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Everything posted by blackdoll

  1. blackdoll

    you didnt say "cant have too much much of the same location" and it's is a story going on just not a big one (loop hole) (different audio so the lipsinging if off)
  2. blackdoll

    ugh no fair, i like dancing but here kill bad ppl kill some more ppl in a cult Lycaon's first one
  3. trying to get out of my norm zone with checking out Rose Noirem and kaya (from gothic on).

  4. blackdoll

    I think it has to do with the band and the song. like the dezert song you couldn't really act to that. i enjoy watching them work well the good ones at-lest cause its not you typical mv.
  5. blackdoll

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ncowwj0ZT7I better example?
  6. blackdoll

    For me its when the acting sucks, or there nothing to suck you in. i don't mean quality more like you click off the video because it felt like it was noting good to watch, or the moves where bad or didn't match.
  7. blackdoll

  8. blackdoll

    blackout, flashback, styx, butterfly, and INFERIORITY COMPLEX, HIGANBANA, dokusai
  9. artema came just in time, was about to update my ipod. on a side note i sense a poser.

    1. Tokage


      *dancing alphabet gifs*

    2. blackdoll


      really liking his clean vocals too its so sweet, and harsh is yummy. they got the whole package artema > FALILV & ROACH!

    3. Sakura Seven
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  10. blackdoll

  11. blackdoll

    whats your fav songs by them?
  12. blackdoll

    yeah id showed how different they are, but i still hear similarities. album has 8 new tracks if you count the cover.
  13. I name 2013 Lycaon's year (for me). unlike 2012 they had lots of songs and wasn't around before then. Also really didnt love any other realease like Lycaon's. Bonus part for redefining electronic use. ready for new year now.

    1. Sakura Seven
    2. Tetora


      Does the guy still dress, like Slash?

    3. blackdoll


      yeahm cause he admires him

  14. blackdoll

    the new single id was weird for me, thought it was going to be badass, still love it. but as my #2 i was disappointed(might go away). I feel bad for the people who say karma sucks cause they a missing out. cant wait for the new single and album. i will say this the gap between them and my #1 is growing.
  15. blackdoll

    gotta give the gazette, diru fans the clap back somtimes
  16. blackdoll

    I'm embarrassed that the first part of diru - different sense got me into growling(hate them now), and i that gazette used to be one of my #1 (just music now).
  17. ichiro looks so good with avelcain, they should join VOGUE Entertainment, and be a big sex music making family.

    1. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      maybe they are already x

    2. blackdoll


      that would be cool

  18. my avelcain fast is backfireing

  19. warning bouta sound like a fan girl. ahhhhhhhhhhh(really did screamed like fangirl) omg yess yess my dreams have been answered Id has been shared, my fast of avelcain has paid off *dead* dont need junk food anymore. cant wait to feel it

    1. blackdoll


      thank you The Reverend, i love you!

    2. blackdoll


      gonna take a few listen to really get it

  20. blackdoll

    1. rentrer en soi 2. aikaryu 3. dali 4. reload 5. raddock 6. tomodachi (added a six cause reload is grieva)
  21. blackdoll

    thought as much
  22. blackdoll

    slow seemed to fit, though i was waiting for a fight.
  23. blackdoll

    Just wanted to say i feel this band is the best, the best music ever, whether its metal, rock, or even pop (desire cover). i can find my self in every release. And honesty there is no classifying one part of them as better, cause i take a favorite song of all time from every release I've herd. I love that they are unique even when the instrumental is similar to another song its totally different. Their understanding of music is just like no other(cant speak for mio cause i haven't herd his other work). Also when they do a cover, it craps on the original (though i haven't herd full i threw away tomorrow cover). They always find a way to insert the dominance like you cant come close to their glory. The best part is only a select few can truly them hear. name an old song i bet i can match it with a newer one. i don't think of them as different parts anymore only use the term "old" and "new" communicate with the unchosen ones. also love that they can write a simply song and it is just as good or even better than an-other's masterpiece -True Fan -Lycaon forever.
  24. visual kei metalcore > outside metalcore because they are both weak but japanese sounds better hehe, maybe they win with the breakdowns though.

    1. blackdoll


      nahh vk is different that's why i like it. and not sure if artema counts

    2. blackdoll


      bands i had in mind wing works, Arlequin, coderebirth, and nega

    3. blackdoll


      edit: > weak metalcore and modern melodic death.

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