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    paradoxal reacted to beni in Lycaon - Camera obscura-カメラオブスキュラ-   
    Leaving my initial thoughts here after having finally gotten round to listening to the album. The SE's were pretty interesting and really just further enforced an eerie feel to the album which was really highlighted in the first few seconds of the first SE. There wasn't too little or too much of these lil interludes, and they were, in themselves, enjoyable breaks. I thoroughly enjoyed hearing the singles whenever they appeared, since they are a batch of singles I really love. With all the new material, I was actually worried I'd feel the same way to this album as I did with MEJIBRAY's lengthy one. However, this was not the case. It went so quickly, and I wanted more. I even disliked no tracks! Even at 18 tracks in length, I found myself in disbelief when I got to track 16, knowing it was almost over. I am highly impressed with Lycaon for managing to do that. It's already a number one release for me for this year due to this. Songs that stood out to me on first listen were, of course, the ballad track at 12, 'アネモネ,' track 8, '君を壊すガラスの衝動,' 'Rouge' and 'marionette.'
  2. Like
    paradoxal reacted to blackdoll in Lycaon - Camera obscura-カメラオブスキュラ-   
    the gazette sister was too far, sorry i had to say something
  3. Like
    paradoxal reacted to blackdoll in Lycaon - Camera obscura-カメラオブスキュラ-   
    well actual it was 14. anyway it's cool because "Honestly there's no way in hell that I could ever take" what you are saying about One Piece seriously.
    Well if you'd have followed my words or looked into me you would have known that i was scared this album was going to suck and kill the band for me. It's not "oh it's Lycaon, so the new album is going 10/10 and the best." Yes it's known how much i love this band but the 10/10 is because of the work this blessed album had. The praise, love, and respect i give them is only because they earned it. also if i was so foolish i wouldn't have dissed Yuuki like that.
    disclaimer: i might have let the other slaves here get to me and say that it was going to be the best, but i didn't  really think and was in the moment
    Thank you for you words. I'm confident in my opinion but not in my writing, i find it difficult to get my thought into words and the word choice too is tricky.
  4. Like
    paradoxal reacted to CAT5 in Monochrome Heaven's Top 25 Tracks of 2014   
    Monochrome Heaven's Top 25 Tracks of 2014

    Presenting The Top 25 Tracks of 2014 as voted by our Official Reviewers and staff members. Any Japanese song released in 2014 was eligible, although our primary focus was on J-rock.

    TAMTAM - "シューゲイズ"


    宇宙コンビニ (uchu conbini) - ­ 光の加減で話した (Hikari no Kagen de Hanashita)


    シナリオアート (Scenarioart) ­- "アオイコドク" (Aoi Kodoku)


    DIR EN GREY -­ "懐春 (kaishun)"


    LLLL -­ "Oddness"


    BACK­-ON -­ "セルリアン (cerulean)"


    101A ­- "Forbidden Sky"


    DIV ­- "漂流彼女 (hyouryuu kanojo)"


    PLASTICZOOMS ­- "Sleepwalker"


    ねごと (NEGOTO) -­ "黄昏のラプソディ (tasogare no rhapsody)"


    sow ­- "to growth, for growth"


    TK from 凛として時雨 (ling tosite sigure) -­ "unravel"


    DIR EN GREY -­ "輪郭 (rinkaku)"


    tayuta ­- "夢見た 蒼 (yumemita ao)"


    八十八ヶ所巡礼 (88kasyo junrei) -­ "攻撃的国民的音楽 (kougeki teki kokumin teki ongaku)"


    Mono -­ "Recoil, Ignite"


    和楽器バンド (Wagakki Band) -­ "千本桜 (Senbonzakura)"


    DIR EN GREY ­- "phenomenon"


    la la larks -­ "end of refrain"


    黒百合と影 (Kuroyuri to Kage) - "「浴槽」 (yokusou)"


    アルルカン (arlequin) ­- "墓穴 (hakaana)"


    mothercoat - "trickster"


    Boris -­ "雨 (ame)"


    THE NOVEMBERS -­ "Rhapsody in beauty"


    sukekiyo ­- "Aftermath"
  5. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Shmilly in Sega Is Cutting 300 jobs And Is Preparing For A Digital, Non-Console Future.   
    The alternative story:
    Sega is firing everyone related even by office or email from the team who made Sonic Boom, and because it caused a Sonic Boom in their finances, they are no longer able to afford to make physical packaging for their video games. As a result, Sega will only be distributing games digitally from now on, and they will attempt to claw back some cash from cheap Sonic figurines.
  6. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Seimeisen in PSN ID's / Gamertags / Friend Codes   
    I announce the launch of the super official MH steam group!!

    Join here!
  7. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Shir0 in Fixer new maxi single "PARADOX" release   
    The title of this single 5/5.
  8. Like
    paradoxal reacted to zombiesatemycereal in Hellos   
    Hello everyone, i'm Zombie.
    Some of you already know me from plug.dj, but for everyone else it's nice to meet you all. I haven't really been active on a forum ever, so this will be a new experience for me. I've dabbled in Japanese music for a while, but haven't really explored it until the past year or so. I don't really know much about VK, but some of what i've heard people play on Plug was enjoyable. My tastes tend to lean towards pop/electronic/indie, but I try to be open about most types.
    Some of my favorite Japanese artists: girugamesh, Itsue, Scandal, The Gazette, Suiyoubi no Campanella, Gackt, Backdrop Cinderella, Charisma.com, Perfume, Charan Po Rantan, Kana Boon, Tofubeats, Mondo Grosso, Gesu No Kiwami Otome
    I also like a lot of korean pop/hip hop, but have too many favorites to list.
    Here is my last.fm if you are interested.
  9. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Furik in PSN ID's / Gamertags / Friend Codes   
    I announce the launch of the super official MH steam group!!

    Join here!
  10. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Original Saku in PSN ID's / Gamertags / Friend Codes   
    I announce the launch of the super official MH steam group!!

    Join here!
  11. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Flame-X in PSN ID's / Gamertags / Friend Codes   
    I announce the launch of the super official MH steam group!!

    Join here!
  12. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from kyoselflove in PSN ID's / Gamertags / Friend Codes   
    I announce the launch of the super official MH steam group!!

    Join here!
  13. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Zeus in Nekkichi-ism (Nekkichi is god)   
    So you praise nekkichi and you praise Jrockdrama but you don't praise the actual god Zeus? And you expect me to smite your foes? Hah!
  14. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Yukimoto in アルルカン(arlequin) new maxi single "ジレンマ(dilemma)" release   
    Sounds amazing as always. <3
  15. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Zeus in Tips/advice for moving out   
    Start buying tableware, house hold items, towels and bed sheets now. It's better to buy quality towels and bed sheets instead of the cheapest ones, since the good ones will last tens of years. You can also ask your family if they have any spare plates or forks.
    It's useful to make a monthly budget. Always pay first your rent and bills, and then decide how much money you wanna spend on groceries every week. With groceries it's easy to exceed your budget, but by buying the cheapest off-brand items and preparing the food yourself you can save a lot of money.
    Good luck with your move, living alone might seem really scary at first but I promise that once you get used to it, it beats your old place 10-0!
  16. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Zeus in #21: フラスコを振ると天秤揺れた by Develop one's faculties   
    Artist: Develop one's faculties Single: フラスコを振ると天秤揺れた Score: Could be better but could be much, much worse.
    When two members from cocklobin form a band together, I'm almost obligated to check it out. It's reasonable to expect at least cocklobin levels of quality in the music and the previews for フラスコを振ると天秤揺れた were intriguing. I'm not quite sure what direction I was expecting フラスコを振ると天秤揺れた to go in, or what to expect from Develop one's faculties, but this wasn't it.
    Now before the hype train leaves the station, there's good news and bad news. The good news is that this is something different. In a scene where bands can and will play almost any type of music, it's hard to find a good, honest rock band. Both tracks are good, although I prefer the second track "結果論". The way they blend electronic feedback with noise into their rock groove is something visual kei definitely could use more of. The single itself has overtones of LIPHLICH crossed with amber gris on a heavy day, but doesn't sound too much like either. Its indie sensibilities also lend the song a vibe uncharacteristic of the scene with husky vocals to remind the listener that this is a visual kei band. yuya doesn't have the strongest vocals, but he has control, can harmonize, and it goes well with the music. I can't say if DOF has the chops to become the flagship rock visual kei band in a few years, but they are worth keeping an eye on.
    The bad news is that フラスコを振ると天秤揺れた isn't a strong first impression. Two tracks are not a good enough yardstick to measure this band's potential. In this case, it would have been better if their first release was a mini album. Then they would have had more chances to refine their sound and win the listener over. What I heard on the single caught my passive interest. I don't find either song memorable in the long run and I wouldn't go out of my way to listen to it again. I would even go as far to say that I only remember this band for who their members have played with and not their own music. For a first single, that quality is undesirable. In all honesty, DOF might drop off my radar as 2015 progresses unless they aggressively promote themselves and drop the mini album this should have been by early fall.
    This isn't the brazen first release that was devils in bedside or Dark Design Catalog, but フラスコを振ると天秤揺れた was good enough. I was expecting more from DOF based on the two ex-cocklobin members, but I'm well aware I wouldn't have paid attention to them without the association in the first place. It's not often that I get to say that the worst thing about a new visual kei band is their name. DOF has plenty of room to progress and seem to have a knack for melodies and experimentation. The music just needs a good layer of polish.
  17. Like
    paradoxal reacted to CAT5 in femme fatale - arcana   
    .5 points is a bonus. This thread started out funny, but lost steam pretty quickly. I definitely wouldn't sit through it again. Maybe the next'll be better?
    Thread closed.
  18. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from kyoselflove in Tetora`s Favorites of 2014   
  19. Like
    paradoxal reacted to ricchubunny in femme fatale - arcana   
    Can i review this topic instead of the album?
    If so, 11/10
  20. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from hiroki in Tetora`s Favorites of 2014   
  21. Like
    paradoxal reacted to hiroki in Tetora`s Favorites of 2014   
    I haven't heard about 30-40% of the releases in your list but I can confidently say among the 2014 lists on MH your list comes closest to my own, although that's not really much of a surprise lol.
    Here are some thoughts on particular releases in your lists that strike me:
    This was amazing. I actually preferred this a lot more to giru's 'gravitation'. Like what someone has also said on the forum, it appears as if Satoshi is a lot more invested in REDMAN than he is in the 'new' giru where he just seems to be swept up and dragged along by the 'we want metalcore' crowd.This was the release from Codomo Dragon that dramatically transformed my impression of them. I've always found their music a tad too quirky and arbitrary for my taste before, but somehow these same elements were managed way better in the album so they weren't too obtrusive (for want of a better word) for me. The funny thing is when I went back to listen to their earlier releases after liking Children's Dope so much, I actually began to warm to earlier singles like LETHE. in a way not dissimilar to what Blitz's DESIRE did for me as well.ALSDEAD never disappoints. I still remember the cold midwinter night in Kyoto when my friend showed me a youtube video of "Fragile" (which i proceeded to loop all night). I knew at that time that they were gonna be big With Separator they became one of the very few heavier vk bands that have totally won me over. With IDEA, they proved that wasn't a fluke.Yes, yes, and more yes. I own every single SID release after 流通盤 up to around cosmetic or so; but truth be told, I became very indifferent to their music since 2010 (and that's being charitable to them). OUTSIDER was what I never saw coming: a throwback to Mao's dramatic vocals (where, in my opinion, he is best), memorable tunes, and more than just a tinge of that subtle bittersweet folk goodness that makes SID so so special not only in the scene but I dare say all Japan. Also, 'laser' is one of the best songs they have put out.---
    Since I have no time to do my own list, I shall shamelessly hijack your thread to suggest a few of my own favorites of 2014 that you might like. i hope you don't mind :x Keeping with the spirit of your list I'll omit all the uber indies bands that release 2-3 songs before disbanding haha.
    They're all singles:
    - Ray℃ - 木の葉 / 夢猫-ムビョウ-
    i'm still really bitter that they disbanded (well, technically they did since Otoiroha's music is rather different). in a lot of ways this is the crystallization of what Ray℃'s music is all about: surreal, atmospheric, heart-wrenching stuff. this single slides comfortably into the single of the year spot for me, and one of my all-time favorites. - Blu-BiLLioN - GARDENHELLO is one of the best songs i've heard this yr. i've been using its chorus as my ring tone also, Mike is such a badass vocalist. - LEZARD - カミサマイカサマwhat to say? one of the most energetic vk songs with Lime's trademark vocals and LEZARD randomness. - Neverland - CHILD CIRCUS and Monopicturesome truly warm and fuzzy music. people who feel nothing listening to 'rainy tree' might be dead. - Gimmick. - 君詩i've always been a fan of them, and this is just their normal style. as one of my friends have noticed as well, nanayu always puts his heart and soul into singing, and his sincerity is 11/10. - Purple Stone - 甘酸っぱいマンゴーtheir comeback single after keiya's long absence. if you like shonenki you'll like them as well ^^ ---anyway, great list, and i'll definitely check out the rest of the releases that i haven't heard!
  22. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Sakura Seven in Lycaon   
    Agreed. This look suits him a lot better. Proud he managed to finally learn how to use blush.
  23. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Seimeisen in Lycaon   
    That's all I can say...
    But those clean vocaloid vocals on 【L】【L】【L】【L】【L】【L】【L】【L】【L】【L】 made me wanna vomit and run off a cliff. Literally the worst vocals I've ever heard, and not even in a "charming visual kei" kinda way, but in a "cover my ears, they're being raped" kind of way ... were fucking annoying. But other than that, the harsh vocals were nice, and the music itself was well composed, leaving me optimistic for what eve has next for AvelCain. I'd like to hear karma's voice on Lilith (with the beep-boops taken out, too).
  24. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Jiyo in BLESSCODE live-limited single & mini album release   
    "Bizarre" Tracklist :

  25. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Mr. Suzuki in err.. OI !?   
    Wait - did your teacher actually give you a copy of Vanishing Vision?? That's so awesome!! I'm also a huge fan of X JAPAN Welcome to MH!
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