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  1. Like
    Tetora reacted to ricchubunny in Show Yourself (again)   
    lemme be your gardener
  2. Like
  3. Like
    Tetora reacted to stylelover in DOG in The PWO LIVE DVD & new maxi single release   
    damn, been a long time since i was so excited about a dog release. so amazing preview.
  4. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Muma in TADAIMA~   
    Welcome back.
  5. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from miyuu in [Band battle] Lycaon vs. Calmando Qual   
    People got played like puppets and were blatantly pushed into fights with each other for the amusement of others, and it didnt even result in actual amusement. If I wasn't a happy-go-lucky numbskull I would find it depressing, actually.
  6. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Gaz in [Band battle] Lycaon vs. Calmando Qual   
    People got played like puppets and were blatantly pushed into fights with each other for the amusement of others, and it didnt even result in actual amusement. If I wasn't a happy-go-lucky numbskull I would find it depressing, actually.
  7. Like
    Tetora reacted to jon_jonz in The♡Valentine. new mini album "ばんぎゃる大作戦!!!(band-gal daisakusen!!!)" release   
    Am I the only one who actually likes this band ? They're just some generic pseudo-cute band, but I kinda like it. I don't get it when you guys say the vocals suck when I bet most of you listen to more annoying shit, like PaRADEiS.
  8. Like
    Tetora reacted to Vainglory in Hello★   
    Hi. I'm shuu.
    I've been around on and off for well over 10 years now.
    I just found out about monochrome heaven.
    I used to be pretty active on tainted-world and tonberry torrents forever ago.
    I'm a pretty big fan of Matina & UNDER CODE, as well as a lot of mid-90's and early 2000's stuff.
    Looking forward to seeing how this community is★
  9. Like
    Tetora reacted to Muma in TADAIMA~   
    So yeah, I wonder if any of you guys still remember me > <
    It shouldn't take too long to get back into the habit of the daily MH check again
    Good to be back
    Hopefully this will kickstart a j-music trend again in my listening... My ability to tell the difference between various indie bands while on shuffle songs is dulling xD
  10. Like
    Tetora reacted to monstershade in I want to do the thing.   
    I don't usually do the forum thing, but I really need to talk to more people so here I stand and I'm horrendously awkward so please enjoy and chuckle warmly with me.

    I wanted to remain semi-anonymous but hell, if anyone knows me they'll figure me out by my list of bands, lulz.

    I listen to Sadie, mainly. And Alice Nine. In fact, Alice Nine was my first VK band and my vehicle into this ETERNAL MADNESS. Shulla (and anything and everything that Kaito is involved with, currently mourning AUBE), Dir en grey, -OZ-, the GazettE, DIV, MEJIBRAY, 12012 and this one fabulous nutjob who calls himself Gothique Prince Ken.

    The only KPop I tolerate is FTISLAND because Lee Hong Ki is gold. Like he is literally gold, like he probably weighs a ton because he is made of gold. Gold. 

    Anyways, let's be friends. Especially if you like Sadie or if you like anything or everything about Shulla or Kaito because I need more people to do Kuusou no Hane with. 

  11. Like
    Tetora reacted to digi in [Band battle] Lycaon vs. Calmando Qual   
    Are people actually getting all up in their feels over this or?
    People like what they like, it's no use arguing over "which is better" because you're never going to get anywhere with it. 
    With that said, I chose CQ simply because I like them more than Lycaon. I've tried countless times to get into them but they just don't appeal to me that much. Don't get me wrong, they're great at what they do, but CQ is just a favorite of mine in general. 
  12. Like
    Tetora reacted to Pretsy in Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - Pikapika Fantajin   
    ^Oh, sorry for the lack of that exact info - and if I were to respond:
    Believe it or not, but the only input that Kyary has in her music is basically her vocals - producing, composing, lyrics, mixing and mastering is SOLELY done by the same guy throughout her career (Yasutaka Nakata, as I mentioned). It's not a stretch then - read the liner notes/credits in release booklets
    Of course there are also news about two artists contributing to her music (on a later phase) , but that's unrelated to this matter...
  13. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Mihenno in Upcoming Release Thread   
    Just a personal suggestion, but I think it is a good idea to make the release list on the Main Page have a scroll bar, so that it doesn`t stretch out the main page so far and bump down the stuff below it.
    Like right now there is a ton of releases, and maybe it would be neater if it just showed something like 5-10 and you scroll down to see the rest.
    Just my opinion, maybe it is hard to implement though.
  14. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Original Saku in UVERworld - Ø CHOIR   
    The immensely popular Rock Band UVERworld returns with the album that I personally enjoy most out of their catalog to date.
    The tracks flow through many different musical styles and feelings, while staying anchored to the UVERworld signature product. What to expect most is lots of attitude (something I look for) and a rock album that you can pretty much bounce along to as if it were full of `hip-hop jams`except with heavy riffs, great drums, and a soaring sax to go along with the vocalists stand-up-and-shout microphone persona.
    I recommend this to any VK or Indie fans who haven`t already checked it out due to the band not fitting into their preferred genres. If you enjoy rock, musical creativity and just all around great production, give it a try. The lyrics, vocal ability and instrumentation all deliver.
    How quickly the album picks up on you may differ. Even for me as a fan, there were tracks that instantly clicked, and others which I had to give a few spins in order to get into and really feel. But after all the plays I eventually grew fond of listening to each and every track.
    Biggest Attention Grabbers:
    The singles including Fight For Liberty, Wizard Club and Nano Second, as well as the Underworld cover `Born Slippy` an underground classic from England, featured in the `cult-hit` Trainspotting, and referenced in the audio/music-phile Tomoki Kyoda`s anime Eureka Seven AO.
    Sleeper Tracks:
    別世界 (betsusekai, lit. Seperate World, interpreted as Another World in common speech), and ENOUGH-1. Betsusekai would theoretically be an answer to anyone doubting that UVERworld could make a track like Born Slippy on their own. They step it up musically, and put together a jazz-rock structured jam that really takes me on an instrumental journey. ENOUGH-1 has a laid back Japanese Yankee kind of attitude to it, I imagine it as the perfect tune for a group to roll out to in the sunset as they hit the town for something wild. The lyrics, music and attitude grew on me with each listen and it became one of my go-to tracks when I slip my headphones on.
    Track Count: 14 (4 previously released,  3 of which are slightly modified for the album)
    Listens: 30-40
    Production Quality: Amazing recording, mixing, timbre and overall feel.
    CD Print Quality: No perceptible flaws, perfect track synch, no artefacts.
    Overall Rating: They seem to have pulled off the exact feel and quality they were going for, I enjoy the album immensely, and in the right mood I don`t skip a single track.
  15. Like
    Tetora reacted to Biopanda in Headbanging caused brain bleed in Motorhead fan   
    You guys are weaksauce... ALSDEAD + GALEYD back-to-back == like an hour of constant headbanging. I did it like a champ without any headaches at all :v
  16. Like
    Tetora reacted in Headbanging caused brain bleed in Motorhead fan   
    I know i can only headband a tiny bit before I get a MASSIVE like minute long headache ;w;w;w; lol just sway the head kinda side to side loosely , instead of  like RAWVFUVFHBSUYBUSYKGBSUDGB HEADBANG F YEAHHHHH YBYU
  17. Like
    Tetora reacted to kyoselflove in [Band battle] Lycaon vs. Calmando Qual   
    Sorry have to go with Lycaon.  Love their sound, may be generic to others but to me it's different and refreshing plus I pretty much know all their songs and I'm in love with them.  <3
  18. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Mihenno in UVERworld - Ø CHOIR   
    The immensely popular Rock Band UVERworld returns with the album that I personally enjoy most out of their catalog to date.
    The tracks flow through many different musical styles and feelings, while staying anchored to the UVERworld signature product. What to expect most is lots of attitude (something I look for) and a rock album that you can pretty much bounce along to as if it were full of `hip-hop jams`except with heavy riffs, great drums, and a soaring sax to go along with the vocalists stand-up-and-shout microphone persona.
    I recommend this to any VK or Indie fans who haven`t already checked it out due to the band not fitting into their preferred genres. If you enjoy rock, musical creativity and just all around great production, give it a try. The lyrics, vocal ability and instrumentation all deliver.
    How quickly the album picks up on you may differ. Even for me as a fan, there were tracks that instantly clicked, and others which I had to give a few spins in order to get into and really feel. But after all the plays I eventually grew fond of listening to each and every track.
    Biggest Attention Grabbers:
    The singles including Fight For Liberty, Wizard Club and Nano Second, as well as the Underworld cover `Born Slippy` an underground classic from England, featured in the `cult-hit` Trainspotting, and referenced in the audio/music-phile Tomoki Kyoda`s anime Eureka Seven AO.
    Sleeper Tracks:
    別世界 (betsusekai, lit. Seperate World, interpreted as Another World in common speech), and ENOUGH-1. Betsusekai would theoretically be an answer to anyone doubting that UVERworld could make a track like Born Slippy on their own. They step it up musically, and put together a jazz-rock structured jam that really takes me on an instrumental journey. ENOUGH-1 has a laid back Japanese Yankee kind of attitude to it, I imagine it as the perfect tune for a group to roll out to in the sunset as they hit the town for something wild. The lyrics, music and attitude grew on me with each listen and it became one of my go-to tracks when I slip my headphones on.
    Track Count: 14 (4 previously released,  3 of which are slightly modified for the album)
    Listens: 30-40
    Production Quality: Amazing recording, mixing, timbre and overall feel.
    CD Print Quality: No perceptible flaws, perfect track synch, no artefacts.
    Overall Rating: They seem to have pulled off the exact feel and quality they were going for, I enjoy the album immensely, and in the right mood I don`t skip a single track.
  19. Like
    Tetora reacted to Pretsy in Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - Pikapika Fantajin   
    Additional note by me: I know that many people around here have a lot against this artist - I do get it of course (sometimes it's either a) her vocals or her overboard, quirky and naive "musical status"). But seeing as fortunately some people manage to get over these pretexts - and see that she definitely deserves her own position in Nakata's "girl-vocal-group-trio" (Kyary-Perfume-Capsule these days), who for their part deserve respect for being able to convey Nakata's lively world of electro music. Those who are quite interested - AND acknowledge "the man behind Kyary", know certainly what I'm saying.
    Tracklist with romanizations:
    Now that we have a producer, who's definitely on fire release-wise - we have a chance to look at his...or in this case, Kyary's new full-length called "Pikapika Fantajin". Some people felt that Kyary's release tempo was getting too fast, and thus some singles ended up being quite "effortless" according to the general critic fanbase (especially in Japan, hm). But in the end the album itself managed to reveal some truly welcome surprises , and I am going to take them into account as well as I review this piece...
    After we get past the majestic-like intro, the album kicks out with three single tracks - "Kirakira Killer" ,"Yume no Hajima Ring Ring"'s album mix and "Mottai Night Land". "Kirakira" is a full-on, upbeat and typical Kyary track, so there's not really much to say about it - other than that it's quite great, and works well as a possible "indicator of typical Kyary-istic sound". Yume no Hajima Ring Ring on the other hand caused some "small ruckus" in Japanese netizens' part due to various plagiarism/"zero effort"-crapstorms. Quite unfortunate that this child-like, but nicely nostalgic piece got too much hate - and in vain. Yes - the song itself was way too straight-forward as a Kyary's single song, but Nakata interestingly enough took some notes from general reaction towards his piece - and rearranged some parts (especially the final chorus which sounds much more...nostalgic and epic, hehe) for this album. My positive opinion didn't change at all even after some "obvious renovations" in this album mix - best single out of "Pikapika" over here! "Mottai" instead has nothing much to pinpoint - very straightforward effort as well, but I think ragtime-y piano saves it from becoming a dull filler.
    Then we move on to the song, who deserves a lot more than just this lousy paragraph - "Serious Hitomi". Quite a shocker for those familiar with Kyary's earlier repertoire, seeing as the song heavily relies on "real band sound": you can hear and jam freely along to the guitar soloing, dynamic bassline and nice drums. I cannot come up with any proper comparison for "Serious", but let's make a bit faraway fetch anyway: imagine if Kyary covered Tokyo Jihen's "indiest" songs - a la "FOUL" or "Noriki" for instance. Might sound too biased to be true, but at least it gives you a general idea about awesomeness happening here. Possibly the best song of Kyary? J/k, j/k...very good one though.
    Rest of this album still needs more "digesting" - but on the other note, it makes you think whether Nakata was getting too lazy while making this album: "do do pi do" and "Tokyo Highway" are definitely the stars of "latter half", mainly thanks to their nods towards Nakata's other projects (Capsule and Perfume, respectively), but in the meanwhile we have songs like "Ring a Bell" and "Koi Koi Koi", which are just wayward silly - and Explorer, despite being quite an okay track (retro-y strings  ) , is definitely nothing close to the proper closer material, and thus leaves a listener confused. Where did "Chan Chaka Chan Chan"-like closers go, Nakata? I'd personally put "Yume no Hajima" here, thanks to its obvious farewell-like message.
    I have nothing much to say about remaining single mixes - they are okay, albeit very straightforward efforts.
    The release in general starts out quite solidly, but ends up quite lazily (the same problem occured in "Nanda Collection" as well). Positive thoughts-wise though, there are many tracks worth pinpointing - and my personal picks are:
    Standouts: Serious Hitomi,  do do pi do, Tokyo Highway, Yume no Hajima Ring Ring
    Cool tracks: Kira Kira Killer
    Okay tracks: Mottai Night Land, Family Party, Sungoi Aura, Explorer
    Tracks worth the big fix:  Ring a Bell, Koi koi Koi
    (I won't rate the title track - intro, duh)
    - Not really perfect, but still very solid release by Kyary...and Nakata. Might come back here to edit more if I have more to say/fix.
  20. Like
    Tetora reacted to Champ213 in Upcoming Release Thread   
    Nope, a scrollbar is not a feature that can be enabled for the sideboxes, sorry. I tweaked the settings a bit so that the calender shows less days in advance.
    If it still bothers you, you can always collapse the box (or any of the other boxes for that matter). For example, I always have the "popular tags" box collapsed, as I don't need to see it every time I'm on the index page. I only open it when I actually want to search for a tag.  
  21. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from CAT5 in Upcoming Release Thread   
    Just a personal suggestion, but I think it is a good idea to make the release list on the Main Page have a scroll bar, so that it doesn`t stretch out the main page so far and bump down the stuff below it.
    Like right now there is a ton of releases, and maybe it would be neater if it just showed something like 5-10 and you scroll down to see the rest.
    Just my opinion, maybe it is hard to implement though.
  22. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Zeus in UVERworld - Ø CHOIR   
    The immensely popular Rock Band UVERworld returns with the album that I personally enjoy most out of their catalog to date.
    The tracks flow through many different musical styles and feelings, while staying anchored to the UVERworld signature product. What to expect most is lots of attitude (something I look for) and a rock album that you can pretty much bounce along to as if it were full of `hip-hop jams`except with heavy riffs, great drums, and a soaring sax to go along with the vocalists stand-up-and-shout microphone persona.
    I recommend this to any VK or Indie fans who haven`t already checked it out due to the band not fitting into their preferred genres. If you enjoy rock, musical creativity and just all around great production, give it a try. The lyrics, vocal ability and instrumentation all deliver.
    How quickly the album picks up on you may differ. Even for me as a fan, there were tracks that instantly clicked, and others which I had to give a few spins in order to get into and really feel. But after all the plays I eventually grew fond of listening to each and every track.
    Biggest Attention Grabbers:
    The singles including Fight For Liberty, Wizard Club and Nano Second, as well as the Underworld cover `Born Slippy` an underground classic from England, featured in the `cult-hit` Trainspotting, and referenced in the audio/music-phile Tomoki Kyoda`s anime Eureka Seven AO.
    Sleeper Tracks:
    別世界 (betsusekai, lit. Seperate World, interpreted as Another World in common speech), and ENOUGH-1. Betsusekai would theoretically be an answer to anyone doubting that UVERworld could make a track like Born Slippy on their own. They step it up musically, and put together a jazz-rock structured jam that really takes me on an instrumental journey. ENOUGH-1 has a laid back Japanese Yankee kind of attitude to it, I imagine it as the perfect tune for a group to roll out to in the sunset as they hit the town for something wild. The lyrics, music and attitude grew on me with each listen and it became one of my go-to tracks when I slip my headphones on.
    Track Count: 14 (4 previously released,  3 of which are slightly modified for the album)
    Listens: 30-40
    Production Quality: Amazing recording, mixing, timbre and overall feel.
    CD Print Quality: No perceptible flaws, perfect track synch, no artefacts.
    Overall Rating: They seem to have pulled off the exact feel and quality they were going for, I enjoy the album immensely, and in the right mood I don`t skip a single track.
  23. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from CAT5 in UVERworld - Ø CHOIR   
    The immensely popular Rock Band UVERworld returns with the album that I personally enjoy most out of their catalog to date.
    The tracks flow through many different musical styles and feelings, while staying anchored to the UVERworld signature product. What to expect most is lots of attitude (something I look for) and a rock album that you can pretty much bounce along to as if it were full of `hip-hop jams`except with heavy riffs, great drums, and a soaring sax to go along with the vocalists stand-up-and-shout microphone persona.
    I recommend this to any VK or Indie fans who haven`t already checked it out due to the band not fitting into their preferred genres. If you enjoy rock, musical creativity and just all around great production, give it a try. The lyrics, vocal ability and instrumentation all deliver.
    How quickly the album picks up on you may differ. Even for me as a fan, there were tracks that instantly clicked, and others which I had to give a few spins in order to get into and really feel. But after all the plays I eventually grew fond of listening to each and every track.
    Biggest Attention Grabbers:
    The singles including Fight For Liberty, Wizard Club and Nano Second, as well as the Underworld cover `Born Slippy` an underground classic from England, featured in the `cult-hit` Trainspotting, and referenced in the audio/music-phile Tomoki Kyoda`s anime Eureka Seven AO.
    Sleeper Tracks:
    別世界 (betsusekai, lit. Seperate World, interpreted as Another World in common speech), and ENOUGH-1. Betsusekai would theoretically be an answer to anyone doubting that UVERworld could make a track like Born Slippy on their own. They step it up musically, and put together a jazz-rock structured jam that really takes me on an instrumental journey. ENOUGH-1 has a laid back Japanese Yankee kind of attitude to it, I imagine it as the perfect tune for a group to roll out to in the sunset as they hit the town for something wild. The lyrics, music and attitude grew on me with each listen and it became one of my go-to tracks when I slip my headphones on.
    Track Count: 14 (4 previously released,  3 of which are slightly modified for the album)
    Listens: 30-40
    Production Quality: Amazing recording, mixing, timbre and overall feel.
    CD Print Quality: No perceptible flaws, perfect track synch, no artefacts.
    Overall Rating: They seem to have pulled off the exact feel and quality they were going for, I enjoy the album immensely, and in the right mood I don`t skip a single track.
  24. Like
    Tetora reacted to bonsaijodelfisch in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    sooo, first episode of tokyo ghoul was a bit of a mixed bag, i really don't like the main character (or any of the characters) so far.
    also everything story-related is probably the most generic and obvious stuff that one can think of when speaking about sombie/vampire-esque shows in general, so this was pretty disappointing too.
    that beeing said, the thing looks bloody brilliant, beautiful scenes and settings aswell als great animated and directed sequences (particularly liked the bit when trying to eat again...). who knows, could still obviously become more interesting, it's only been one episode so far...
    first episode of free! eternal sth was nice aswell, pretty much what you'd expect, some bro-ing/friendshipstuffs, some sports, tons of fanservice and some brilliant animation.
    started the new SOA too despite hating and dropping the first one after 15-ish episodes. so far the setup is nice and i'm genuinely interested what might happen in the course of the arc but i'm still very much positive that it'll be turning into some storytelling/pacing-trainwreck and overall low-level harem show again (the last scene + the ending/outro seem like a quality indication of that...)
  25. Like
    Tetora reacted to Kaye in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    There should be Zankyou no Terror this Friday. Looking forward to that one. Ping Pong was pretty "arthouse" but you need to care at least a bit for the sport I guess. I found in strangely good.
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