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Everything posted by Aferni

  1. I forgot how good Mejibray's Sliver was. please come back with material like this after hiatus if they come back at all lmao they really don't like each other much so it kind of figures. they only "respect each other as musicians"

  2. Im fucking loving this song. I can't wait for this, slay arlequin <3
  3. Aferni

    I want to die, but also want keep getting high. I hope there's drugs in the afterlife.
  4. "I'm sorry I ever met you."

  5. Aferni

    From Dio...to this. fucking ew.
  6. Aferni

  7. I can't find Noullas Gluttony wonderland or their live dist 食在...Wtf Noulla.

  8. Lack Co is a reminder that we'll never get any variation on MBHI ever again. Why Taira, Soft Disk was great MIMIC was even better. Farewell hopes, farewell Djent Tenten dreams </3

  9. Can someone point me where to buy Noulla's live dist single and their new maxi single?

    1. Kathy


      I don't know about their live limited one but you can buy their mini album on little hearts 

    2. Aferni


      I have their Mini. I'm looking for Gluttony Wonderland

    3. Kathy


      Oh, my bad. I've been looking for that too but I haven't had any luck. If I do find out I'll let you know. 

  10. My brain's gonna bust.

  11. Aferni

    CHIAKI birthed MEI hunty
  12. Infinite Sadness.

  13. It's official, my heart is broken.
  14. Hey look at that, Tohma, Issei, and Satoshi are in bands now. 

    1. Zeus


      that answers everyone's questions

  15. @Haruto Akane tweeted this a bit ago メイクと衣装に頼って、それが無ければ表現できないんだったら、センターに立つ資質なんて無いに等しいと思いますね。ただ他人とちょっと違うことしなきゃって義務感みたいなもので奇抜なメイクしてるんなら、潔く辞めた方がいい。メイクも衣装も無くたって、V系に生きる価値を見出せなきゃ、終わり。 I might be reading this wrong but is he saying he's done with Vkei?
  16. Aferni

    Sinking deeper and deeper into depression, this feels gross. Time Bungee jump deeper into addicion and cut the cord. Coat it in wax and syrup, all of it. Until I can't stand anymore. If I can still hear your voice im not high enough. God drown me in my addiction until no bubbles hit the surface.
  17. Aferni

    Can't wait for this
  18. My kidney hurts.

  19. Having A rough day at work? Leave, go home, dab, roll up, smoke, samurai Jack off.  vk rinse repeat 

  20. Aferni

    Hapy 420 u buttsluts
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