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Everything posted by paradoxal

  1. paradoxal

    I wasn't that excited about the preview, but their first single was so amazing I'm sure I'll love this too.
  2. Really looking forward to this, their first single was so great!
  3. Chloroform fuck yeah, that's a proper name for a band.
  4. If they are desperate enough to do this, I just hope they will disband lol. Why continue if you don't know if people like you or not.
  5. one new finn, we are conquering this place one piece at a time.

    1. paradoxal


      MH, year 2050: 70% of the members are FInnish and Finnish has been declared the official language in here

    2. Biopanda


      vitun suomalainen (jk <3)

  6. paradoxal

    Yesssss, a new Finn! Tervetuloa tänne! Lycaonfaneja täältä löytyy vaikka muille jakaa, joten löydät varmasti paljon uusia kavereita Jos sulle tulee jotain kysymyksiä ihan mistä tahansa maan ja taivaan väliltä, esim. tän foorumisoftan käytöstä tai ihan mistä tahansa muustakin, niin voit laittaa yksityisviestiä meille, joilla on sininen tai punainen nimi! Ja totta kai jos sitä opastusta haluaa ihan suomeksi, niin minä edustan MH:n staffissa Suomea Ja hei, kannattaa tulla MH:n chattiin piipahtamaan joskus! Se löytyy tosta bannerin alta nimeltä "Châteu de Monochromium", me ei purra! Ihmiset on täällä tosi mukavia, toki chatin kielenä on 99% ajasta englanti, poikkeuksena se kun siellä on suomienemmistö niin välillä saatellaan jutella suomeksikin. Mistä päin Suomea muuten olet?
  7. paradoxal

    Sounds heavenly, why can't I be in Japan then.
  8. i want to party in the chat now (pls)

  9. paradoxal

    Ok, I'll report back once I've finished the season We're now in the 6th episode I think and I'm still enjoying it a lot. I doubt I'll start disliking it though since I've enjoyed all the episodes so far.
  10. paradoxal

    Yes. Life is so much better now.
  11. paradoxal

    What about season two? Have you watched it?
  12. paradoxal

    Btw, do you take requests if they are accomppanied with scans and FLAC rips?
  13. paradoxal

    I'm sorry to hear about your computer Remember to announce it here in MH too when you've uploaded your news songs!
  14. paradoxal

    Thanks Jig. I'll lock this thread for now, you can continue the discussion in the other thread.
  15. paradoxal

    I know many bands that have at least a few kinda jazzy songs. Is that enough haha?
  16. paradoxal

    I ordered it from Little Hearts with FromJapan!
  17. paradoxal

    Welcome to MH! It seems we have a lot of bands in common, eg. CodeRebirth, Lustknot and ofc Lycaon. Please join us in the chat sometimes, it would be fun to chat more with you!
  18. Wow this song is good! Actually this isn't their first song, they used to go by the name Black Klaxon and just recently changed their name to ASTARIA
  19. paradoxal

    I've never been a huge fan of Neverland, but oh my god 絶交×キャンディ is flawless. Jazzy kei 5/5.
  20. paradoxal

    Trust me he has tried everything, it doesn't run properly even with the lowest settings Now I'm also considering trying that, I haven't tried it with my own PC yet. I played GTA5 with his PS3 for 15 minutes, but I just hate controllers since I'm a console noob. Perhaps I'd like the game more with a PC. Though the story will probably be super boring since I already know everything that's gonna happen, I used to watch him play it when it first came out on PS.
  21. paradoxal

    That's exactly how it's NOT working for my bf. He has a high-end gaming PC, but the game is laggy as hell and almost unplayable. All other games run perfectly with his PC, except for GTA V which he preordered and has been waiting for so long
  22. paradoxal

    I started watching Salem with my bf. After two episodes I'm really hooked, the story is really intriguing. Also it's fun to think this is kind of a prequel to American Horror Story's season 3 (?) with all them withes.
  23. paradoxal

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Thk8SKXR3I I love Arlequin's new song Jazzy kei 5/5
  24. paradoxal

    I might have ordered the mini as well... God damn it, I can't afford to find any new bands XD
  25. paradoxal

    I liked their newest release so much that I immediately preordered their next one.
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