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Everything posted by pawzord

  1. pawzord

    RIP They used be all popular and hyped in social media for a while and suddenly everything went silent after they released some weaker material. They will be missed.
  2. tsuzuku's mess looks are his trademark
  3. Probably was mentioned already but bands that disband after a month, and then same people create another band which disbands after 2 months smh. + live limited releases.
  4. pawzord

    i love this new look
  5. pawzord

    you don't have to be a hater to notice that their latest releases are crap tbh
  6. pawzord

    3.VISUAL-KEI IS NOT DEAD, CUZ THEY'RE UNDEAD (included in type C) sure, talk about their latest tracks
  7. pawzord

    bj session
  8. pawzord

  9. pawzord

    anything but not dezert plx
  10. This is not really first time they are pulling off such shit. I won't be surprised if the concert won't take place even in 2017 tbh.
  11. What a bunch of unproffesional retards.
  12. pawzord

    brazil is gonna literally fucking burn again if they go there
  13. san hates are fun but you need to be smart lmao
  15. i follow them only cuz kai looks good tbh
  16. oh shit you're right. he isn't gonna be there. that really sucks.
  17. not sure anymore if that's part of tetsu's look or he really needs that thing D: If the second one..poor guy.
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