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Everything posted by Aferni

  1. Aferni

    Again it rains, again the clouds rage and crackle again and again and again. You're crying alone, the sky above does not weep with, or for you. Action Bastard. ACTION BASTAAAAAAAAAAARD THERES NO WAY HOME THERES NOTHING O FIGHT FOR UNITED STATED HOW GOES THE LIFE WHY DID CREATE HUMAN ishiki is my mate unyyaaaaa funyannn ^.^ kawaii nyan Stay n skool liseen 2 veekay eart kay rlly gr8 kisaki (sooper spaisee) bandomen and tsunagiri byangyaru GYARU ew ew bukahkay jgv jav united stated, murikuh
  2. Happy B-day mh, I've been here for three years and already have access to those crispy flac rarez in the DL section I feel bad for members who have to [THE CONTENT OF THIS POST IS FOR GAIJIN  LEVEL WEEB MEMBERS ONLY.  YOU NEED A MONOCHROME HEAVEN GAIJIN LEVEL WEEB ACCOUNT TO ACCESS THIS POST]

  3. Why does balalalaika have to look so fabulous? I'm hyped for THE MINCE, I hope they come with some choice heavy material, I love L's harsh vocals.

    1. Elazmus



      so big so sorry

    2. Aferni
  4. Aferni

    Mejibray Comment Section: 「羽花」/ THE END/ Agitato Grimoire "oh my baby girls , they have just fucked my ears , love the way "Die Kusse Girl" sing in this song <3 Hane ga saku Hane ga saku" "I'm just in love with Mejibray. It's awesome to see how the visualkei-genre (cause at least for me there's something you can definitely defined as a genre in terms of music and sound) is having a great come back with new bands such as Dadaroma and Mejibray. I was a huge fan of Kagerou, and since they have been gone it was harsh for me to get to feel the same thing with a j-rock/metal band again - even though Gazette did an amazing job in DOGMA. There's a lot of sounds of those generations of musicians in Mejibray. Getting' to know this guys is one of the many reasons, youtube is such a fantastic place for multicultural and artistic awareness. Mejibray are just simply amazing. Eterno amor." "Meto marry me xdxDxd ♡♡ 💍" "is so beautiful cry...koichi smoke?....i love it is so beautiful" "purrrfucktion*!!! AS USUAL!!!! drools audio orgasms ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ *purrrfucktion = aka: perfection ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤" "I'M CUMMING HARD" "I think it is dedicated to Meto. Just at first he climbed the mountain, and then reached the top, and Rouen lifted into the air, and he stood, smiling. And then he threw his sticks into the air, and fell to his knees. He looked so happy. Could The End mean the end of his "puppet" of life? (there can be mistakes, but i can't translate from Russian well)" "Mejibray is my all time favorite band ever since i was into jrock 10years ago.. Please don't stop making awesome music :,( " (THIS IS THE BEST ONE(s) SO FAR) fxckmelxveme 'the end' It's about life itself ugh, if you knew some basic japanese and paid attention to lyrics you'd understand Levy Cerise Ugh, if you knew that not everyone knows Japanese or has time to look up the lyrics you'd understand what a total idiot you sound like. And this is from someone who speaks complex Japanese. Let me guess, you still use "あなた" and "私". Mermecolion Rekt. prince fuckboy youre right everyone speaks japanese Mermecolion +prince fuckboy Fukboi tho. "Flipping off the viewer. How edgy. sarcastic clap Also, these have got to be some of the ugliest outfits I've ever seen of MEJIBRAY. The only one that actually looks OK is MiA's, but that isn't surprising because we can all rely on MiA to be fabulous. This is sad, because both the song and the scenery are very pretty. For shame, MEJIBRAY, for shame." "didnt meto say he would commit suicide if there were no more mejibray? :(" "NO ONE CAN EVER REPLACE VERSAILLES. But, Mejibray displays its own beauty and well METO and MIA and Koichi are cute. PLus, compared to American rock this has more heart and balls hands down. THe lead has a scream to make you melt into darkness. Mejibray PLEASE come to the states and show America what heart is. I do love America but JAPANESE ROCK IS BETTER SORRY"
  5. Finally..my DreamCast emulator works

    1. fitear1590


      YES! Power Stone 2 is a classic. I'm so pissed they never made a third one or continued the franchise on more popular consoles.

    2. Aferni


      @plastic_rainbow they're surprisingly easy, i was kinda angry when I found out that it was simple. I can just send a rar of my folder if you want, you'd just have to give me a game or two that you would want.

    3. plastic_rainbow


      nah, i don't have a game in particular that i want to play right now so it's okay, but thanks! ^^

    4. Show next comments  117 more
  6. Aferni

    Early Kiryu is amazing. Shitakiri Suzume, Mugen Houyou, Ruru, Zetsu No Nozumu , Kisai , and Kyosei will always be their best tracks BY A LOOOONGGG shot.
  7. Aferni

    I can't waiiittttttttt, everything sounds great. Im hyped for the title track though

  9. Don't be a dick cause one fucked you

  10. Aferni

    Protip: Don't walk on broken glass, it'll get stuck in your feet. Protip: Water is wet. Protip: Dirty is dirty. Protip: Fire is hot. Protip: How wings are hot. Protip: You're not hot. Protip: jk you are. Protip: Stay away from people who abuse how soft-hearted you are, don't change your ways, but change those around you. There's no reason for you to turn into a dick because one fucked you.
  11. Aferni

    Can I just overdose already?
  12. ya know babe I wasn't crazy about the front scruff but i am GROOVIN on the mane.

  13. SAMURAIIII JACCCK MANN IT IS GOOD TA SEE YA BABE.  This you right? I mean who could recognize you with all that gear ANNNND RUGGEDNESS BABY

  14. Aferni

    who approved of this lmao
  15. It's weird, but I like it. The Pv however is awkward, it looks just like the elektel shiki pv.
  16. Yay, more herb.

  17. ugh fuck you

    1. IGM_Oficial


      Fuck you too

    2. lichtlune



  18. Aferni

    Do you have any of the dlc or any modded weapons?
  19. I wonder if Geomatrium uses synths like halienju

  20. Aferni

    this sounds delicious
  21. Babe you watched me drown in addiction, thank you for letting me slip~ <3

  22. FIXER gives me -OZ- vibes for some reason.

  23. Issei is an amazing drummer but, bro another person who left D.I.D.......immense sadness but he's a great drummer, so I can't wait to see how this turns out

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