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Everything posted by pawzord

  1. indeed overrated but good nonetheless
  2. i swear everything gets fucking delayed recently.
  3. pawzord

    well they are disbanding for a reason
  4. they spelled best wrong. maybe because there were no best songs toplel
  5. my antivirus went crazy when i downloaded it. never happened before so idk how i feel about that download. oh it was damn chrome blocking it. false alarm. fuck you chrome
  6. pawzord

    i'm pretty sure i've heard this song before and i've seen exactly same pv from him.
  7. pawzord

    at least they were original for once but it's too much i guess
  8. pawzord

    mods please can you tidy this thread up? I was hoping for some news about the single, got a lot of bs instead.
  9. pawzord

    i want to hear their new stufffff
  10. pawzord

    that's today tho, and they didn't choose a title yet?
  11. ffs video is now private, anyone isn't as dumb as me and downloaded it? someone posted it in downloads nvm
  12. cut in beni is just beggining of 過食症
  13. 過食症 is something i expected . nice
  14. I'm not disappointed but I expected something different.. Still looking forward to the rest of single.
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