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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/24/13 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    "I don't like the GazettE because of the fans." Response of the Zess: You're stupid. Anyone that lets the actions of other people determine whether or not they can enjoy a band isn't focusing on the music. Bonding over liking a similar artist is an attractive draw to liking a certain band but it shouldn't be the only reason why you like a band. It's entirely possible to like the GazettE and not step foot in the shoutbox or a GazettE tumblr ever. I do. As of this writing, they are the fifth most played band on my last.fm. Separate the fans from the music. This also goes out to the people that act like the GazettE never has made good music and is the symptom of decay in the visual kei scene. Shut up. I know you listen to them with the scrobbler off so don't front. Oh and if for whatever reason you feel like somebody will judge you for liking the GazettE (or any band) get off last.fm and dismount from your high horse. That's a sign of neurosis. If you actually knew how few people looked at your last.fm or cared about what you listen to, you wouldn't care at all. If anyone ever DOES judge you for listening to a band you like, tell them to go play in traffic.
  2. 2 points

    Show Yourself (again)

    DRUNK PARTY WITH @SHINSYOKU AND @FREUNDIN (also wicked teletubby if he wants to come too 8D) this pic is much less 'sexy' but....i got a cat. and i named her catbug. 8D also. angry beavers shirt. because reasons.
  3. 1 point
    THE VELVET new DVD "ヌード(nude)" will be released at 2013/09/08 (1,575yen), which will include DVD (including PVs)+booklet (4 pages) and will be sold in advance at their one-man live "ヌード(nude)" at Takadanobaba AREA at 2013/09/01 [track list] 01.ヌード(nude) 02.感染するアンドロイド(kansensuru android)
  4. 1 point
    ex-MiD DERACINE members session band "serendipity†" will perform at Sendai MACANA at 2013/09/08 "serendipity†" members: Vo.雲雀(hibari) (ex-Schmelz Cure-->MiD DERACINE) Gt.レム(rem) (ex-bishop-->MiD DERACINE) Gt.奏(kanade) (ex-Schmelz Cure-->Lithium) Ba.いつき(itsuki) (ex-MiD DERACINE) Dr.Shun (C.P.U.)
  5. 1 point

    Show Yourself (again)

    insomniac soldier derp (old picture note: try to run around with 25kg of weight in 30 celsius degrees for like over 47 hours avec dangerous dose of caffeine pills and you will feel the same as I did here) (I am the one with crooked -face)
  6. 1 point

    CROSSFAITH new album "APOCALYZE" release

    all tracks previews on itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/apocalyze/id667105329?ign-mpt=uo%3D4
  7. 1 point

    Biggest crimes in Japanese music

    This threads is about what we consider big crimes and things we don't want to see or happen or what pisses us really off... not what we personally dislike about jrock or visual kei. And stating that gory PVs are a crime and therefore shouldn't be made or even exist is not the same as saying "I dislike gory PVs". At least that's how I interpret the sense of this discussion. I guess I know what kind of bands you are reffering to and I'd say "well, unlucky, but these bands both have the looks and image connected with eroguro, (body) horror and shock value, so what do you expect?" Sure, you are free to dislke what they do and nobody forces you to watch their music videos. Nobody is preaching anything either, but stating their opinion, just like you, Umi_Niwa. About the copies thing... I believe the PV thread has shown that there are a lot of very diverse PVs. Sure, the bloody stuff is always pretty similiar, but that's not unusual about visual kei. Bands always have copied each other. You just need a few bandmembers who saw Diru's Zan PV and thought "that weird crazy shit is rad, let's do something similiar!" But as much as there are tons of bloody music videos there are equally (if not more) totally bland, uninspiring PVs with bands posing in front of a simple location or Green Screen. I'd rather prefer to watch Pvs with exploding hearts and Kyouki eating some girl's brain than watching a PV full of face closups and sparkles and bad CGI and shit... in the end it is always about subjective, personal taste. (and before you again feel like I am attacking you, Umi_NIwa: this was just my opinion, my two cents about this and I do not have the intention of pissing you off.)
  8. 1 point


    Because I don't have a picture of "The Internet," this is my July GPOY:
  9. 1 point
    I knew one of these singles was going to be a ballad. Seriously DaizyStripper, never stop. Ever since I've been listening to them back when they released their double albums BIRTH/LOVE, they have yet to release a CD that I don't like. These singles are the best, Stargazer having such a cool piano melody, MISSING being such a dark song, Uso to kagerou having that jazzy fast paced, and now this ballad
  10. 1 point
    What? This song is loads better than ASSaulter or anything on SCUMS. The guitars sound like pure orgasms and YOMI's voice sounds better. I don't know if it's because of the production/equipment or if it's actually YOMI somehow getting better. I love the tempo to this song, it's fast and energetic
  11. 1 point


  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    wow, weird to see people who doesn't like to share in a forum like that lol
  14. 1 point
    http://youtu.be/6yl7gg3tPq0 I like the second preview, of MOMENT.
  15. 1 point
    "A band's first album isn't automatically their best, in fact, it probably sucks compared to the rest of their disco." Unpopular because about 75% of the time I meet fans of bands I like, they always say their first albums were the best, like it's just an automatic, understood thing. Now, this is not exclusive to the J-fandom, I've observed it loads in Western music before I ever got into Japanese stuff. But I've never gotten it. Why does everyone parrot that the first album is omg the best ever and then they totally sold out desu desu one one. I can name so many examples: D'espairsRay, MUCC, 12012, Gazette, Meth (for them it was actually their first single or something really stupid), L'arc (lmao) and on and on. Me personally, I very rarely find any band's debut to be their best. In fact, far from it. Kinda like a writer's first novel is usually shit personified. I don't mean first published, I mean actual FIRST. Bands grow, bands get better at what they do and the same generally goes for every art form. Some of them DO have uncommonly good debuts, but that is the EXCEPTION, not the norm. You are not extra edgy or indie for liking their first album THE BEST, thereby providing some kind of unsaid proof that you've liked them since ~forever~
  16. 1 point
    I think too many people are treating VK like it's too 'mainstream', to the point where successful groups are apparently making it worse for the industry. Like "ew The GazettE are popular now so I can't possibly like them. Oh noes, Dir En Grey is reaching out to a wider fan base and they can now play in my country". Stop ruining it for everyone else; VK is about supporting the bands you actually like and enjoying the music. People tend to want their favourite band to stay indie forever so then that way they can sort of own them; they don't want other people to know about them because that probably gives them less to talk about to their hipster friends or whatever. I don't get it; why wouldn't you want your favourite band to succeed ?
  17. 1 point

    Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!

    Visual kei gets a bad reputation because visual kei fans can't talk music Elaboration is the cornerstone of great conversation and great writing. Talking about music and bands is an exercise in persuasive writing. You're giving your audience - anyone that took the time to read what you have to write - very good reasons to consider why your position is correct. Now let's say I just left this topic with that one sentence in bold. I may have a good point. If I explain, I very well may change your view. But since I don't, you won't take me seriously. If I do this over and over again very soon I'm going to build up a reputation as someone not worth listening to because I don't explain the "why's" behind my beliefs. Expand this out to the entire visual kei scene. One of our largest problems isn't that we don't have a lot to say about our favorite artists. We do. We just never get around to ever saying it. This extends out beyond Monochrome Heaven. I find I can't take people's opinions or reviews seriously because they'll just say something is great or something is shit and leave it at that. Most of the time I'm convinced that subsequent people just parrot the first person to say something different, and it continues in that direction from there. There is hardly ever details and when there is it is at the most basic level possible. As fans, we should continue to promote our favorite bands and our favorite releases, but then couple that with reasons. Why do I like this album? Why don't I like this band? And let's keep it strictly about the music, because believe it or not saying "the vocals are good and the guitars are awesome!" tells a potential interested reader nothing. What exactly does awesome sound like? Right... Now if you are not confident in your writing and explanation abilities, don't let it stop you. Read up on professional reviews on other websites. Take tips from them. Continue to work on it. You can't become better at reviewing if you never try. But if we all begin to discuss the actual music behind visual kei when we make our claims, I believe that people in other scenes will stop dismissing us outright as wankers who only listen for the pretty boys.
  18. 1 point
    I don't care about the visuals in VK: I say this is an unpopular opinion because I've been told countless times that it's impossible not to care about the visuals and anyone that says that is lying and on and on. But I don't and I never have. I have some kind of sick attraction to the music itself, but I don't give a flying fuck about the band's appearance and would prefer they didn't look so ridiculous if I had a choice, just so it'd be less embarrassing to point them out to people.
  19. 1 point
    They keep surprising me in many ways <3
  20. 1 point

    Biggest crimes in Japanese music

    Everything about VK makes me angry But mostly the entitled white girls mincing around in horribly tacky lolita fashion thinking their shit don't stink because they listen to music made by a bunch of yellow perils in drag.
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