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Everything posted by pawzord

  1. herro rupaurs duragu konu, letzu get sikkeningu yass werk
  2. so why did they kick out minpha? oh wait
  3. pawzord

    yeah.. gotta admit they do look really good.
  4. pawzord

  5. pawzord

    AM I LATE? edit: ok nvm, there is no drama here, sorry bye
  6. they are so irrelevant that even their latest album didn't leak online lmao
  7. pawzord

    buy his vocaloid album tho
  8. pawzord

    ok i can't die now
  9. last time i was early this band was still good
  10. pawzord

    Monochrome Heaven has fucked up VK
  11. pawzord

  12. pawzord

    i live for them
  13. ok it actually sounds better than in previews. kinda like it so far
  14. pawzord

    Sounds good, looks even better. I love when Kiryu does it.
  15. pawzord

    THIS is really good. I found their last work weak, but I really enjoyed this preview.
  16. pawzord

    i'm here only for disc 2 lmao
  17. pawzord

    lucky you, great for them.
  18. pawzord

    I listened to the whole album like 3 times now, and I can barely remember any song from it. They are long, dull, and the album itself does not really have a concept? It feels like a compilation or smth.
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