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Status Updates posted by allisapp

  1. so... Let's say that I used FJ to buy from mbok something which was 4000yen. ("Buy it now", but it was an auction). If I decided to throw 5000yen to it, but I will it with 4000yen, do I get the 1000yen back? Because my email says that it has taken that 5000 yen from me.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. allisapp


      so if it is over 5000, they have to do it manually? O.o

      and umm, I think I used my FJ deposit for it? because how else I would have paid for it?

    3. kyoselflove


      Yeah they do it manually like ordering through shop service. So usually they will send you a charge payment instead of making you use deposit unless you have a deposit already.

    4. allisapp


      okay, good to hear! thanks :33

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  2. I was in a bar with classmates on Sunday, when suddenly my glass exploded (cold drink, warm glass) and everything flew into my lap. Now I have couple of scars from the glass in my arms. D:

  3. Just watched 1 Litre of Tears -movie. *holding a bucket full of tears*

  4. After my last night's school's weeaboo party I am really feeling like listening to VK again. Checking some now~

  5. whii, payday tomorrow. All the checkouts are ready for it!!!! My body is ready!

    1. Gaz


      maria pls ;p

    2. allisapp


      gaz pls ;__;

  6. ONE OK ROCK coming to Europe. I need my school's timetable. Now!

    1. allisapp


      (ノಠ ∩ಠ)ノ彡( \o°o)\

  7. *crying* my godson was born today ;__; (in a very sensitive mood)

  8. Just came from hairdresser. Was there for 4,5 hours... Thick hair

  9. So... my sister appeared to our place and announced that she has gotten married. I got robed into being their wedding photographer, and now I am photoshopping some photos

    1. allisapp


      She is so beautiful in this one. ;____;

    2. digi


      Congrats to you guys ;o;

  10. gawd, it's so warm and hard to breath at my home's upstairs. My skin is throbbing at the same time with my heart and I feel like my brains are leaking from my ears

  11. paaaaaydaaaay <3 welcome and byebye money <3

    1. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      hard to win money... easy to loose it...

    2. Gaz


      ^ so deep...

    3. allisapp


      oops, used almost 300e

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  12. painting the ceiling right now. ugh my hand and neck

    1. allisapp


      being tall sucks because I can't be in a good position on ladder, because otherwise my head will hit the ceiling

  13. Damnit, idiot. *bitchslaps herself* After couple of months I ordered CDs again

    1. allisapp
    2. Gaz


      fakkin a is beyond amazing <3

    3. Ikna


      idiot > Beethoven

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  14. I got into school!! I will be studying japanese language 83

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. allisapp


      Thanks! ^___^ I have a few friends in upper classes, so I know a few weeaboos at least!

    3. Peace Heavy mk II
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  15. Is there anyone else who can't edit their posts? O.o

    1. paradoxal


      I have always been able to edit my posts :D

    2. allisapp


      Me too, but for some reason I wasn't able to do that today at all.

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      guess it is just like real life then...no take backs

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  16. Moms are the best ;___; It's almost 4AM, mom just came home (from a pub & she's a bit tipsy) and we're having some really deep conversations, and now she decided that we have to make pizza.

    1. Biopanda


      Drunk pizza truly is the best pizza.

    2. Jigsaw9


      so...how was the pizza? :3

    3. allisapp


      It could have been better. ;x I am quite picky about food (+ can't think anything "disgusting" or gory and so on without fee.ing like vomiting), so I had a hard time eating the pizza because it had spinach, and my imagination was running way too wild when I saw the green parts. :'D But mom like the pizza at least!

  17. I just experienced the most traumatic moment of 2014. Our couch's two spots can be turned into laying position, and to get it back into sitting position, you have to "kick it inside".

    1. allisapp


      I never get it "inside" well enough, because you have to use lots of strength to do it --> I kicked it in and got up from the couch --> the bottom suddenly went back to the sitting position HARD, and I flew over because it hit my legs XD

    2. paradoxal


      Those kind of sofas are the best, we had one too <3 But poor you, hope you didn't hurt yourself badly :<

  18. Does people here use LINE? D:

    1. paradoxal


      yup! my id is amadoxal

    2. allisapp


      Oh, I already had Pretsy. ;P Added para though!

  19. Hair is such a problematic thing. I really want to cut and dye it somehow, but I don't have any idea how...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. karin-adele


      I'm dyeing my hair back to black soon, my hairstyle alone is enough of a pain to manage lol

    3. allisapp


      Oh, yeah. I have been dyeing my hair for about 8 years now, and it's actually the first time for that long that I have my real colour. It's kinda dark blond/light brown mix. My hair has been blonde, red, black and other colours as well. And hair style range has been from "half-bald" to this long hair I have right now (down to my scapula)

    4. allisapp


      But thanks anyway! I just can't decide on the colour. 8< I have been thinking about getting same kind of hair style/colour like my wig. XD

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  20. omg, I love CH <3333333 will not leave the site at all anymore!!1

    1. Rize


      CAT PARTY :D

    2. sai


      never enough cats for this forum tbqh

    3. Ito


      I've never felt so fuzzy before.

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  21. Woaaaah, first time in a while when a package hasn't got stuck into customs. WOAH PARTY

  22. I am not watching USA-Finland icehockey match at all, but I still know everything what's happening; my neighbours are not being quiet about it. No need to even open TV. :P

  23. Please tell me to stop buying stuff which is NOT food. ;____; *having a nervous breakdown from waiting so many packages to come*

    1. allisapp


      It's wuite funny how when I got the money by working, I didn't buy anything, but now that I get money from somewhere, I am spending twenty hours per day checking of stuff I could buy)

    2. Biopanda


      Maria stop buying stuff. Unless it's from me, then buy everything <3

  24. *shocked* my sister just called me and said that I am going to be a triple aunt for her kids. O__O Totally unexpected that...

    1. Ikna


      A late christmas present? :D

    2. allisapp


      Well, I was double aunt before. ;P Also, she was talking about how she wants me to be the baby's godmother... :'D

    3. Jigsaw9


      Br00tal, congrats! 8D

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