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Posts posted by blackdoll


    "B.R.N" by Insanity Injection


    One half old-school kote kei charm..... this is the most inspired revival kei sound I've heard in quite some time. 



    can some explain this? I hear zero old school.

  2. hoes be wantin' to jingle my bells and ride my sleigh more than once a year tho. They call me lil' drummer boy cuz I be beatin' dat #@$$% like a kickdrum. I always keep my present wrapped tho

    oh I'm already hip, as the Cat daddy song was homage to you and the dance has thrust in it to illustrate you delivering you Christmas present like wrapped package, and my friend told me about how the cookies in the mythology wasn't for you, it was for them since after you a person's home they need energy.


    PS. i'm doing a presentation on you to the Mythology and Urban myth Council. In the works of uncovering another part of your great story

  3. So basically are there band/s that you were like holy shit this song and few/some others "are like some of the best songs I've herd" and you were thinking they have so much potential, but unfortunately they didn't stick to great songs and had a bunch of of stuff you don't care for?


    The band i can think of is D'uAl.

    1. the guitaring had this unique crispy freaking sound that i wanted to eat it up like bacon. It also those dudes could shred really well without being an ass like "hey look at me shred this guitar." Sure some of them were traditional style hard vk metal but they had their own thing. Also other elements of the good songs instrumental were on point, like drumming and synths(?). And their breakdowns were always fun

    2 the vocalist freaking unique, kind of soft and beautiful. But he could let out some nasty scream(unfortunately he forgot them in butterfly, if you listen to it above), and also nice air whisper growls that added to the song instead of taking away


    Also the vocalist could rock a crop-top

  4. i decided to stop being petty and stop hating angelo

    i gave them a listen and its basically a poppier d'espairsray with an old dude on vox which isn't entirely the devils work

    plosive reminded me so much of trickster :/ the feels

    ill hate them for you, cause their vocalist was talking shit with his salty ass

  5. I did like it more than their debut album! I wouldn't say 'a lot', but it was a solid release, I still stand by that. Since then, they've been doing stuff that's just too lifeless and haphazardly-put together for me (or at least that's how they seem). Not that these qualities weren't present before, it's just a case of them delivering songs on these singles that don't grab me personally, that's all. That's one of the sucky things about following MEJI' (for me), cuz you never know when they'll drop another release that's pretty cool or listenable. So that's partly why I still kinda try to check them out from time to time.


    To those saying 'move on', well, that's a bit hard when you've been following and loving a band literally from day one, and you were so invested in them that you bought almost every release up to a point. 'Moving on' doesn't happen at the snap of the finger, pls consider this. But okay, I'll try to refrain from giving my honest opinion in the future, after all, that's not what online forums are for...oh wait.

    just ask cause you said "past years." and i remember when i said gallo's album was better you expressed love for mejibray while i think agreeing

  6. It's truly incredible what this band has become in these past years. Incredibly messy and pointless.

    But didnt you like their album a lot


    Maybe it is THE END for MEJIBRAY

    The song had potential to be amazing... the heavy fast paste parts were amazing but the soft slow parts really killed it for me.

    Either make a really heavy song or just make a ballad i don't think the two mixed well here 

    Mixing it up makes it interesting. It would be boring if it was just one way or another.


    I'm sorry, do people REALLY dislike this... ??


    This is PRETTY likely my favorite Mejibray song... coming from a fan since birth.. more entertaining guitar riff than usual, fast paced heavy verse. SUPER cool bridge to the chorus and the chorus itself I always loved. it's like the best melodic parts of VENOMS.app with the cool heavy parts it was missing.


    Most people citing it for being disjointed? Makes sense, but no more so than most of their songs? Idk, id rather have a pretty chorus that is an awkward fit over a lifeless one that does :/


    Maybe I have different criteria for them than other fans but i literally dont have one single complaint. Even Mia seemed to not try to force another guitar solo that sounds exactly the same... not saying it was very different, but at least he took his foot off the gas haha.


    Tell em


    People complaining about a mess like VK isnt messy, let alone mejibray, being wild is a part of what makes them interesting. My only problem is whoever keeps editing the growls that they are muddy and losing their punch.  And omg yessss pigsqueal for me. Tsu a pimp with vocals

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