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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/04/13 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    REALies new maxi single "LiNE" release

    REALies new maxi single "LiNE" will be released under GOEMON RECORDS (label in which シンディケイト(CindyKate) Vo.ユーイ(yu-i) acts as president) at 2013/07/10 (3 TYPE) TYPE A (1,890yen) will include CD+DVD (including "LiNE" PV), and TYPE B (1,575yen) will include CD only TYPE C will be released through their official web-shop and at their live since Kanazawa VANVAN V4 at 2013/06/28 (1,575yen), which will include CD only [CD track list] 01.LiNE 02.君と僕、泡沫の夏(kimi to boku utakata no natsu) 03.イロコイロジック(irokoi logic) (included in TYPE B ) 03.CЯOWN GAME (included in TYPE C)
  2. 1 point

    LuLu new CDs & documentary DVD release

    LuLu live-distributed CD "自虐症(jigyakushou)" will be released at their one-man live at Ikebukuro EDGE at 2013/05/07 (i.e. first live after joining of Ba.まーつん(ma-tsun)), since which their live-limited edition of their new CD "絶望(zetsubou)" (1,000yen) & live-limited documentary DVD "病院の裏側III(byouin no uragawa III)" (2,500yen) will be released
  3. 1 point


    Let's make a review out of this MEJIBRAY mini-album release: MESSIAH.bat To be honest, I was really looking forward to this release and from the preview sample it looked kinda good + their looks are awesome...! ....so I put my hopes up until it was released. At first listen to this mini-album, I was kinda impressed but after a few listens I recognized some songs from their previous releases/they've used some instrumentals from what they had released before. I think they've kinda overworked themselfs like all their ideas are gone. But I'll review each song also... Messiah.bat The intro starts with some Tsuzuku grows afterwards they let MiA do the same guitar riff from their previous release ''KILLING ME'', it sounds cool but kinda a no-no for repeating in a new song. The chorus is really catchy, totally love it! Also the up-beats are nice, it keeps you in the song. Overall it's a great song to listen to. Falling ''Maria'' The intro starts again with some previous release melody, what I can get out of it is: APOCALYPSE & THINKER. Hmmm... I don't think there's actually anything new to this song, but it's good. 【worms】 I hate to say this, but the intro is like DEVIL ON THE BED by The GazettE & Diaura - Terrors, but with electro elements in it. I think this is the only song I really dislike on their new mini-album. Great to see they try some electro elements again, but I think their darker music like their 1st mini-album / Sadisgate / Sabato / KILLING me are suiting them much better. Just saying~ - 枷と知能 -それってとても人間らしいって神様は笑ってるの- Another electro elemento song, but I approve this one, it's not bad. It reminds me of their other song Mechanical Beauty, from some of those vocal parts. www Also the lyrics lol, what I can get what Tsuzuku singing, the song is about ''fucking''? lol ... ''You say I'm fucking to, fucking you over''♪ (or something close to that xD) I think they didn't need to add any electro elements, since it's already good in the parts without them. But overall, cool song. - insomnia Finally some darker song, the intro starts with a dark sounding piano.... sweet! The drums are really sweet here, same kind of drum beats used in Akercock (YEAH www) I also love the bass in this song that goes great along with the guitar. Just an amazing song! Actually this kind/type of songs should be used in this whole mini-album in my opinion. I think this was clearly the best song out this mini-album. All the other songs seems kinda weaker. Let's hope they'll do better next time with brand new ideas, also like I said before... I really think they are overworked. They've released so much in short time... they need time to get fresh ideas.
  4. 1 point
    If you can rip off money from fans just by being famous, then why not. You can't blame Shun for that. :'D
  5. 1 point

    Coldrain- The Revelation review

    This album was kind of an oddity for me. I loved it the first time through, but the more I listened, the less I liked it. Or maybe it just got old fast? Lets start it off with what I liked about this album: The overall production of this album is really tight. Everything just sound punchy and really enjoyable. Easily their best album in this regard. The heavy sections of the songs on this album are really the strength of this release imo, which I can not say about their other releases...not that they were band, but I really feel like they stepped it up a notch in this area. Now for the not so good: The lyrics on this album are just plain bad. I found myself going "ugh" whenever I actually played attention to the words...it reminded me of an earlier high schooler's bad poetry. The clean vocal sections also lack a lot of interest from what we found on their previous albums imo, something about them just feels so cheesy. Then there is the problem is that all the songs on this album sounds so similar. I know this can really help create a cohesive package, but it works against Coldrain for this album in the sense that all the songs seemed to blur together.
  6. 1 point

    SuiseiNoboAz - New Album "ubik"

  7. 1 point

    Census of Visual Kei Lovers

    This is quite pointless. Just saying. And you shouldn't just run around and add people without their consensus. Yeah it's the internet and nothing is safe, but what if said person intentionally does not want to be included in your list? Arith was also not posting here to be added to the list - so I don't know why you're getting upset over the rules; she clearly understands them. This is an open forum, where it's users are allowed to freely post their opinions on whatever is at hand. She was making a point. This "census" will be vastly incomplete and inaccurate. If you're curious to how many users we have in each country/whatever, could have simply asked. There's also already a feature in the forum that would display which country you're in automatically in each of your posts - but it's not enabled as some people like a bit of privacy.
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