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    Bear got a reaction from suji in random thoughts thread   
    I think Hyuna should put a bag over her fucking head.
  2. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Ro plz in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Best thing about bootlegs is the fact that they aren't tempered with before it's release. No guitar/vocal dubs or anything like that. Gotta love that. WHile I do like plenty of live albums, a huge part of them are ruined in the way that they've dubbed it in studio before its release, something wich often removes the feeling of listening to a proper live album. To me at least.
    Not too keen on live albums myself though even though there's plenty great ones that I'll play every now and then. But a lot of them doesn't feel like proper live albums at all though because of the dubs. I honestly believe that (live)albums like Live and Dangerous, No Sleep 'Til Hammersmith, At Folsom Prison, Made in Japan, Live at the Star Club, Hamburg, MTV Unplugged in New York, Alive!, Live After Death, It's Alive', Minimum Maximum and more are so good that they belong in the record collection of every single fan of music in general. Not kidding. Fantastic albums. Simple as that.
  3. Like
    Bear got a reaction from emmny in random thoughts thread   
    I do.
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    Bear got a reaction from Crube in random thoughts thread   
    I do.
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    Bear got a reaction from CAT5 in random thoughts thread   
    I do.
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    Bear got a reaction from enyx in random thoughts thread   
    I do.
  7. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in Horror Movies   
    In the Mouth of Madness - John Carpenter's big, fat homage to H.P. Lovecraft, and a very overlooked film. It's weird, and it's easy to understand why it's become such a love/hate type of film, but I really like it. It's got a nice, weird Lovecraftian atmosphere and I love how you as a viewer can't tell the difference between reality and fiction within this film. It's a nice theme in general, and they really make it work. It's not for everyone as the plot is fairly weird and repetive, but it'll work for a lot of us.
    Awesome film IMO!

    Dagon - While titled Dagon, this Stuart Gordon flick isn't really based on H.P. Lovecraft's Dagon, it's based on H.P. Lovecraft's The Shadow Over Innsmouth. It's far from Stuart Gordon's best Lovecraft-adaption/based film, but it's fun nonetheless. At the bottom Dagon isn't much but a cheesy b-film, but there's something very, very cool that just lies on top of it that makes me enjoy it quite a lot. Yeah, it's a cool film.
    Other than being a bit too long, what fucks this film up for me is the shitty CGI. There's not a lot of it, but there's a little and it looks so bad. It's so bad you'll struggle to keep your eyes on the screen whenever it pops up.

    The Last Lovecraft: Relic of Cthulhu - Super silly advendure-comedy with elements of horror, very inspired by H.P. Lovecraft's writings. It's directed by Henry Saine who made the very enjoyable Bounty Killer, but this one doesn't work as well. It's just too silly and geeky for its own good, and while less than 80 minutes long, it feels way too long. It's low-budget and surely does look low-budget as well. It should have been way shorter with more money spent on special effects and costumes.
    It was at times fairly enjoyable, but as a whole it was nothing but mediocre. Shame, because there's a lot of good ideas here.

  8. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Tokage in Horror Movies   
    Castle Freak - Very cool and super underrated Stuart Gordon with Jeffrey Combs and Barbara Crampton, loosely based on H.P. Lovecraft's The Outsider. Great astmosphere, cool cast, surprisingly well-written and directed, and the special effects are superb. I'd never have guessed this was a direct-to-video release back in 1995 if I didn't know so before watching it.
    Great film!

    Necronomicon: Book of Dead - Another underrated horror film based on H.P. Lovecraft's work, this time an anthology directed by Brian Yuzna (who helped produce films such as Re-Animator and From Beyond, and directed both Re-Animator sequels), Christophe Gans (Brotherhood of the Wolf) and Shusuke Kaneko (director of several Gamera films, as well as Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack).
    The main narative is about H.P. Lovecraft himself, and is fun, much because Jeffrey Combs is excellent as H.P. Lovecraft.
    The Drowned - A good start, but pretty weak compared to the rest. It's got a nice Lovecraftian vibe to it, but feels a bit cheap. This one is directed by Christophe Gans and based on The Rats in the Walls. 7/10
    The Cold - This one is just really cool (pun intended!), and the atmosphere is really nice. But the highlight here are the special effects. They're crazy fucking good! This one is directed by Brian Yuza and based on Cool Air. 8/10
    Whispers - Another fine entry, and almost as good as The Cold. Great special effects, fine cast and so on. This one is directed by Shusuke Kaneko and is based on  The Whisperer in Darkness. 8/10
    OK, so this isn't exactly super faithful to the source material, but it's great, atmospheric horror with lovely special effects, a memorable cast and shit. What's not to like?

  9. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in Horror Movies   
    The Whisperer in Darkness - Lovely H.P. Lovecraft adaption by Sean Branney in his directorial debut. Sean Branney helped out with the screenplay for The Call of Cthulhu, and is obviously a massive Lovecraft fan. Something which shines through here, becaue he treats the story with respect and manage to create this incredible Lovecratian feeling. It's eerie and mystical, and it's hard not to get drawn into the story.  This film is Lovecraft driven through a 1930's horror noir filter or something.
    It's not nearly as good as The Call of Cthulhu, though, which it for many reasons is natural to compare it to. And the reason why, aside from The Call of Cthulhu being a cooler story in general, is that it just feels less authentic. The Call of Cthulhu feels way more like a proper 1920's film, than this feels like a 1930's film. But that isn't to say this doesn't feel like a 1930's film, because for most part it does. And the special effects are very disappointing, though. I never got why they went for cheap, poor CGI instead of stop-motion animation, puppets or men in rubbersuits here. Would've both looked and felt so much better.
    Also, The Call of Cthulhu had much better pacing, running at 50 minutes shorter than this.
    But I really do like this film anyway. I think it's excellent!

  10. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Crube in random thoughts thread   
    Have you never tried those fake vampire theeth? Works perfectly, and I never had any problem closing my mouth. Unless you have teeth like Karl Burlow from the Salem's Lot mini-series (which is most excellent by the way)

    Also, Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Twilight and so on are so bad. How do you turn soething as cool as vampires into disgusting, weak fucking cunts like that? It's incredible really.
  11. Like
    Bear got a reaction from nullmoon in random thoughts thread   
    Have you never tried those fake vampire theeth? Works perfectly, and I never had any problem closing my mouth. Unless you have teeth like Karl Burlow from the Salem's Lot mini-series (which is most excellent by the way)

    Also, Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Twilight and so on are so bad. How do you turn soething as cool as vampires into disgusting, weak fucking cunts like that? It's incredible really.
  12. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Tokage in Horror Movies   
    From Beyond - Say whatever you want about this film as an H.P. Lovecraft-adaption, but as a horror film this is so god damn good, and it stars everybody's favourite H.P. Lovecraft actors Jeffry Combs and Barbara Crampton, both whom are excellent as usual. The entire film reeks of the 80's, and for fans of horror that's nothing but fantastic. Fuck, this is just one of Stuart Gordon's many masterpieces. What a director he was!
    The special effects, guy. They're easily among the best special effects ever caught on film. So incredibly cool, creative and fucked up. A real treat to the eye.

  13. Like
    Bear got a reaction from PsychoΔelica in random thoughts thread   
    You have to be fucking joking me. You actually wanted to see this, and you actually like "modern vampires"? Fucking hell, man. There's so much wrong with this.
    This is what vampires should be like:

    Vampires should be cold, hynotizing and classy, but still somewhat nasty and menacing. Give me none of those romantic fucks in newer films. Sparkly vampires that feels as threatening, menacing and hypnotizing as a god damn potato. No thank you, good sir.
  14. Like
    Bear got a reaction from suji in random thoughts thread   
    You have to be fucking joking me. You actually wanted to see this, and you actually like "modern vampires"? Fucking hell, man. There's so much wrong with this.
    This is what vampires should be like:

    Vampires should be cold, hynotizing and classy, but still somewhat nasty and menacing. Give me none of those romantic fucks in newer films. Sparkly vampires that feels as threatening, menacing and hypnotizing as a god damn potato. No thank you, good sir.
  15. Like
    Bear reacted to Jigsaw9 in Horror Movies   
    ^ Great one! First saw it in my early teens on TV, and I have it on DVD for many years now, so many memories & such a cool atmosphere (and Alice Cooper's cameo is hilarious btw XD).
  16. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in Horror Movies   
    Prince of Darkness - Very underrated and very cool John Carpenter flick with Donald Pleasence and Victor Wong among others. The atmosphere, very Lovecraftian I'd say, is superb and while flawed, it's such a charming and cool film. Eerie, claustrophobic, mystic and occult. No idea why this film is viewd on as mediocre or poor. Ain't even close to that IMO. Great film, and the special effects are beautiful. Gorgeous!
    Superb soundtrack too!

  17. Like
    Bear reacted to Tokage in Last movie you saw.   
    Recently watched Little Shop of Horrors... Normally not much of a musical guy, but it was.. interesting and entertaining. Watched the version with the original, intended ending, not the focus group-approved ''good'' end, of course. Sweet animatronics works in this one, always a treat to see.
    Does anyone remember the name of this semi-obscure martial arts movie where (if i remember correctly) a cat and a dog end up fighting each other?
  18. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Tokage in Last movie you saw.   
    The Battle Wizard - Over the top and batshit fucking crazy wuxia, just the way I like it. It's much in the vein of other crazy wuxia films like Holy Flame of the Martial World, Buddha's Palm and The Bastard Swordsman I & II, and it's really fucking weird and cool. It's short and fairly simple, but I really liked the story (based on the novel Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils), and it's filled with cool characters, crazy-as-fuck special effects as whatnot. It's pretty brutal too, with legs being shot off, arms ripped of its body, heads exploding and more.
    Weird, wicked and goofy, but damn is it entertaining. Top, top notch!

  19. Like
    Bear reacted to Jigsaw9 in Last movie you saw.   
    Just came home from seeing the new Star Wars movie. It was good. Like, I-can't-complain good. Serves its purpose as a fun introductory piece to a new trilogy - things are already looking better than the prequels (tho that's not too hard to achieve I guess, lol).
  20. Like
    Bear reacted to Jigsaw9 in The general Metal discussion thread   
    Thanks for the further recommendations, Bear. I tried listening to Dødheimsgard but nope, not my thing. Maybe it's just too complex and all-over-the-place for me to find any enjoyment in it. The vocals got on my nerves real quick too, somehow. Listened to the Devouring Star record too (once so far), can't remember much, other than it being okay.
    I agree about the Melechesh album tho, nice one! And of course Mgła was kickass as usual.
    Death Karma seems like they're my cup of tea, so def gonna check them out.
  21. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Crube in random thoughts thread   
    If I went to the cinema to see a film and people clapped, cheered or made fucking noises while the film was playing, I'd seriously go over and kick their fucking teeth in. I don't pay $14 for people to listen to retards make noises. Fucking hell.
  22. Like
    Bear got a reaction from nullmoon in random thoughts thread   
    If I went to the cinema to see a film and people clapped, cheered or made fucking noises while the film was playing, I'd seriously go over and kick their fucking teeth in. I don't pay $14 for people to listen to retards make noises. Fucking hell.
  23. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Chi in random thoughts thread   
    If I went to the cinema to see a film and people clapped, cheered or made fucking noises while the film was playing, I'd seriously go over and kick their fucking teeth in. I don't pay $14 for people to listen to retards make noises. Fucking hell.
  24. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in random thoughts thread   
    I've worn my Star Wars (Episode IV: A New Hope) t-shirt a couple of times over the last week, and people just can't stop talkign about Staw Wars with me. Doesn't matter if they are first graders, third graders, seventh graders, co-workers or parents: there's just too many who wants to talk about Star Wars. It's hilarious! I can barely get anything done at work because of all the talking.
    Also, one day a week I am with  first grader with downs, but due to illness I had to be with her today as well, which is cool. She's awesome. Now every single time she's picked up she wants to give us a hug which is nice and all. But when her mom came to pick her up today, she did like she usually did and wanted to say bye, but she just grabbed me by my chins and tried to kiss me on my mouth. Her mom couldn't stop laughing. I barely managed to turn my face because she was so quick. Got a hug though. Jesus.
  25. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Visutox in The general Metal discussion thread   
    And here's a small list of black metal releases that I've enjoyed from 2015. Most are fairly known within the world of black metal, but you might be able to pick up a few good albums from this list:
    Mgła - Exercises in Futility
    You should all know Mgla by now, and I will not spend any more time talkign about them. A must-have!
    Archgoat - The Apocalyptic Triumphator
    Dark, heavy and brutal black/death metal in the vein of Blasphemy, Beherit and Teitanblood. Another great album from a great band.
    Cultes des Ghoules - The Rise of Lucifer
    A rather unique black metal band that can be seen as a mix of Negative Plane, Mortury Drape, Katharsis, Necromantia and Mayhem. Fantastic band!
    Macabre Omen - Gods of War - At War
    Epic black metal with huge nods to bands such as Rotting Christ, Bathory and Hades.
    Nocternity - Harps of the Ancient Temples
    Cold, minimalistic and mid-tempo black metal that's just 100% greek. Great release!
    Misþyrming - Söngvar elds og óreiðu
    One of the many new Icelandic black metal of top quality. Semi-experimental black metal in the vein of mid-era Deathspell Omega and fellow countrymen Svartidauði, with strong The Ruins of Beverast vibes to it.
    Dødheimsgard - A Umbra Omega
    Dødheimsgard the way Dødheimsgard should sound. Avant-garde, experimental and mental. Crazy good shit!
    Drudkh - Борозна обірвалася (A Furrow Cut Short)
    A huge step backwards for Drudkh as this is the album after their first four that sounds the closest to their first four albums. Might be their best release after the firstfour too. I don't know. Good, epic album made for a walk in the forest.
    Downfall of Nur - Umbras de Barbagia
    While not very original, this is a very cool album that sends nods to bands such as Agalloch, Ulver and Wolves in the Throne Room. Folky, depressive and nice.
    Peste Noire - La Chaise-Dyable
    This is the album that shoul've followed 2011's L'Ordure à l'état Pur. Experimental, avant-garde and fucking white trash black metal. I think this album is superb!
    Autarcie - Retour en crasse
    Autracie is a band that walk the path of Peste Noire, or, the path that Peste Noire started with their demos and first full-lenght. I think "medieval black metal" is a very fitting term. Another fantastic album by a fantastic band!
    Sale Freux - Crèvecœur
    Another band that has found the majority of their inspiration from the old sound of Peste Noire. More rural than Peste Noire and Autracie, but it shuld please fans of old Peste Noire or Autracie. Maybe a bit more ritualistic.
    Glaciation - Sur les falaises de marbre
    A french "super group" with Neige, Winterhalter and Indria Saray of Alcest/Peste Noire, RMS Hreidmarr of Anorexia Nervosa/The CNK and a few others. I was really impressed by their debut 1994, and this isn't much weaker. For some reason I think both this and the debut got a really pure DIY spirit to it. Not sure why. A bit punky edge to it.
    Devouring Star - Through Lung and Heart
    Another one of those dissonant black metal bands in the vein of mid-era Deathspell Omega and Svartidaudi. A bit easier to get into than the two bands mentioned, but still hard enough for most.
    Lugubrum - Herval
    These guys call their music "farmer black metal", and that's quite fitting for newer Lugubrum. In "recent" years they've gone down a path of weird, experimental and jazzy black metal unlike anything you've ever heard. To take one small example - you'll find traditional US power metal riffing, reggae and surf rock in this album. Well, on one single track. That is weird.
    Ithaqua  - Initiation to Obscure Mysteries
    This ain't nothing but a big, fat homage to Rotting Christ anno 91-93. Both the sound and quality of the music here reeks of Rotting Christ from this era. Brilliant release, and easily among my top 10 this year. It's so good, man!
    Megiddo - The Holocaust Messiah
    Great black metal in the veind of old Bathory, Celtic Frost, Hellhammer and Beherit, with more than one nod to bands such as Amebix, Motorhead and Black Sabbath. Top notch again from Megiddo!
    That's it for now. Will check out the bands on Jiggy's list too.
    Also, looking forward to hearing the new Cosmic Church EP. 2013's Ylistys was a really good and impressive album. Amazing to be quite honest. Should be good as fuck!
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