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Posts posted by Owl

  1. This is the most ridiculous sentence ever, used by people who like...bad or boring things and doesn't accept it.


    This my own opinion, like yours.

    Funny to hear that from a person, who likes NB.

    I think further conversarion is impossible. Please post your valuable opinions in topics dedicated to bands you like, not hate (unless you're a schollkid of course). Kthxbye

  2. You have nothing better to do? That says a lot on you. omg you seem to take it so personal the fact that my topic include "no longer available", unbelievable!!


    Don't you heard about a basic command copy/paste from Windows? It's really useful to save a lot of time. It took me less time to do this than to reply to your messages

    You the one who takes it personal. You wrote a wall of text after a simple remark. And that remark was fair.


    Heard of Ctrl+A and del? It's even more useful in your case.

  3. ^ You could just simply remove all the items by edting the post and deleting all the pics and text, etc. You could write a message to moderator and they would help you to delete this topic.

    Instead you posted No longer available everywhere. What for?

    And now you're telling you'll recycle items people really wanted to buy from you. Of course it's pissing them off. What were you expecting? Love and respect?

  4. Then I hope she still has the English version. which I doubt. But I will ask.

    But since russia people don't really care about copyright much... I doubt that I should care about their copyright? haha :P but I will ask.


    But anyway please translate for me. At least I wanna read it. In the end I will check if I can publish it yes or no.

    Oke. I'll try to translate it during weekend

  5. yeah only 2 singles and i really like them already. i even bought their entire set of 6 cds with different members' cover art (which was obviously just a lazy gimmick to get more money, but whatever XD)

    Wow. I thought these cd covers in disco with bandmen from different DTR bands are just for decoration. All I have from DTR is with default artwork =\

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