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Status Updates posted by Metoichi

  1. Shit, I have a cold XD

    1. beni


      Same here! D': *healing hug*

  2. I have real socialisation problem... Fuck off...

  3. I singin'in the rain! just singin'in the rain! What a glorious feeling! i happy again! ~~ :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jigsaw9
    3. bonsaijodelfisch


      jigsaw, the master of efficiency

    4. Metoichi


      No that's singing in the rape that ;) I LOVE A CLOCKWORK ORANGE MAN!!

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  4. Aww, dudes, hug me please T_T !

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Metoichi


      I'm kidding XD I'm too alone, that's all...

    3. beni


      *HUGGLES* <3

    4. Metoichi


      It's quite pleasant to feel loved...

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  5. Currently writting some poems

  6. There is REALLY FUCKING DOUCHBAGS in this world ^^

    1. Metoichi


      I love you dude

    2. kyoselflove
    3. beni


      They don't deserve any attention. Move along to those who do! ^^ Be happy and well, much love to you, yes~

  7. Is anybody can upload DOG inthe PWO - Tokyo electric parade please :o (Or PM me if you don't want to upload) Thank you ;)

  8. I fell down the stairs X)

    1. beni


      Steady on! I wonder if you've ever tripped up the stairs before? I do that more often. xD

    2. Metoichi


      Yes, I used to hurt myself XD I'm clumsy X)

  9. Why everybody ignore me....

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. beni


      I am always here if you need a chat, and not just me, alright? Letting it out helps a lot too, so don't feel bad to send a message. I'm glad we managed to get through to you, at least a bit then. I'm genuinely happy to know you're feeling slightly better at least, now lets continue it this way! I'll message you soon to see how you're feeling, if that's okay. And if it helps just a bit more, we can talk about other ways of chatting as you said above. Keep smilin...

    3. beni


      *Keep smiling, stay strong and be happy.

    4. nekkichi


      mejibray stan thirst is realler than real

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  10. Someone have a link for SCAPEGOAT - Psycho no Bansan? Thanks ;)

  11. If someone feel lonely, I will be happy to talk to you ^-^ (I wish I had a Japanese friend *-*)

    1. Tetora


      や????り弟! 世間話????????ゃ??話?????自由。

    2. Metoichi


      yes a Japanese person :)

    3. shiroihana


      I also would like a Japanese friend.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  12. exactly how I am feeling since 10th of august

  13. Since yesterday, I realized that I have never been lucky in love... Why people are so cruel...

    1. Rize


      I used to think like that too. But keep your hopes up, 'cause there will be certainly someone who'll come across your road. :)

  14. How do you pronounce " Sick² " °.° ?

    1. ricchubunny


      Sicks (Shikkusu)

    2. Mihenno


      i've been saying "sick two" LOL

    3. God


      i've been saying "sick two" LOL [2]

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  15. Can someone upload REALies - Drama or Reign - Shinsou??真相】 please :) ?

  16. Did someone have the Zin's PV for Sakura no Koi? :) Upload please ;)

    1. Gaz



  17. Flood in my room... alleluiah....

    1. Tetora


      Hope your stuff is okay bro.

    2. Metoichi


      My SM poster had been wet, and many posters are dead... but all of my games console are safe !

  18. Did someone have upload the 3rd Birthday - 糜爛??月「Biran no Tsuki??? I need it pleeaaaaasse :< !!

  19. Smiling Metoichi realy hates life

    1. Gaz


      hates life [2]

  20. Is someone have DOG inThe PWO - ONE ? Pleeeeeeeasse :< !

  21. Is someone have DOG inThe PWO - ONE ? Pleeeeeeeasse :< !

  22. I don't like that the administrators lock my topics... i just want to make happy the members....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Metoichi


      nyaaaa XD forget about my attitude XD

    3. seratonin


      may I say that youtube rips probably make many members angry lol

    4. Tetora


      Seratonin, I think we should focus more on the truly bad kind of rip: Ripping a fart... omg this one guy that works for me, it never stops, but even worse... he uses two different bathrooms and doesnt turn the fan on sometimes... Unhuman, I had to talk to him for that and forgetting deodorant...

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