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Posts posted by blackdoll

  1. Bomb ass head

    1. Eve × Yuuki (ex.Lycaon) - 月華❁乱れ牡丹
    2. 4minute - act.7
    3. brave girls - Deepened
    4. (THE GALLO) - DIAVOLO 壱型 (Ichi Gata)


    Ohh my nipples

    • Insanity Injection - 「ADVENT OF SLAUGHTER」

    Well ya got the job done


    work on your game


    I'll try my luck with your sister (fuq out my bed bitch)

    • DADAROMA - dadaism#2

  2. while girugamesh also had like no bad songs at that time, they were kinda just another headbanger band. ayabie though was really versatile, with their (guessing here) heavymetal speed metal hybrid thing and being able to make excellent softer or fun stuff too that you actually really got into. Also seems to me that their instrumentals did more. Also aoi's whispers were really sinister and even though you could guess he wasn't a screamer/growler he put some good ones that gave the metal and hard rock a breath of fresh air with songs like Asshuku roll, lempicka, Toppatsu Sei Sousaku Shoukougun, tseppeshi taberu, and topaz. Like @Seimeisen i discover this time period ayabie late and loved it as well cubic L [rock] (sanbyou was newer too right?). I'm really sad about them too because they sound have held onto their sound and original memeber and became big. And there isnt another band with that sound really.


    oh and for real, chaos cream festival's opening is so dope


     168 had like 2 or more good songs, but wish he would have screamed


    whut? what is this random poll xD
    I'm personally old ayabie all the way but, I really don't understand why did you choose these two bands? You put zero indications of your choice.
    Because they have nothing in common. Like, nothing. So, if you see similarities, please explain, I'm all ears.


    can you tell me the differences in them be very specific, then maybe, maybe.... i 2nd guess myself

  4. 16432365671_6b6b5d94d8_c.jpg


    Janet: how are you today blackdoll?

    blackdoll: Grim, but thanks for asking.


    Janet: So this is your first time doing a interview, is there any reason why you decided to do it now?

    blackdoll: Not really, i felt like it was about time, you know. Been in the business for a while and now is a good spot.


    Janet: Okay. So, you and your  ex-husband, Aferni, have just recently divorced and left the company, can you tell us about that.  

    blackdoll:Well if you follow us, you would have saw signs of the "relationship" falling apart. I think we were on different pages from the beginning but it was nice. Honestly there is noting bad i can say about our time together. 


    Janet: So, it had nothing to do with @Tetora?

    blackdoll: No, we had a open nonsexual relationship. Like dating a stripper, and i flirt with anyone who is shows signs of hotness. 


    Janet: But you two are dating now, correct?

    blackdoll: Not exclusively, there is also @CAT5 from rival company Mods Inc. and I plan on asking out the cute coffee shop guy @Pho, i've been eyeing him for a minute. 


    Janet: So is there some beef between you and @emmny?

    blackdoll:no not really, it's all friendly. I guess it's okay for @CAT5 to give other people presents that last forever. You can't expect to keep an R&B singer to yourself, ya know.


    Janet: Okay thank for scoop on the gossip, but what do you like to do for fun with all that money when your not working?

    blackdoll: Nothing out of the ordinary, watch TV, dance, play with my voice, write. I would like to paint and play tennis but at the moment I'm to lazy.  


    Janet: Speaking of writing you named Nicki Minaj as you current favorite writer, why is that.

    blackdoll: The confidence she projects forward, i want to be in that. Also as some young folks say "she is my spirit animal." But now i am beginning to  not be so sure about that. Rachel Bloom, YouTube Comedian to Golden Globe winner, seems to be up there too with her team of Zach Sherwin, Adam Schlesinger.


    Janet: I hear you are going to join the written class of royalty with majority stock owner @kyoselflove, is it true.

    blackdoll: Yes but only because business is so rapid, that @kyoselflove's country isnt big enough so we have to open up another country, call Dollkinavia. 

    Janet: Sounds interesting anything else going in the company?

    blackdoll: @yakihiko founder of Yaki's weddings & co and i have teamed up and are selling clothes all over the globe, and sales are great.


    Janet: @yakihiko the one who designed and made your wedding dress you posted of your private Instagram? 

    blackdoll: Yeah it was so good, i felt like the world needed Yaki's clothes, such a talented individual, smart too so i dont have to worry about them getting screwed, so that's why they are still an independent brand.


    Janet: What was the Wedding like anyway, it was so secretive.

    blackdoll: Well yeah, my life is private for the most part, but we got married on the set of Scream, the first movie, and had the reception at the set of the black swan's the hopeless PV. Small group of friends, since Lycaon had disbanded, we got @Zeus to DJ for hefty cost. 

    Janet: Thanks for opening up. I hear the office is kind of crazy, whats behind that?

    blackdoll: Well we have some theme days, cant mention them though.


    Janet: Okay, tells about the anti smoking anti drinking campaign?

    blackdoll: it's simple, they take people's money, and make people stink, on a simple level, and death on the bigger level.


    Janet: What is something you are looking forward to?

    blackdoll: Going on holiday with @Tetora

    Janet: Anything else you want to say?

    blackdoll: To readers, don't let anyone push you around.

  5. Rachel on the last ep of suit is a disgusting bitch, im done with her! only bad bitches, fuck basic bitches!

    What happen was Mike lied and admitted that he was a basic bitch, then Rachel instead of leaving him for lying to her, she accepts him and becomes a basic bitch too, then when it is reveled that mike didnt have to come out, she still sticks with him and marries him, being a couple of disgusting basic bitches. Mean while my baby Harvey is feeling like awful shit hurting, like tf? I hope suits is finished, cause the filth is too much.

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