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  1. Like
    ChaoticEnding reacted to platy in FFXV Windows Edition have so many problems with bugs, thats sucks., becouse the game   
    The more I look into theories behind FFXVI the more hype I am. 
  2. Like
    ChaoticEnding got a reaction from platy in FFXV Windows Edition have so many problems with bugs, thats sucks., becouse the game   
    I hope so. I had to contend with the performance problems of the FFXV. But I have nothing to complain about the DLC'S, they were all excellent and on the PC they worked perfectly.

    Anyway, i hope FFXVI will be good
  3. Like
    ChaoticEnding reacted to Himeaimichu in Perhaps soon we will see the end of a nation. I hope it's not mine. A great weekend e   
    Nations come and go, but the people remain. Vietnam went from Xich Quy, to Nam Viet, Giao Chi, Giao Chau, Dai Viet, Dai Nam, etc. I'm sure all the super power nations will have their day someday
  4. Like
    ChaoticEnding reacted to Tokage in imagine hating a place for being ''disrespectful'' and STILL coming back to it multip   
    Once again - there is literally nothing stopping anybody from setting up their own weenie hut jr. community and doing the exact same thing. It's not like the users here are magically pulling the news out of the aether or anything; literally anyone can do it, all it takes is the ability to browse twitter/google search and check out artists' websites. Same with discussing bands individually.
    Cliques form in literally every single fandom/community out there, especially the niche ones. If you think this shit is bad then go check out your random metal forum or kpop community for a laugh. 
  5. I feel ya..
    ChaoticEnding got a reaction from Tokage in imagine hating a place for being ''disrespectful'' and STILL coming back to it multip   
    Not everyone is perfect, we have to accept imperfections. That is today's lesson.
    I just think there are more serious things that are happening around the world, more important things. I don't like one or the other here myself, but that's it, life goes on.
    If you didn't like it here, go away and get over that frustration.
  7. Thanks
    ChaoticEnding got a reaction from JRD in The day after I posted the for the first time since my regular hiatus, I GOT FUCKING   
    Good luck with your future opportunities²
  8. Like
    ChaoticEnding reacted to Seelentau in Report please how many Thieves in MH steal link for own blog (Not me ) (Hell Nooo ) l   
    Personally, I delete my uploads after about a week and I don't publish anything I don't want to see spread, so for me it's a non-issue. Was just brainstorming for other users^^
  9. Like
    ChaoticEnding reacted to Seelentau in Report please how many Thieves in MH steal link for own blog (Not me ) (Hell Nooo ) l   
    @Zeus Why not? The section is already private and needs a specific post count to access, right? Wouldn't it be possible to make invite-only, basically? Or would that be too much workload for the mods?
  10. Like
    ChaoticEnding reacted to Seelentau in Report please how many Thieves in MH steal link for own blog (Not me ) (Hell Nooo ) l   
    What about this: All those who want access to the download section have to provide X releases themselves before they can download other's material? Would that be possible to implement?
  11. I feel ya..
    ChaoticEnding got a reaction from Axius in Report please how many Thieves in MH steal link for own blog (Not me ) (Hell Nooo ) l   
    @Sickle i had problems with these people too, they are real assh#@#@ 
  12. I feel ya..
    ChaoticEnding got a reaction from DESTINYGUY0316 in Report please how many Thieves in MH steal link for own blog (Not me ) (Hell Nooo ) l   
    @Sickle i had problems with these people too, they are real assh#@#@ 
    ChaoticEnding got a reaction from DESTINYGUY0316 in Report please how many Thieves in MH steal link for own blog (Not me ) (Hell Nooo ) l   
    Anyway, long life to ONLY BY TRADE. I hope people post less and less rips in DL. ^u^
  14. Interesting
    ChaoticEnding got a reaction from DESTINYGUY0316 in Report please how many Thieves in MH steal link for own blog (Not me ) (Hell Nooo ) l   
    I know the owner of vrockdownloads, asianrockclub, and more, this guys have account here ^^
  15. I feel ya..
    ChaoticEnding got a reaction from Sickle in Report please how many Thieves in MH steal link for own blog (Not me ) (Hell Nooo ) l   
    @Sickle i had problems with these people too, they are real assh#@#@ 
  16. I feel ya..
    ChaoticEnding reacted to Sickle in Report please how many Thieves in MH steal link for own blog (Not me ) (Hell Nooo ) l   
    personally I could care less about people sharing the things I upload, but I hate people using my links, like the girl from "sol visual kei" facebook, the girl put the link and the entire post on her facebook, and my links are shared from my account with personal pictures (yeah I'm that stupid) that's why I complain
  17. Like
    ChaoticEnding reacted to platy in Anyone here watch Better Call Saul?   
    @Ob777 can we talk about it
  18. wtf?!
    ChaoticEnding reacted to lichtlune in DEZERT new album sounds ok for me, but they changed a lot your style, the most part o   
    I think the previews I heard of that album are enough for me. I think I'm done with this band unfortunately. But lucky for me I was never a big fan except for a few songs like あー。Etc. 
  19. Like
    ChaoticEnding reacted to Axius in The real king of the visual kei xD   
    There not bad XD
  20. Like
    ChaoticEnding reacted to Arkady in The real king of the visual kei xD   
    My favorite part were the two cute girls playing. They were dressed like they were ready for a confy and pleasant afternon strolling in the countryside and they owned it all. (and I'm not even being sarcastic or snarky, I loved them)
  21. LOLOL
  22. Like
    ChaoticEnding reacted to platy in SuG top 5, in no particular order: Smells Like Virgin Spirit MISSING 一連托生 影炎 CRY OUT   
    @Ob777 why not? It's SuG at their darkest and most melodic. Hits me right in the heart. 
  23. Like
    ChaoticEnding reacted to merchenticneurosis in This new single from La'veil MizeriA is really amazing, it sounds perfect from start   
    Secret Moon is my favourite, this single really climbed over my expectations since the preview didn't feature a good vision of the actual final product. 
  24. Like
    ChaoticEnding reacted to inartistic in Ruin Mizerius PV by La'veil MizeriA it's a really cheap clip, without much effort to   
    "I regret this poverty" is a good name for something
  25. Like
    ChaoticEnding got a reaction from ShanethVarosa in Ya boi just got promoted... AGAIN!!!   
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