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Everything posted by pawzord

  1. pawzord

    what went wrong?
  2. Can't say it's not better than most of their lives.
  3. they released that already like 3 times
  4. my inner pole is very pleased with the album title.
  5. pawzord

    >assuming i read every post
  6. their look is always on point.
  7. damn this is really good, pv is amazing too. ending is creepy as fuck
  8. pawzord

    holy shit, i didn't expect THAT. amazing
  9. pawzord

    you are aware they HAD to pay him/her to use it, right? lol otherwise they would be sued within 30 seconds.
  10. pawzord

    he probably got paid so who gives a crap
  11. everyone but minpha used same lipstick tho. clocked.
  12. exactly, why are you giving it attention and whine about it smh
  13. I really tried not to, but after listening to this it's unavoidable.
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