend, a national holiday, or a day I have off. Goodbye savings.


      @蝉時雨色 -semishigureiro-  For sure. I don't want to think about how much money I've spent on them and how much this tour is gonna cost me. lol

  4. DIMLIM/DEVILOOF twoman today!

    Anyone else here going?

    1. saiko
    2. saiko


      Write a report, please!

    3. Duwang


      I'm not very good at writing reports but I'll try my best.

      My friends think Ryuya might play one song with Deviloof. I hope he does.

  5. Went to see Kurohime no Muyuubyou today and Eiki was at buppan despite not being in the band. My friend and I were like "lol I think you have the wrong band" and he didn't understand. lmfao
    About an hour or so later, as I'm waiting for another friend outside the venue he comes out of the conbini  down the street and was heading back towards the venue but he walked past it and it took him a good 10 seconds to realize before turning around. 
    Someone help this lost man. 

    1. anakuro


      my poor extremely lost child 

    2. anakuro


      maybe this is why he always stands near me during birakubari if he sees me, so that he doesn't accidentally wander off. But what if I wander off? 

  6. Today I'm seeing Alsdead for the first time in two years. Super pumped! I hope today they're announcing the end of their hiatus.

    1. Tetora


      I hope so too! One of the best bands EVEEEEEEER!

  7. The Ensoku oneman tonight was hands down the most bizarre live I've ever been to.

    1. Atreides


      Can you expand on this a bit?  Or too bizarre? :panic:

  8. Went to see Jiluka and Hakujitsu no Yume for my birthday yesterday. Shit was fucking lit but also hilarious. I'm still laughing at Kou and Eiki for doing the Yo-kai Taisou Dai-ichi from Yo-Kai Watch during Hakujitsu's MC and me smacking my head against Sena's guitar and thigh during D.O.J. RIP me.

    1. Atreides


      Nice dude! Sounds like a great time dude. Also happy belated birthday!

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