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    Tetora got a reaction from Shir0 in Sayonara.   
    I personally don`t agree with a good-bye thread being turned into an attack on someone.
    You are leaving for the personal reasons, and I understand that you have to try and do what you think you need to do, if anyone agrees or not.
    Hopefully you are successful, and you come back either when you need your VK fix, or when you are successful and balling out of your mind buying all sorts of cds and cheki like a boss.
    And pardon me but I just gotta say, VK is just as good as any other kind of music. It can move people in the same way, and for some people it moves them the most. It doesn`t matter if they are the most skilled (some are), or not, because even the guitarist that many people say is the best of all time played in the same scale literally every time, and the progressions in many masterpieces of music are not very complex at all. Music just is what it is, and if Mitsu really loves VK, they shouldn`t be shy to come back one day, despite what some people say. I`ll be waiting... Ehehehe.
  2. Like
    Tetora reacted to hiroki in Sayonara.   
    Maybe you won't get to read this, but know that it's a very fine line between an "unhealthy obsession" and a passionate interest. And from the very fact that you've always been creating and deleting your accounts, it's seems to me that you still aren't quite sure on which side of the line vk falls for you.
    It's sad to hear that vk brings back painful memories for you. I just wanna say that purging something that obviously means a lot to you out of your life entirely can be an unhealthy repression more than anything else. Perhaps one day you can finally recuperate your relationship with vk and find in it something meaningful for you
    We'll be here if you decide to come back! Take care ^^
  3. Like
    Tetora reacted to karin-adele in karin's doodles   
    the more i look at this the more mistakes i point out so lets just not even look
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    Tetora reacted to Original Saku in Last movie you saw.   
    Just got back from seeing Guardians of the Galaxy in IMAX 3D and damn that was fucking amazing. The movie is really good but what really blew me away was the IMAX experience, I haven't been to IMAX in years and I have to say that they've really came a long way since the last movie i saw there, almost 6 years ago. I don't think I will ever be able to see a movie regularly again after that....
  5. Like
    Tetora reacted to Elazmus in D.I.D. Vo.茜(akane) has been hospitalized   
    Beautiful omg.
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    Tetora reacted to smilesxchibi in D.I.D. Vo.茜(akane) has been hospitalized   
    That is great! I am hoping he takes his time but if he's ready to come back then that is great as well.
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    Tetora reacted to Zeus in D.I.D. Vo.茜(akane) has been hospitalized   
    I thought he wasn't in shape to make music ever again? This may be the start of really good news.
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    Tetora reacted to Trombe in D.I.D. Vo.茜(akane) has been hospitalized   
    D.I.D. Vo.茜(akane) has attended band studio rehearsal at 2014/08/02
  10. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from God in What songs do you currently hold close to your heart?   
    Oi, I really love 星空。。。by DaizyStripper too... I was really sad when it came out and used to just listen to that and smoke. That track made me a fan of them.
  11. Like
    Tetora reacted to Lestat in What songs do you currently hold close to your heart?   
    GACKT - Fragrance — I don't think anything suffices for me as being more beautiful than this. The lyrics, the emotion, there's just everything in this song I can relate to. Gackt does an amazing job at capturing every possibility in this of how a person can experience it. It just never ceases to impress me like madness.
    KAMIJO - 闇夜のライオン — I've been listening to this ceaselessly since the moment it came out. Kamijo's voice has never reached me deeper than this. He sounds so clear, so otherworldly, the ambience it provides a room with is just stunning and it feels as if I'm being pulled elsewhere from my existing being. I just can't help falling more and more in love with this man every day and it's evident in so much of my behaviour. I feel as if currently, he is really saving me.
    D'LORE - Forbidden Ideal — This is just... There are no words for this track. I wouldn't exist without it, and realizing they were/are such a small band without any recognition at all still gives me incredible chills. Even the smallest voices, so to say, can reach out far and touch someone deeply.
    KISAKI - 勿忘草 — I am a Kisaki fangirl and I am not afraid to hide it. I'm not afraid to be completely overwhelmed by the man and his abilities and ego and crush under its pressure, nor am I afraid to share it with anyone. This song is just a trance-inducing masterwork, and I don't think I've ever been able to listen to it without at least tearing up. It's incredibly underrated regarding the emotional damage it carries along with itself (with Jui on vocals, respectively). 
  12. Like
    Tetora reacted to Flame-X in What songs do you currently hold close to your heart?   
    Nhato - Hello World (Shingo Nakamura Remix)
    I've been on a trance fix lately.
  13. Like
    Tetora reacted to cirrus in What songs do you currently hold close to your heart?   
    Plastic Tree - Spica
    Kagrra, - Shizuku
    Royz - Sourenka
    girugamesh - Crying Rain
    Versailles - Serenade
  14. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Spectralion in The "Please Explain the Hype" Thread   
    My take on DIV, didnt really want to post but I like them, so:
    Defined signature sound, unique approach to electronic infused rock music, relevant themes in songs, one of the best lyricists, amazing clear voice with unique deepness, defined and fun guitar, defined personalities, great production quality, high release rate, well managed and the fanbase always knows what is going on. Etc...
    I would say, along with others I know, that Zero One was one of the best albums of last year as well.
    I guess it helps that Chisa is over with the fan girls as well...
  15. Like
    Tetora reacted to ShanethVarosa in X JAPAN important announcement   
    Unfunny and been-there-done-that jokes aside, I'm almost certain this will finally be the new album announcement. One of the articles Yoshiki posted recently said that Warner Bros is planning on releasing an X album early next year so this is probably confirming that for January or February.
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    Tetora reacted to hiroki in ex-REVIL members new band "GLARENOVEL" has formed   
    live-limited... ;_;
  18. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from clear1985 in Do these kinds of people exist in your country?   
    First of all, 'aint nobody got time to copy and paste those links....
    Second of all, yes, those people exist everywhere, always have, always will.
    Japan have a much smaller amount of violent and criminal activites than many other countries.
    One of the only figures Japan is high in is being around tenth in suicide rates.
    Not to downplay how heinous those acts are that are listed in OP, but you have countries like South Africa where half of all women are raped in their lifetime. Think about it, if you have two female friends, or a sister and a mother, chances are one of them will be raped at least once in their lifetime.
    One thing about Native Japanese is that they often think issues in Japan are some unique problem owed to their culture, while they are actually blessed to live in Japan where those problems are much fewer, and I guess they are lucky to have that innocence where these a ts are not so common to them.
    Btw, compare a Japanese newspaper to one from the States. Some big papers still report such catastrophes as an old lady falling down a hill in Nagoya.
  19. Like
    Tetora reacted to tetsu_sama69 in コドモドラゴン(codomo dragon) new maxi single "VIper" release   
    These guys are pure ear candy.
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    Tetora reacted to hiroki in コドモドラゴン(codomo dragon) new maxi single "VIper" release   
    why are they so amazing
  21. Like
    Tetora reacted to bumperboy1 in Hello Everyone   
    big music fan who merely wanted to say shalom
  22. Like
    Tetora reacted to paradoxal in Hello, I'm Rocket   
    Welcome to MH! We might not share the same music taste now, but wait until I'll start throwing some recommendations... justkidding
  23. Like
    Tetora reacted to Rocket Shinobi in Hello, I'm Rocket   
    Hello everyone,
    I'm Rocket. I'm kind of new to these forums. I used to be a lurker under the name shimokita-dreamer back around 2010 but only made a single post and it wasn't an introduction. My friend CAT5 persuaded me to re-join. So without further ado let me introduce myself a little below.
    I'm a 25 year old male who has recently graduated university and is stuck in a transition period. More importantly, I've been into Japanese music since 2001 via games and anime. However, I hadn't really become acquainted to specific scenes until late 2003 when I discovered the Japanese music communities on Soulseek and the Japanese Music Room forums which have since been shut down. Some of my favourite genres include: Hip Hop, Electronic, Jazz, Post/Mathy-Rock and anything in between. Although I'm open to listening/trying out music in all genres and languages. I'm well aware that this is mainly a VK forum and while VK is not usually in my wheel house I am still open for listening to VK recommendations anyone happens to throw their way. Do know however that it will be very hard to sway me over to the VK side. It is possible though (I'm looking at you Southern Hip Hop). I also have a weakness for sultry female vocals and female drummers. 
    Anyways, enough about me. It's been a while since I posted on a forum so I may not be too active trying to find my footing and all, but I hope over the coming days, weeks, years, and millenniums! I will be a familiar name. I aspire to be the Rocket in everyones pocket. 
    EDIT: Thanks everyone for the warm wishes. I'm already starting to feel like I belong here. 

    To see what I've been listening to lately, click here: http://last.fm/user/tombikordek
    Sometimes I DJ on plug.dj as Under_A_Rocket
    I used to be a gorilla on TT.FM as Saint Gori-san
  24. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from paradoxal in The "Please Explain the Hype" Thread   
    My take on DIV, didnt really want to post but I like them, so:
    Defined signature sound, unique approach to electronic infused rock music, relevant themes in songs, one of the best lyricists, amazing clear voice with unique deepness, defined and fun guitar, defined personalities, great production quality, high release rate, well managed and the fanbase always knows what is going on. Etc...
    I would say, along with others I know, that Zero One was one of the best albums of last year as well.
    I guess it helps that Chisa is over with the fan girls as well...
  25. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Zeus in The "Please Explain the Hype" Thread   
    My take on DIV, didnt really want to post but I like them, so:
    Defined signature sound, unique approach to electronic infused rock music, relevant themes in songs, one of the best lyricists, amazing clear voice with unique deepness, defined and fun guitar, defined personalities, great production quality, high release rate, well managed and the fanbase always knows what is going on. Etc...
    I would say, along with others I know, that Zero One was one of the best albums of last year as well.
    I guess it helps that Chisa is over with the fan girls as well...
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