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Status Updates posted by Tetora

  1. Wooooooooooowwwww... Last.fm wasn't scrobbling anything for the past four days. Feels like pages missing in the story of my life now.

    1. ricchubunny
    2. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      buying 堕??????続??愛??感触 on cdjapan will bring back treasured memories, so precious, so loved

  2. Wow, FLOPPY, have not listened to them in a LONG time.

  3. Wow, listening to the instrumental of UNiTE's ????知ら????, really goes to show they are one of the best band's to come along. Amazing sound and composition.

  4. Wow, my baby dragons grew up so fast, I`m so sad, I didn`t even get enough time to enjoy their youth...

    1. doombox


      Do you need some help? I can send you some foods.

    2. Tetora


      I'll figure it out. Thanks though! Another pressing issue: Takes so much EXP to level up!

    3. doombox


      It does. Leveling them up takes a while, but once you have a good team it pays for itself because you'll be rolling in food and coli drops! All the lower levels become a piece of cake.

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  5. Wow, Philadelphia is very different, easy to make friends but I really don't fit in at all.

  6. Wow, so cool; Livehouse with a skatepark inside of it: https://youtu.be/1qUfb1yaMcw

  7. Wow, they are advertising so many manga about bicycles right now, some seem interesting. Also, tried the manga 「オキテ??ムル??, what the heck... http://imgur.com/sYDmFtN

  8. WOW! That new DIV! Going to be EEEEEEPIC, let`s do this!

    1. kyoselflove
    2. -NOVA-


      I thought i was the only one who liked it xD

    3. yakihiko


      He lives [2]

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  9. WRESTLEMANIA was amazing, so happy.

    1. Tetora


      So epic, HHH always has amazing entrances! Him holding the skulls, oh man! And Sting with the 太鼓 drums like he's going to war. When everyone came out it was like a classic samurai battle. My blood is still stirring.

    2. Tetora


      And how about that Russian Pride entrance by Rusev? So epic. Might post my complete thoughts in the thread when I get a chance.

    3. Crube


      Would have been better if Sting actually won.

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  10. You can check-out anytime you want... But you can never leave.

    1. Tetora


      They stabbed him with their Steely knives, but they couldn`t kill the beast...

    2. bonsaijodelfisch


      someone seems to have been to california...

  11. ギルガメッシュ - INCOMPLETE ユナイト - STARTiNG OVER シド - darling

  12. ギルガメッシュー「evolution??2014:

  13. コドモドラゴン is #28 on Oricon now, interesting. Let's see how well they can do.

    1. paradoxal


      Wow, really? That's amazing!

  14. コドモドラゴン「CHILDREN'S DOPE?? (Full PV)

  15. 繰り返????????物事を覚??る????役??立??。Right?

    1. hiroki



    2. Kawaii_Minpha


      ????Google翻訳を使用??る。????日本語を話??????。????????Google??翻訳?????ら????????。 XD

    3. Tetora
  16. WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA:shock::shock::shock:

  17. 3/5 status updates: Yakihiko

    1. yakihiko


      398/400 : Tets *coughs* xD

  18. Can not wait for Mao's new solo stuff. Maybe a little friendly competition with Aki who was AMAZING.

    1. hiroki


      me too... so excited to see what he comes up with :D

  19. Can't get enough Dark Souls 3, this game is too sweet!

    1. Mihenno


      I just started it today and like it so far :D

    2. Tetora


      Lol, stream it for us.

  20. Collecting 300 junk in Parasite Eve 1. Would smack whoever thought this should be in the game.

  21. Dreams you have for the FUTURE will not ever come true unless you do something to make them a reality TODAY.

    1. colorful人生


      Shia, is that you?

    2. Tetora


      He was onto something...

    3. Yukimoto


      This is so true though....

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