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Everything posted by Aferni

  1. I knew this was bound to happen...but it hurts....
  2. Aferni

    1.) 黒百合と影 - 臓器のノゾキ穴。[Mini-Album] Man...I found myself listening to tracks from this mini daily for the past couple of weeks, this release is absolutely stellar. すてきな唄 has to be the contender for one of 黒百合と影's best songs to date. That face shaking growl has to be my favorite thing ever. BLELELELELLELELELELE 液状部屋 is so gritty and weird I love it. Mei's whispering about pregnancy test's and shit give me a chill down my spine whenever I listen to this track, I could do without the electronic synth they have in the background but it does add a bit of atmosphere. That bass solo and that odd scatting pretty much won me over, the first time I heard it it kinda turned me off from the song but...giving it listen after listen, it's pretty catchy. Like really catchy. すてきな唄 2.) ギャロ - DIAVOLO & LUCIFERO (Albums) Dear God, The Gallo is pure magic. I'm not gonna lie, Diavolo got me into The Gallo. I never thought I'd like them because I listened to a old song and it wasn't my cup of Tea..all of that changed when I heard the preview for 淫魔-BELPHEGOR-. I was. sold. Jojo and kaede's vocals are so smooth and Jojo's vibrato is just absolutely superb. The PV was poorly produced and everyone looked awkward as hell but I can see what they were going for, the lip syncing was off and it looked kinda indie tbh BUT...BUT don't let that steer you away from their music if you haven't tried them out yet! They're really making a name for themselves and getting some well deserved love, aswell as their PV production quality stepping up tremendously with their PV track "魔王-闇詩-" on their newest album LUCIFERO...and boy is that shit groovy. The high point of the album is everything. Everything works here, Jojo's unique vocals, Both guitars (yep they got another guitarist, so they're a 5 piece band again). The bass is nice and clear along with the drums. This isn't your typical copy and paste Vkei upstart band, there's something special about The Gallo. I can't wait to see what they have in store for 2017! BELPHEGOR 3.) Lil Uzi Vert - LEAN (Single) I've come to really enjoy Uzi. He's a fun artist who really works hard, constantly releasing single after single, mixtape after mixtape, ect ect...While I don't like ALL of his content I do like a vast majority, this single for example. The beat is really trippy and melodic, it fits Uzi perfectly. This beat originally belonging to BACKWHEN, has been mixed and extended for what is one of Uzi's best tracks. The flowing is impeccable, especially seeing how he's freestyling, it's so catchy! I've found myself replaying it ever since it came out, for a 3 min song it flies by quickly. If you think his bars are trash, then you'll definitely enjoy the beat, the synths and the bass are food for the ears. I Might fuck yo momma. - Lil Uzi Vert (2016) 4.) THE BLACK SWAN - OUSIA/ OUSIA-dispersed- (Album/Live-Dist Album) I cannot tell you how hyped I was for this album, so imagine the disappointment when they released the info of half the album's material being already released, un re-recorded content, cept STRIPPER. Which really didn't need a re-recording because it was fine the way it was...I actually prefer the old verison of STRIPPER to OUSIA's version. But the new additions are without a doubt the absolute jewels, BLIND DAYS, RUVISH, THE WORLD IS MY ROOM, アスモデウスの槍 are just a few that stand out with a fluorescent glow. This Title track OUSIA is an 11 minute beauty filled with raw emotion, thats one thing THE BLACK SWAN is good at, conveying raw emotion, depression and pain. OUSIA is progeressive and it has a moment of glory for all of the members, although that eerie breakdown was copy and pasted from NEGA's 虚しき「生」の寓意≒「死」の真意 , with like a slight change. But seriously, they have a bright future and I can't wait to see what they'll bring in the future, if it's anything like they've been releasing...I'm all for it! OUSIA (ALSOYUUOFEXNEGAHELPEDWITHTHISTRACK)
  3. Aferni

    The "QEDDESHET" thread will always be one of the funniest just for the sole fact it's the first time Trombe threw shade at a band.
  4. Ash lyrics:聖樹 music:依織 arrangement:ドーリスマリィ 都会の雑音に鳴き声掻き消されてしまう路地裏の猫 群集はすれ違い 何を求めて生きるのかは解らないけど… Don't wanna cry more 信じたかった…未来に幸あれ Don't wanna stay here 譲れられずに彷徨う時代 愛を知らず生まれた子供 螺旋を描き巡り逢う 群集は嘲笑い悲劇を煽る 運命でもいい このまま二人で… 灯りと裏腹 廃墟と化した心模様 灰色の感情 かつて愛した人の面影纏う季節…消せやしない I'm still on the way 感じてるのは…正義なんて曖昧で Can you still go ahead? 壊しちまえば楽になれる? 時間を止めて抱き合う二人 やがて歴史と名を変えて 愛を知った子供の願い 繋いだこの手を離さないで What is love? What is freedom? What is love? What is justice? What is love? What is freedom? What is love? What is justice? Dolls Core lyrics:聖樹 music:依織 arrangement:ドーリスマリィ ヒビ割れた硝子の様な思考回路 冷たすぎる この壁は悲哀の象徴だった 遙か昔 引き裂かれた身体 もう一人の自分探し 壁の向こう側にきっといる 打ち壊す術を知らず 未だ感情に溺れたまま いつも立ち竦む境界線…僕に勇気を下さい "Destroy a wall of sorrow. Don't be afraid of a pain" 何故…此処にいるの? 何故…生まれてきたの? 哀しみを背負い 傷付け合う為…否定される為…僕は誰なの? 何故…此処にいるの? 答えは見つかるの? 僕はそう…孤独に居場所を探す人形 臆病偽善者…だけど変わるよ 打ち壊せ 貫く痛みは二人同じ 『君は僕 僕は君』…それは自分自身 鮮やかに蘇る追憶は明媚 理性さえ吹き飛ばして 不意に迫り来る境界線…僕は壁を打ち壊した "Destroy a wall of sorrow. Don't be afraid of a pain" 愛し合う為に生まれてきたんだ 哀しみを越えて 堅く抱き合って一つに戻ろう…やっと出会えたね 夢叶える為生まれてきたんだ 痛みを覚悟で… 答えはいらない 君は此処にいる 唯…それだけで良い 君を探してた…
  5. Aferni

    " Dear Aferni Unisaki Thank you for placing your order from cdjapan.co.jp. Your order has been received. Order Number : 10108556104 ******************************************* NEODAI-13329 Noulla/Kuroi Akatsuki no Shanikusai CDA 4364yen Released: November 30, 2016" My points did not take that much from the overall cost lmao, atleast like 3 dollars but yeah..Officially hyped YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE BOI BEST CHRISTMAS
  6. Aferni

    Just another Sunday.
  7. Doesn't feel like Christmas but it's Christmas so merry Christmas 

  8. Great! He's been their support Drum for a while now
  9. Aferni

    Does Geomatrium sound like Halienju? Or are they just straightforward metalcore? I know Habaki's lyrics are still poetic as always.
  10. Aferni

    I always thought Satoshi was in that same boat, being friends with akane for a long time. I just wish they had more success as a band because they had potential, Satoshi's compositions complimented Akane's amazing range as a vocalist but it just seems like they'll fade without actually disbanding kinda like MBHI & RE:MBHI
  11. I never checked out that mini until I read this like a week ago I Kinda dropped KTK...well no so much as dropped just kinda fell off with releases. Im glad I got back into them though. 液状部屋 , 「洗脳」, 「洗脳」, チョコレート階段, すてきな唄 . チョコレート階段 , are killer songs. Suteki Na Uta is my absolute favorite because of Mei's face shaking growls. Ekijou Heya too because of the breakdown and the creepiness of the song, the whispering and the electronics make it sound like something from a horror movie and that breakdown with the bass and the scatting sold me.
  12. Aferni

  13. Aferni

    "I am so adult lonely girl" lmao
  14. Aferni

    seeing as how i started listening to vk around 11-14...yes lmao
  15. Aferni

    They just want all that inevitable rabid bangya money. Tsu could shit in a box and then release it and bangya would empty their savings so they could buy it at Meji's "NO CAMERAS NO RECORDING" Instore events lmao
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