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Everything posted by Aferni

  1. LMAO I was wondering when u would come
  2. Aferni

    MY HEART <3
  3. I don't too much care for Yuuki's new look either, R.I.P ero-kei yuuki hello standing in the moonlight of my bedroom window yuuki <3 (he still looks good though, compared to Satoshi and co)
  4. Aferni

    getting this is going to be as impossible as getting my hands on a Geomatrium single, IT WONT HAPPEN AHBJGVSGFCADFJCDGHAH GDGHKAKGVADHA BD ADHAH DAD HD HA GKHA ADBHA DGBLDHUK H . The shame of it is, IIII-Ligro- was an amazing band and I still havent heard 時限式:uadjet's first release.
  5. DONT KNOW WHAT Y'ALL THOUGHT WOULD CHANGE LMAOOOOOO like seriously - Literally ex-Lycaon -Same Composers -Same Yuuki - Yuuki is the babe - TYPE B AND C - Lycaon: Season 2 - Initial L'ycaon MY BABIES ARE BACK <3 <3 <3
  6. Ikr! I'm youtube to mp3-ing this song. I can't stop singing the damn chorus, I'm looking forward to this band.
  7. Aferni

    I recently went to see Lil Uzi Vert in concert last night at the Pageant in St.Louis. I wish I had charged my phone before going because it was so energetic, the crowd went wild, Uzi went wild, I managed to get some footage but not too much. He didn't really do any of his more energetic tracks, just the mainstream sing-ish ones. I was hoping for Super Saiyan but didn't really expect it so when He did the song I lost it, my throat is still sore from hollering the song lyrics in the concert hall. Uzi was 20 mins late but it was cool because when he came out the crowd went nuts, I wish I could've gotten his signature though...;w; There's always next time!
  8. Aferni

    They didn't release much material, but I hope the vocalist returns. He was kinda cool.

  10. Aferni

  11. I LOVE HIS VOICE OH MY GOD, I need this mini.
  12. I love this by default because DEZERT like, what's not to love about this?

    Can't wait to mosh

  14. Aferni

    R.I.K Rest in kawaii OP
  15. Aferni

  16. Aferni

    this is for @itsukoii I do not regret a thing
  17. Can someone link me the Meji Raven PV, I have the best idea for a meme post

    1. Aferni


      I tried but "We don't convert videos with music." </3 and the link on here is dead </3

    2. itsukoii


      gimme a minute, i'll try

    3. itsukoii


      https://www.onlinevideoconverter.com/success?id=j9j9j9c2g6f5b1d3 just click the download button, you'll get it. i just downloaded it using this and didn't have a problem

    4. Show next comments  150 more
  18. VEXENT new Mini Album『DICKS OUT FOR VK』 11.19.16 1.) Dicks EXPOSE 2.) Tanuki THREAD[Z] 3.) [万引きバンド] 4.) 煙管 (Kiseru) PV lmaoooo R.I.P. touka's vk career
  19. Aferni

    This is depressing.. R.I.P.
  20. Can't Wait for the Uzi concert Thursday! 

  21. Aferni

    Karma My love, make your much needed comeback. I hope he pulls a Jin and boots up AvelCain 2.0
  22. MBHI Instrumental with Ryoga k im all in take my life savings, this is amazing
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