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I never thought of it that way before, but I'm totally fine with the idea of visual kei remaining a primarily Asian thing.

I mean don't get me wrong, I have thought about it before. But Patrik's outburst really got me thinking about what visual kei is and why none of us can settle on a coherent definition. That's where the magic lies for me. I grew up as less than in a Eurocentric world, and was programmed to think of white as default. Everyone in my country is. History was white people history. World history was "this is how Britain almost won this last game of Civilization, but then America came from behind with a bullshit victory". Asian culture always felt more distant and is still marketed as more niche and ~exotic~. For me, there's a layer of separation between how I perceive the two cultures. I will always feel more familiarity with Britain or Scandinavia than Laos or Cambodia, even though I have never been to any of those places. In theory, I would be okay with visual kei becoming a world wide thing. In practice, outside of Asian circles it crosses the layer of separation in my mind and becomes something too familiar to be visual kei, and so it just doesn't work for me.

Also I'm high as fuck whats up?

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The short-lived “boom” is pretty much over. The only way I can see VK gaining some popularity back is if the young Koreaboos eventually grow out of idol/pop groups, and move on to heavier stuff that they got from the older Koreaboos who “used to” listen to VK.

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