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Everything posted by Aferni

  1. Aferni

    I told myself I wouldn't get mad after rui left...NOW THEY'RE DISBANDING AND I'M MAD. If Yukika is behind this he seriously needs to be drop kicked.
  2. Aferni

    2017年12月1日(金)EDGE ikebukuro 「Raphaelesque Head Bursting」 OPEN 16:30 / START 17:00 前売 \3,000 / 当日 \3,500 ※D代別 出演 時限式:uadjet REIGN(ゲスト) THE BLACK SWAN(ゲスト) 篠突く雨 Geomatrium ugh i wanna go..
  3. Aferni

  4. Born's Haritsuke is good as long as you don't look at the cringe lyrics, then the song is ruined.

  5. Sell me CD rips of Geomatrium and Noulla Pleaaaaaseeeeeeeeeeeeee

  6. Aferni

    I want to trash this house and burn it down with me in it.
  7. Aferni

    turns out Shinya composed inside of me
  8. Aferni

  9. I wonder what you'd think of me now..lol. Wish I could've been more of what you wanted.

    1. CAT5


      Bruh, fuck that fuckshit. If you were more of what someone else wanted, you wouldn't be you. 

    2. Himeaimichu


      Forget what others want. Most people just want generic and boring. You just keep being you, which happens to be awesome~

  10. ピンクマリオネット

  11. Never thought I'd see the day
  12. Aferni

    @emmny SAVAGE is more like having unprotected sex, sure it feels good...but is it really safe? Can I rely on this not to give me a disease? Are you clean? Are you gonna stay clean? hmmmmmm. True shit, I didn't get back into Depain aka SAVAGE when they rebranded as savage which was kinda a mistake? From Jikase Yuudoku Dinner onwards I fell lin love with them because they sound kinda like Depain I guess? I really enjoy the synths/Harpsichord and Ryukas shitty vocals. I love them, their more up to date material has been flawless, well..not flawless but addicting. Like drugs I guess. It's like when your dealer calls and has a new strain...you want to try it but you're hesitant to spend your money on it unless you have a nice sample of whatever Sticky Icky he says he has. LOL. They are really good though.
  13. When a vk band files a copyright strike on your channel. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. 

    1. suji


      *oh btw, my faves even helped take my channel down that i've had for 10 years </3 not cool

    2. herpes


      when bands object to me posting their intellectual property >>>>>>>>>>>

    3. Tokage


      when my bitch manager KYLE makes me turn \m/ 420 DEATHGAZE 420 \m/ down because it made some old ho's teeth fall out 

    4. Show next comments  102 more
  14. What ever happened to Halienju's Bassist Ryu-Ka?

    1. Himeaimichu


      I'm guessing he was like "fuck it" after Halienju disbanded and gave up on music

  15. Aferni

    Netflix...Bong...snacks..Vkei sleep Playlist...finally a good friday night
  16. Aferni

    When will I learn
  17. A year later and my heart still yells out for you.

  18. inside of me/event horizon music:ShinyA lyrics:akane event horizon come find me when you wake up 光すら届かない you just wanna go on 佇む闇との境界線へ 散弾 渦巻く眩さに向け 抑圧 遡行しせ逝く時が 共変 何時かの錯誤に巡る疑念の矜持に蠕く超常 明日への手向け 虚ろに滲んでく それでも今日が悟り鳴く糸を引く 響け此の声よ何処までも 例え届きはしない君だろうと 朽ち果て乾き死せる心が夢を見ながら歌い続けてる さあ行こうか扉の外 晴れ渡るソラの向こうに飛び出す 溢れる心の雫が此処で夢を見ながら歌い続けてる
  19. Aferni

    This is fucking beautiful.
  20. anyone have SAVAGE Morphine-25g-/ Tokumei San No Kubiwa booklet scans? 

  21. Aferni

    Noticed their setlist from the other week, it appears they have a new song. wonder if its heavy 6/11 池袋EDGE 1部 「黒鳥の湖」 2.六花の歔欷
  22. does anyone have the lyrics to this? also amazing PV SAVAGE can't wait for another
  23. I need stop buying so many figures..

    1. IGM_Oficial


      I need so many figures

  24. Aferni

    I violently dislike cali gari.
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