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Really looking forward to Deadpool. It looks really good (from the few pictures I've seen), and judging from a handful of pictues it seems like a much more rawer and adult superhero film than everything else within the genre nowadays. Really, really, really looking forward to it.

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Really looking forward to Deadpool. It looks really good (from the few pictures I've seen), and judging from a handful of pictues it seems like a much more rawer and adult superhero film than everything else within the genre nowadays. Really, really, really looking forward to it.

Oh, it's worth it- I was never a Deadpool (or any kind of superhero) fan, but Ryan Renold's comedy movies were always good (aka Van Wilder, Waiting, etc),

so when I heard he was doing a comedy-superhero film, and from the information people told me about Deadpool, I knew this was going to be gold.

The Renolds delivered.

Also, if you havent seen Van Wilder- one of my most recommended movies!! A must-see of American comedies.

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Good overall. The movie is a satire of superhero films. Some parts were funny but others felt like they were trying too hard to be comedic. The villain was really generic and doesn't outdo the role. The romance was quite unexpected and developed enough for you to care. It is a solid film for couples in need for a Valentines movie. :)


Here's a review from Doubletoasted I agree with for the most part.



On a side note, I'd like to give a big Fuck You to parents for bringing their babies and kids to see a R rated movie. It's nearly annoying enough to hear all that popcorn grabbing and crunching around you, but crying babies and kids yapping too? Fuck off! Have some common courtesy for goodness sake. It ruins the movie viewing experience.

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Zoolander 2. I love the first Zoolander movie, and I went into it with extremely low expectations, but the ending (and most of the middle, tbh) was just so bad. I was actually shocked that it wasn't supposed to be a dream, it made so little sense.


There are a few fun moments that made it worth seeing (Kiefer Sutherland, Mugatu and the lotion commercial), and some of the costumes are cool, but a lot of the scenes are downright insulting to watch. I don't know why comedy sequels insist on inserting such lazy, heavy-handed references to the original film. The parts with the kid are just brutal too.


I'll give Ben Stiller one thing, though: he looks fabulous for his age. Makeup is probably a big part of it, but he barely looks any older in this one than in the first movie.

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It was pretty cool! Ryan Reynolds made an amazing job. 

I think Deadpool's appearance on X-Men Origins was good but he came out of nowhere(?) so I was glad they made a GOOD movie dedicated to him.


I really hope we can see Deadpool at least in one of the next Marvel upcomming movies xD


Btw I'm happy I was able to find a cinema that shows the movie on english because Mexico is now trying to make everything dub and that's terrible ;-;

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So apparently Deadpool slayed at box office this weekend beating out a lot of foxes other superhero movies (xmen movies) that were considered more widespread and family friendly due to the PG-13 rating. and that's with a budget a fraction of the size. long story short this may lead to more super hero movies that are rated R .


here's a article that I read about all this.



Forget Days of Future Past. Sending Wolverine’s consciousness back to the 1970s may have erased the calamity of X3: X-Men United, but that’s small potatoes compared to how Deadpool may have altered the trajectory of the future of Fox’s X-Men movie universe—and a lot of other superhero movies, too.

Here’s the deal: Deadpool is a major, major success. It’s made $132 million in its opening weekend alone, bigger than the first Spider-Man movie, Man of Steel, the third X-Men movie, and many more. More stunningly, it did this despite having a comparatively tiny budget of $58 million. Deadpool isn’t just a hit, it’s one of the most profitable superhero movies of all time—and it’s only been out for three days. It’s this incredible profitability that’s going to irrevocably change Fox’s superhero movie plans, but that may just be the beginning.

The first and foremost change is that Fox will finally manage to put the X-Force movie in production, especially since it’s Deadpool star Ryan Reynolds’ self-proclaimed priority. As with a lot of superhero films, Fox has been toying with the idea for years—and until this weekend it would absolutely have been visualized as a PG-13 X-Men spinoff, another entry in the franchise. Now, however, it’s effectively going to be a Deadpool sequel (yes, despite the fact that there’s also an actual Deadpool sequel actually in production).


Ecstatic over Deadpool’s profitability, Fox has undoubtedly already approved an R-rated X-Force movie with Deadpool as a lead. It’s a tone that will suit X-Force, best characterized as the X-Men universe’s spec ops hit squad, well. The modern X-Force comics are brutal, and violent, and funny, and they actually star Deadpool. Making X-Force a spiritual Deadpool sequel targeted to the same crowd is a no-brainer.

These changes have probably already been made. The real question is, what could be next? Fox will obviously look through their X-Men rights for other characters to make into R-rated stars. It will undoubtedly think about increasing the adult content of the Gambit movie, which (like Deadpool before it) has been in pre-production for a suspiciously long time. There’s a chance that Fox could even alter the main X-Men franchise to be more mature—although those films generally do well enough that I’m better Fox will not want to mess with them. This would also be a terrible idea, of course, but studios make terrible decisions in their desperate bids for profits constantly.

But I have a theory, although it is pure speculation: Fox knows it has no idea how to handle the Fantastic Four franchise. Their last attempt—a morose but thoroughly PG-13 reboot—was a complete flop. In a world where the public looks to be insanely excited for R-rated superhero action-comedies, I could so, so easily see Fox asking for some screenwriter to turn a brand-new Fantastic Four into a raunchy, R-rated comedy. This would practically be the polar opposite of last year’s Fantastic Four—and god help me, while I know the fans would lose their minds, this may actually be something that mass audiences want. They certainly haven’t cared for the other versions of the FF. Maybe a version with Johnny Storm making jokes about Mr. Fantastic’s extendable penis is just what they’ve been waiting for.

But that’s just Fox. There’s literally no way that Marvel Studios and Warner Bros haven’t also noticed Deadpool’s amazing success and aren’t at least pondering whether there’s an opportunity there.

Marvel’s “mature”-rated comics have been turned into Netflix TV series, but there are plenty of Marvel Knights and Marvel MAX series that could be turned into smaller, R-rated flicks, starring heroes like Black Widow, Blade, Ghost Rider, War Machine, Howard the Duck, and more. Certainly the studio’s schedule is currently full with its current roster of films, but a smaller, $50 million movie could probably be added to their line-up pretty easily.

And Warner Bros. could be looking to its Vertigo comic line for possible cinematic adaptations. In fact, Deadpool may give DC/WB enough confidence to finally make some of the more mature movies it’s had languishing in development for years, including Sandman, Y: The Last Man, Fables, and more.

Again, this is all speculation, but a success like Deadpool does not go unnoticed. It has shown Hollywood that superhero movies don’t have to be PG-13; they don’t have to be super-serious; and they certainly don’t need to adhere to some bizarre idea of “realism.” More importantly, it’s shown them that there’s a ton of money to be made, if they can expand their preconceived notions of what they think audiences want.

Admit it, it would be kind of perfect if Deadpool—a movie Fox ignored for years until the test footage leaked—ended up having a profound influence not just on the X-Men movies, but the entire genre. Certainly Deadpool would very much approve.

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Thoughts on my first ever viewing of Zoolander because of giving in to the hype with its sequel and own slight interest because Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson shipping:


Thought process:

Sees Ferrell: "I'm allowing myself to see and hear Hell"

As soon as Stiller's character talks: "Why isn't that his voice 24/7?"

When Zoolander says anything like so: zoolander-good-looking-2.jpg

"My humor is terrible and this film is the definition of what I find funny"

When Frankie Goes To Hollywood's Relax song plays:

"This movie is too perfect for its own good"

By the end of the movie: "Where has this been in my life for 15 god damn years?"

Final thoughts: Genius.

Final "final" thoughts: Give it up for whoever made Will Ferrell funny and watchable for once.

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The original Zoolander is one of my favourite movies ever... but I watched it once, between 10-15 years ago. 

Not entirely hyped for Zoolander 2, it has pretty bad reviews... HOWEVER I saw in a trailer that !!!!MINOR SPOILER!!!!justin bieber gets killed!!!!MINOR SPOILER!!!! so I kinda want to see it..


I'm REALLY hyped for Deadpool, one day I will get out there and see it. If they make an X-Force movie based on the original Uncanny X-Force team (Deadpool, Psylocke, Angel, Wolverine, X-23, Fantomex) .. except, please swap Fantomex with Domino... I WOULD DIE. X-Force vol 3 & Uncanny X-Force are my favourite comic series.

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HOWEVER I saw in a trailer that !!!!MINOR SPOILER!!!!justin bieber gets killed!!!!MINOR SPOILER!!!! so I kinda want to see it..




I'm sold, I don't care if it's only got one star. That didn't stop me with Dumb and Dumber To. XD

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It's less than a week until Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny is available on Netflix USA now. I can't fucking wait! I'm a bit sceptic, but if it's just half as good as the original it'll mos tlikely be film of the year. I'm so god damn excited for this film!

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Straight Outta Compton - I was really looking forward to this film, but I was sceptic as it seemed like it was aimed more towards casual movie watchers rather than hip hop/N.W.A. fans. Which is understandable of course considering how movies are all about money. But it still made me sceptic. Looked too much like a standard hood-film. But I was pleasently surprised.I thought it was excellent actually. I'm sure there's plenty fiction in the film, like it is in 95% of films like this, but it felt real and it felt honest. Dramatic and touching, tough as fuck, witty. Got a lot! I really enjoyed this.


But there were things that bugged me throughout this film too. MC Ren is almost forgotten. Now I don't now N.W.A.'s history through and through, but he surely was a much more important figure in the group than what this film made him out to be, and why on earth is Arabian Prince almost completely left out? That's so weird. Shocking actually. Not too fan of the good guy image the members are given her either, but this is close to nitpicking as it was a very entertaining films.


And I wish there was more N.W.A. in the soundtrack too. Straight Outta Compton is one of the very best hip hop albums ever, and it should've been given more time. In my eyes at least.


But I really liked the film!




3:10 to Yuma - I'll just start off by saying that this film is excellent, even though it doesn't quite reach the original. A great cast where both Russell Crowe and Peter Fonda truly excels. It feels like an old school western in a modern production. I like it a lot, but I'll recommend the original 9/10 times. It's simply a better film IMO. But if you love westerns, like I do, then this it well worth your time.



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This Film Is Not Yet Rated - A good documentary about the MPAA, the american movie ratings board. While I found all three main elements of the film interesting (interviews with directors who experienced problems with the ratings board, an investigation into what exactly the MPAA stands for and who the MPAA raters are, and director Dick's own problems with the ratings board.


The most interesting part is the dissection of the NC-17 rating and the MPAA's discrimination as far as sex goes. It's very interesting to see that the main difference between an R and NC-17 (which is HUGE as far as how many you'll reach with your own) can be as small as some female pubic hair, three people instead of two or an innocent sex scene with a gay couple instead of a straight one. Anything that's "out of the ordinary" as far as sex goes will get a NC-17. And the NC-17 rating ONLY concerns sex scenes. A girl masturbating with her clothes on with no nudity whatsoever woul get an NC-17 rating, while the most violent shit you can think of would get an R rating, or maybe even an PG-13 rating as long as there's no big amount of blood. Says it all really. The whole ratings system is very homophobic, and it's disgusting. And shocking.


Now this was made back in the mid-2000's, so things may have changed since then. But it's still interesting to see how it was, and maybe still is. Very good documentary IMO.


John Waters is, as always, bloody brilliant!

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Das finstere Tal/The Dark Valley - A really dark, grim and minimalistic austrian/german western film that touched me in all the right places. It's a very simple and traditional revenge tale, but it's really atmospheric, well-acted and beautifully shot. Visually stunning! It's very mezmerizing in its own slow-burning way, and the first 50-60 minutes or so goes along at the pace of a god damn snail, but it works, and the soundtrack is so cool and odd. I really liked the close-to-out-of-place songs that's included. So god damn good!


Fantastic film!




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The Danish Girl. I thought it was pretty weak. It felt more like it was just trying really hard to appeal to a specific demographic rather than being a good movie in its own right. The pacing was awful and it seemed to keep repeating the same things over and over to try to cheaply lengthen the movie's runtime. I don't think Eddie Redmayne did as much of a good job as people have made out, though he wasn't awful by any means.


I dunno, it just seems like the type of film that people want to like due to its subject matter than one that actually deserves a lot of the praise I've seen it get. Not bad but nothing even remotely special either.

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Knock Knock by Eli Roth, with Keanu Reeves (the reason that got me into this "movie")...

Final rate ---> -1000/10!

Go away from this thing if you love watching movies, shitty, useless and without a purpose, a complete waste of time...

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The Retrieval - Slow-burning, atmospheric western-drama set to the year of 1864 that follows a 13 year old boy who survives and makes a living by helping out a slave hunter during the Civil War. THe script is fantastic, the characters lovely (the bonding is most excellent here. That growth!) and fine acting. A very powerful and touching look into how things were back then.


There's also a few scenes that shows the immense power these slaveholders had over the minds of the slaves back than, scenes that'll make you wonder how people could be so cruel as to make other humans feel that way. Those scenes were really hard to watch actually, because they just felt so very authentic.


The cast is superb too. The three leads are fantastic, and Tishuan Scott gives us a performance that, in a fair world, would'be been very close to winning an Oscar. Top notch performance. Emotional, powerful, touching.


The main problem is the modern look of it all. It just looks a bit too digital and clear. But that is nitpicking. Superb film!



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(500) Days of Summer

Great breakup movie! Joseph Gordon-Lewitt and Zooey Deschanel both give great performances.

Perfect movie if you are going through a breakup! 4/5


The Night Before

Some of my favorite comedies are Seth Rogen related, so I knew I would like this one. It did however turn out to be a lot funnier than i expected. Seth Rogen's character especially have some hilarious moments.  Joseph Gordon-Lewitt and Anthony Mackie are not bad though!

If you enjoy Seth Rogen comedies overall you will love this one for sure. 5/5

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Unforgiven - Fantastic western by and starring Clint Eastwood, and with him he's got Morgan Feeman, Gene Hackman and Richard Harris. This dark, gritty and sombre western films takes a bit different angle than most other westerns, at least at the time, and is dirty as hell. Best thing about this film, aside from the beautifulcinematography, is how it steps away from the romanticism of the Wild West. It takes a look at the dirtier side of it, and shows us another side of it, more realistic and more down to earth. Superb characters, a great story. All in all a fantastic film!


I do think the film is slightly overrated, though, despite my love for it. It's often considered Clint's best work to date as a director, but I think films such as Play Misty for Me, High Plains Drifter, The Outlaw Josey Wales, The Gauntlet and Pale Rider are much better/cooler. Not necessary better films per se, but I enjoy them a lot more.



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Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny - No less than 15 years have gone since Ang Lee's epic wuxia Crouching Tiger, Hiden Dragon took the world by storm and introduced flying humans beings with incredible skills to castual cinema goers in the west, and more or less started a small storm of classic wuxia-releases for the next few years, the films sees a sequel, directed by none other than legend Yen Woo-Ping, starring Donnie Yen and the only returning cast members, Michelle Yeoh. I liked the film quite a lot, but I totally understand the disappointment of the general Chinese audience, fans of the original film and fans of wuxia in general.


But despite all this greatness, it's a heavily flawed film. To use a word I am not too fan of at all, it's very "americanized" (in lack of a better word). It's quite obvious from early on that this film tagets a completely different audience than the original film. The wuxia-elements are toned down, its characters and story is very simplified in many ways, and the fact that they speak English feels just plain weird, and not only does it feel very out of plae in a wuxia, but the chemestry and acting itself seems to get dragged down by it. Like they have to use too much brain and concentration on the language itself. You have a film like Sukiyaki Western Django who went for the same thing, just with engrish instead of english but unlike CTHD:SoD it helped the film because of the already cheesy and silly tone of the film. This is a serious film, SWD wasn't- And the films feels very modern and digital, something that annoys me a lot.


There's also a few films that would work better in a classic Jackie Chan-comedy than in a wuxia.


Another low-point is that the film is shot in New Zealand, and some shots reminds me a lot of The Lord of the Rings. They're basically like taken straight outta LotR, while the classic Chinese parts are CGI. It doesn't look awful, but it looks very digital and out of place in a film like this. The visuals is also toned down, removing the classic wuxia-feeling from it.


But one of the reasons why this worked for me is the fact that I am a huge fanboy of Yuen Woo-ping, Donnie Yen, Michelle Yeoh and wuxia in general. I had lots of fun with it. But at the end of the day what we have here is wuxia for people who aren't familiar with the genre or simply don't really enjoy it at all.






The original, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon has a truly special place in my heart, though. It wasn't my first wuxia as I grew up watching a lot of action films, among them plenty chinese martial arts film. But back then all martial arts films were kung fu or karate film. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was the one that introduced me to the genre itself, making me understand what it is all about, along with Hero and The House of Flying Daggers. Majestic films, but unlike everyone else I have Hero as my favourite.

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Run All Night - Liam Neeson stars as Liam Neeson in this action-thriller, playing a very similar role he's done a lot lately. Liam Neeson stars as a worn out, badass motherfucker ready to fuck things and people up. He's basically playing a similar character to the one he did in Taken 1, 2 and 3, Unknown, Non-Stop and probably more films, and as in all those he does a fine job. But the film is predictable and is never interesting in giving you more than the usual, which is fine for me. It works well enough. Entertaining, but never a masterpiece.




Assassination - Great South-Korean espionage-action with incredible action scenes, the type of action of rarely see in films like this anymore. Beautifully crafted, exceptionally choreographed, violent and bloody. The cast is strong, the direction stronger and the script very good. The film might be a bit too long and a tad too complex for its own good, and there's probably a few characters too many. You almost need to take notes to follow 'em all, who they are and all that. But if you manage to pay close attention to the film for its 140 minutes runtime, you'll manage. I sure did, and I sure as hell liked this film. Really intense and epic, and again, the action sequences are phenomenal!!! The kind of scenes you won't see in any massive-Hollywood-productions similar to this. Refreshing!


I was very impressed by Jun Ji-hyun, Ha Jung-woo, Lee Jung-jae and Cho Jin-woong in this film. Great performances, and Jun Ji-hyun's is worthy of an oscar. Incredible!


The film is almost overly patriotic though. The patriotism is way over the top here, and the message is basicall "Korea is good, Japan is very, very bad!!!". Heh.


Choi Dong-hoon is a very good director. Can't wait to see more of him.



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Ex Machina




I had some really high hopes for this movie because I love this genre and the visuals are positively STUNNING. But I had huge issues with the tone and overplaying how "intellectual" it was by treating its viewer like they couldn't understand the plot without it being spelled out in the narrative for them at every. single. turn. It got to feel condescending by the end of the film. I think the greatest brain-bending movies are the ones that let their audience do the math for themselves or continue to debate about it long after the film is over. I didn't like some of the casting and there's plotholes with the ending so that didn't help it much ether. It's a good thing to watch if you just wanna see some cool CGI and sexy robots, though. 2/5



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