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Everything posted by Aferni

  1. Aferni

    Who tf got out of bed and decided to make this 50's TV spot along with this sloppy Wannabe Born Track. Ew
  2. Now that you say that...thats the song that got me into them and the only one besides Pyroililim I listen to from them.
  3. fingers crossed for rarez eeeeeeeee

    1. Mamo


      Which rarezzzzz

    2. Aferni


      Geomatrium Rarez

  4. Aferni

    I take it you haven't seen Koichi's dick necklace
  5. Aferni

    12 because Gorillaz <3
  6. Aferni

    ohhey theres a vkei band called DEZART http://s.maho.jp/homepage/b7f59bf4de56b12d/
  7. Poor Haruki, you left Mejibray too early ...you could've been rolling in loads of bangyas and tanuki threads right about now. 

    1. suji


      at least he's #TheFifthMemberofMejibray

  8. Aferni

    where can I buy a copy?
  9. Aferni

    Ugh this is so perfect.
  10. Did all the members of -OZ- retire?..they seriously need to make a return to the scene...

    1. Zeus


      yep looks like it

    2. Serox


      ç___ç  ...

    3. Elazmus


      Just when I thought I'd never be reminded of this <//3

  11. Aferni

    Once upon a time Takefuchi motoki had a ear Gage, when he was expanding his jewelry to widen the Gage, his ear’s skin became too thin and it split. Making it into that loose pussy lip looking thing we all know today. Takefuchi's white suburban Mom hair is not impressive.
  12. Aferni

    Well that sucks, also...is their drummer actually a girl?
  13. that setlist could be a bit...y'know LONGER
  14. I wonder how I'm going to get Geomatrium's new Single because my phone isn't letting me call the Zenith Music Factory.

  15. Aferni

    Can't wait for this one, oo man XXX in THE BOX Hype
  16. Happy Dry Turkey Day,

    1. Mamo


      Mine's moist. :grin:

  17. Aferni

    No, good weed.
  18. Aferni

    I got what you need
  19. This is what Gaku sent me to my DM. 楽 More Close 【CD流通/所属BANDなどに関するお問合せ】 TEL 048-824-0647(ジェナイトミュージックファクトリー) 【CD通信販売による購入方法】 郵便局(無記名為替・現金書留)/e-コレクト(代金引換)/ナルシス店頭でご購入いただけます。 ※通信販売にて[旧譜]や[数量限定販売]の商品を購入希望の際は、お電話にて在庫確認をして下さい。 ~郵便局(無記名為替・現金書留)にてご購入の場合~ 商品合計金額+送料込み手数料(1点300円、2点以上500円)の無記名為替もしくは現金と商品名・個数・住所・電話番号を明記したメモを同封の上、有限会社ジェナイトミュージックファクトリーへ郵送してください。 〒330-0063 埼玉県さいたま市浦和区高砂2-1-5 (有)ジェナイトミュージックファクトリー「通販係り」宛 ~e-コレクト(代金引換)にてご購入の場合~ お電話にて注文後、宅配業者が商品をお届けした際に商品合計金額+送料+代引き手数料を配達業者にお支払い下さい。 (送料¥500/代引き手数料¥300)ケース割れやヒビ等、お手元に届いた商品が破損していた際には伝票をお手元に直接宅配業者にご連絡ください。 で買えます!
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