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Posts posted by blackdoll

  1. Practically the kind of response I wanted to throw in, thank you tetora.


    You'd have to take into account the dominant ethos of Japan regarding making music "for the certain group" rather than "for everyone" (see: K-music - and regarding my earlier statements about frills and approaches in K-music, even acts in the vein of Jambinai take many hints from Western alternative (especially post-music) to gain this platform of "international relevance"). This could be truly witnessed in VK where they still try to keep their loyalty towards the (small) visual image-endorsing group intact while forgetting about actually extending their scope! I am pretty sure that there's a certain bunch of VK acts who could go for the latter but the overall progress is so sluggish (hence almost everyone admitting that VK is "way far behind").


    The jury is still out on when will most Japanese scenes finally find a way to overcome this idea of "for the certain group" and promote flexibility towards widespread recognition and eventual acceptance. For now it merely seems like they are intentionally trying to stay inside this "shell of PR isolation".

    what makes it for a small scene? The only real difference is that they scream and growl to me. Like listening to the gallo's is like alternative kpop, they both have that feel or factor to their music. at the same time i understand the dislike of guitars, but it's kawaii compared to real metal like babymetal which is a hit. Idk maybe its just because i dont see genre's

  2. I love the death metal bits, and the last vocalist

    Also early Piass were a wonderful example of awesome visual kei hairstyling

    bad hair styling, the punk hair was better 

  3. ^ since this thread is all about hate and no whinning


    I hate that visual kei guys be looking like fucking throw up and cant seem to get make up fucking right, and its generally the same dry shit with pounds of it on and they dont even look interesting like Ariana Grande in focus or Lady gaga. And the only band that generally has there shit together is Lycaon, and even with that their magazine looks shit on there official looks. And they just focus on the vocalist looking like a dumb ass and wanna be cute. And if you going to look like a women in revealing clothes please learn how to work like a woman of a true feminine guy like  YANIS MARSHALL and shake that fuck ass, hips, ect. How come sug is the only one doing choreography? lazy bums? While Kpop women now how to work generally what even if there boobs and butts are small. Even though the guys are beautiful they still show off there manhood by thrusting their junk, bodyroll, and sometimes power leg work. And they actually now what a sex face is and basically how too be hot. the point of vk is to be weird right sorry you aint doing shit compared to the movies and tv shows i watched, and also Yohio a foregneir is whooping your ass at it so vk loosing


    but yeah fuck big bang

  4. This is the least VK sounding thing in the history of VK. Generic as fuck. Sounds just like any other metalcore band out there. Nothing against metalcore meets VK, but other bands at least try to sound VKish. This is just meh. They didn't even try. Lame.

    bullshit coderebirth was more metalcore and signal's song



    DELUHI & UNDIVIDE were all killer bands,

    ha, they were no better honey

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