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Tips/advice for moving out

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I've finally made a decision to move out, with this being my first time (I'll be living alone) I could really use some tips and advice, anything like living in a budget, stuff to look out for, what to do and what not to do etc

Any help would be appreciated :)

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Start buying tableware, house hold items, towels and bed sheets now. It's better to buy quality towels and bed sheets instead of the cheapest ones, since the good ones will last tens of years. You can also ask your family if they have any spare plates or forks.


It's useful to make a monthly budget. Always pay first your rent and bills, and then decide how much money you wanna spend on groceries every week. With groceries it's easy to exceed your budget, but by buying the cheapest off-brand items and preparing the food yourself you can save a lot of money.


Good luck with your move, living alone might seem really scary at first but I promise that once you get used to it, it beats your old place 10-0! :D

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You should also try to write somewhere the unexpected spending like assurances (car, home), and of course the taxes. It could help you to stay on your budget on these difficult months (and not spending money on things when you know that on a certain day, an amount of money will be credited), and always put money to the left (as we say here). Because you don't know what life is made of, and it's better to have something in case of "bankrupt" (I know, this word might be too strong, but you get the idea). I personally use an iphone app (Linxo) to take a look to my bank(s) account.


Like Para said, pay your bills first. The rent always comes first. Try to pay these things earlier, and not mid-month (if not, you'll say "gosh, I have so much $$ this month, I'm gonna buy this expensive thing!" and then bam, you're in the red).


I'm sorry, I'm not that good in advices I'm afraid. +, Para said it all.

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Label each box clearly and have 1 box designated as the 1st to open box.


And that 1st box COULD include for example:



2. coffee maker, coffee, coffee filters, a few mugs (so that you can make coffee for the people helping you :3 )

3. some snacks for your crew 

4. something to clean the floors with (in case the previous tenant didn't clean the place that well)

5. charger for your phone (you don't wanna spend your first night opening every single box and desperately trying to find it XD)

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You could say that I am an expert in moving (16 under the belt *coughs*), and I have never needed to label boxes. XD


Also, Get banana and diaper boxer for the move. Pack your clothes into a bag (a bit waste bag). To be honest, I don't really remember what I did when I moved away from home, as it was over five years ago. I will post again into this thread if I remember o/

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