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Lip-sync/Playback track on VK live concerts

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It really really bothers me when a singer can't really reproduce the record and sometimes don't even tries to...  This happens all the time with like every fucking VK band around, SPECIALLY in songs with screams or shouts.


It's time for us to admit that most VK vocalists simply are studio-only and sucks ass live?


What do you guys think about this?

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If this is limited to just playback tracks of vocals then I agree. I'll let a backing track of growls or screams pass because I understand what that does to one's throat.  Other than that, I came to see the band perform even if they aren't all that great live. If the vocalist sucks, he sucks. Make up for it with charisma and singing lessons.


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I absolutely hate this phenomenon... and, like you said, it's practically everywhere!!! Also, sometimes it isn't even limited to singing, but adding extra guitars, synth and other random instruments. imo when it's about like one lone synth line or some extra flourishes that add atmosphere to a song, it's okay. However, when all the playback stuff plays the actual main melodies and such, or when the guitarist finds the 'easy way out' by only playing the slowww ringing power chords instead of the other 2-3 guitar lines, then it's just pure laziness.


I get that the bands want to recreate the studio version as precisely as possible, and that recruiting extra members just to play these few parts would cost more for them, so they resort to crutches like this, but they should only do it in moderation. Back when I started listening to VK I wouldn't have thought I'd praise and look up to a band just because they really play everything live (THAT'S WHAT PLAYING A GIG IS ALL ABOUT, DAMMIT), but wowwww... right now, the only two acts that come to my mind who deliver live without any playback whatsoever are MUNIMUNI and (the disbanded) KYOKUTOU GIRL FRIEND. The former has enough members live to make everything work perfectly, and the latter one could pull off awesome live renditions of their songs, EVEN THOUGH on recordings they had at least 2 different guitar lines in their songs. The sole guitarist just went with the more prominent part live, sometimes even meshing the best parts of both guitars to make it work. Kudos to him. Oh, and both their bassist and guitarist sang backing vocals.

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The greatest example I can give you of this is Megaromania. Now don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore this band and they are one of my favourites, but it does seem excessive sometimes. I believe the idea spawned originally because of course this was a very melodic and synth-driven group and seeing as they didn't have a keyboardist, it was natural to include a backing track. And now I am going to contradict myself here, but instead of using the vocal lines as a substitute, Sui often covers them perfectly and they act as a second vocal layer, giving his voice a more ethereal effect. I have seen them performing with my own eyes and because they were late at that time, they didn't have time to set up everything perfectly. His actual live performance is nearly equal to what you hear on the recorded versions, if he can be bothered with singing most of his lines.



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^I would love to hear a Megaromania or Lin song without any effects, just his own voice. It seems that he can carry it perfectly by himself.
I'm wondering how it's gonna be on Lin's latest live DVD...

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I think I can be proud enough to say that I haven't seen a vocalist blatanly lip-sync. Yet. I've seen vocalists sing entire lives out of tune...or you can tell they're not lipsynching because they're busy screaming things at the crowd whilst singing the song (badly).

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avelcain take the cake

then again if ur going to see avelcain live ur not looking for a perfect rendition. the playback is quite heavy because karma is usually going crazy somewhere and the rest of the band are busy fucking up the audience so yeah

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