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  1. Like
    Bear got a reaction from karai · ebi in 5 Things I Hate About VK   
    The fans, lack of proper vinyl releases and the fact that I think the vast majority of bands fucking suck annoys me the most. Have to check out 50 new bands to find a mediocre one, and 100 to find a good one.
  2. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Tokage in 5 Things I Hate About VK   
    The fans, lack of proper vinyl releases and the fact that I think the vast majority of bands fucking suck annoys me the most. Have to check out 50 new bands to find a mediocre one, and 100 to find a good one.
  3. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in 5 Things I Hate About VK   
    The fans, lack of proper vinyl releases and the fact that I think the vast majority of bands fucking suck annoys me the most. Have to check out 50 new bands to find a mediocre one, and 100 to find a good one.
  4. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in Your last music-related buy!   
    Black Magick SS ‎– Kaleidoscope Dreams
    Agatus - The Eternalist
    Summoning - With Doom We Come
    Jordsjø ‎– Jord
    Luzifer (2) ‎– Black Knight c/w Sanctuary 7"

    Black Sabbath - Sabotage
    The Rockats - The First Take Off
    The Tempos - Back From The Grave Special Edition - Raw '66 Garage Punk
    Cyclone - The First Of The Cyclone Men
    Jukon Speakers - House On The Haunted Hill
    The five last ones I picked up from a second hand store in Stockholm. I've only heard the Black Sabbath album before, and not even heard the other four. Just picked them up because I really liked the cover art. All of them were really cheap with the expetion of Jukon Speakers. If I were to buy these off discogs I'd have to pay something like $140, while I got the five for $75 in the store.
    I was pretty impressed by them too. Two psychobilly albums (The Rockats and Cyclone) and two raw garage rock albums (The Tempos and Jukon Speakers). Cyclone and The Tempos sounds absolutely brilliant so far. Really diggin' it!
    I've missed this feeling you get from buying album unheard. Doesn't happen too often nowadays, but when I was younger and didn't have internet me and my brother often went to the local library to order albums online. 50-60% of everything I bought we bought without having heard the band before. Just bought it off the words off the street or coverart, like I did now. Bought them because I really liked the cover art. Fun!
  5. LOLOL
    Bear got a reaction from rekzer in Dir en grey   
    Sounds like you guys are talking about that German chick. If so, that's hilarious. I remember her getting upset about people wanting to hear Dir en grey do cover songs, as she just fucking KNEW that they would never ever do such a thing. I loved that girl to death. I wonder what she's doing now.
  6. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Manji 卍 in Dungeon synth   
    Yeah, some good stuff being posted here now.
    Let me add this artist too called Mystic Towers. Really good, medieval dungeon synth. Beautiful!
    And people need to check out Jim Kirkwood asap. The genres differs a bit from album to album, but he stays within the realm of dungeon synth, ambient, dark ambient, berlin-school and electronic fantasy. There's a shitload of albums on youtube, and I recommend every single one that I've heard. Truly excellent, and he evokes a lot of different feelings and create plenty different atmospheres on the different albums. Top notch!
  7. Like
    Bear reacted to Manji 卍 in Dungeon synth   
    You guys NEED to check this out: Dark Ages - Twilight of Europe.
    this outstanding dungeon synth album seems to suck all the oxygen of the  room while take you to a trip through the history  ,
    since the dark ages.The black plague,rise of empires,war,death.all comes to mind. If you check the name of each song before listening to it,
    you realize how perfectly it fits. Definitely the most impressive dungeon synth album i ever heard.
  8. Like
    Bear reacted to suji in Dungeon synth   
    This is The Shit© right here
    I also love black metal in dungeon synth, it's my favorite part actually. 
  9. Like
    Bear got a reaction from suji in Dungeon synth   
    Daaaayum! That's some good, jolly dungeon synth. Quite original with its melodies and stuff. Will check out the other releases on his bandcamp later. Looking forward to that.
  10. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in The general Metal discussion thread   
    Daaayuuuum! Immortal just released their first new track in 9 years, and their first ever song without Abbath, and it is amazing. Fast, brutal and aggressive. The riffing takes me back to Blizzard Beasts and the solo takes me back even further. Demonaz sounds so good too. I was really looking forward to this, but I expected something slower and more epic and not nearly as good. Really happy about this. Fantastic song!
    Listening to it on my phone speakers was a positive experience.
    Listening on my headphones were even better.
    And listening on my speakers at home were mindblowing!
  11. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in Last movie you saw.   
    Batman Ninja - I've been really looking forward to this, and daaaayum, this did not disappoint at all. Like Batman: Gotham by Gaslight, which up until this point is the best Batman film ever, this is set in an alternative universe so to speak. Batman goes anime, and Batman and friends (Alfred, Catwoman, The Joker, Gorilla Grodd, Bane, Harley Quinn, Nightwing, Robin, Red Robin, Red Hood, Deathstroke, Poison Ivy, Two-Face and Penguin) are all sent back in time to Japan during its Edo period.  Now unlike Gotham by Gaslight, this isn't driven by a deep, complex plot and characters with an immense depth or anything, it's driven by fun characters and over the top happenings. This is Batman, but it's so over the top, weird, crazy and super Japanese that it's hard not to be entertained.
    It's anime alright, and it's got a classic anime feeling to it. It's got a lot of over the top and crazy moments, with clear kaiju influences and hell, dare I even say moments of Power Rangers tribute? I don't know, but there was a moment when I thought about Godzilla and similar films, in the next I was thinking about Power Rangers for quite an obvious reason. Another thing that I really liked was the character designs both for our classic heroes and villains, but also for the ninja and samurai that appears. Original, unique and interesting. 

  12. Thanks
    Bear got a reaction from Manji 卍 in Post-black metal/Blackgaze/Symphonic black metal/Experimental black metal   
    I was really let down by the new Abigor tbh. Not a bad album, but with the press release hinting they would go more back to the roots and all that. Yeah, it's much rawer than their latest outputs, but the music is a bit too chaotic and dras too much from more technical black metal bands like Deathspell Omega. Not a bad album, but disappointing.
    One of the most underrated bands in the genre btw. Everything up until, and including, Satanized (A Journey Through Cosmic Infinity) are excellent. 
    And Mgla are one of the best bands of the genre in the 2000's, and with the exception of "With Hearts Towards None" (which wasn't quite as good as the underrated Groza) they just keep getting better and better, with "Exercises in Futility" being their magnum opus so far. Exercises in Futility so damn brilliantly written, produced and performed that it's absolutely insane. It also features the best drumming on a black metal album since Mayhem's "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas". Darkside is a man that just keeps getting better and better behind the kit. A very unique drummer.
    And since Mgla is mentioned I just gotta name drop a few other great Polish acts from the 2000's:
    An all over fantastic band that has done no wrong so far, but really stepped up their game with the masterpiece that is Zeal. Death Camp Earth are excellent as well. Musically they're a bit more rocking than Mgla.
    Band that features M. and Darkside of Mgla. And lot more in your face and brutal than Mgla, but very good. The first EP and album are both excellent. Last album was also good, but overall a bit slower, more dissonant and grandiose and more progressive. Darkside's drumming are insane throughout the entire album.
    Started out ripping off Mgla in a very good way with their demo, but manage to find more of their own style with the EP, which I personally don't like. The album went a bit back and has more Mgla influences again, but not strictly ripping them off. Good shit.
    Started out as a fairly regular black metal band with influences from Mgla, Szron and black metal in general, but has gotten more experimental with time, moving more and more away from traditional black metal. And it's not experimental black metal per se, it's more half-n-half black metal and experimental music. Prefer their later, more experimental music tbh.
  13. Like
    Bear reacted to Manji 卍 in Post-black metal/Blackgaze/Symphonic black metal/Experimental black metal   
    got recently into this album,and the vocals and the riffs are pure evil !!! so good
    the production reminds me a bit the first darktnrone albums
    i guess most of you guys already know it.but i had to share it
    the whole nihilistic and misanthropic concept of these two EP's are so cult and powerful.along with these amazing artworks and lyrics.
    whenever i listen to this it almost takes me to a state of meditation about me as a human being
  14. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Manji 卍 in Post-black metal/Blackgaze/Symphonic black metal/Experimental black metal   
    While not a band within the genres mentioned in the OP, I'm still gonna post this band as they're black metal.
    Wigrid! The debut album were highly influenced by Burzum, and I would guess especially Det som engang var and Burzum/Aske. Albeit with a more depressive twist to it all. The second album is also very Burzum influenced, but it's slower and contains much more traditional depressive black metal riffing similar to what you'd hear in Strid, Nidhoggr and Nyktalgia.
    I'll have to go with Hoffnungstod as the best of the two albums, but both are absolutely amazing. Hoffnungstod is a modern classic and one of the best black metal albums of the 2000's imo.
    The reason I had to post this is because I am a huge fan, and I am gonna get dressed and walk up to my local mail office and pick up Discography Box Part II, which is the second tape box that collects every Wigrid and Elfenblut (pre-Wigrid) material, with the exception of the two tracks from the latest split release. I liked the first one a lot, so I will be pleased about getting this too. Like the first box it also contains a 3" CD with a track.
  15. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in Last Concert You Went To (Now with Pics)   
    Awesome! Did they keep it old school, or did they play anything off Recipe Ferrum! 777? Really want to see Tormentor live too.
    Also, Cult of Fire is an immense live band. Their stage presence are among the best and most impressive I've ever witnessed, despite not doing much. But the costumes, backdrop, the set pieces they use and the massive amount of incense used just makes the atmosphere beyond anything else. Brilliant band!
    Found the setlist:
    Anno Domini from start to finish 
    Branded the Satan 
    Live in Damnation 
    Seventh Day of Doom
    That is an insane setlist. God damn!
  16. Like
    Bear reacted to Jigsaw9 in Last Concert You Went To (Now with Pics)   
    Very special gig last night at Budapest's A38 venue. The return of the almighty Tormentor in all its original lineup glory! Warmup acts were Cult of Fire (pretty cool) and local post-black band Perihelion (not bad but kinda out-of-place imo), nice vibes all around. It was obvious tho that everyone came to see Attila Csihar & co of course and we weren't disappointed. I had some minor fears beforehand, of how well they would play after all those years, but they absolutely killed us all. Total old-school black/thrash inferno! All the fretboards of the guitars were blazingggg and Attila was a surely evil sight to behold (and to hear!). Tormentor I, Elisabeth Bathory, Beyond and Branded by Satan were my highlights of the night. Absolutely killer gig. Strongly thinking about attending Rockmaraton fest this year for a second helping of Tormentor, coupled with some Carpathian Forest.
    Random pic from the gig (not mine):

    More photos here if anyone's interested
  17. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Kaleidoscope in The general Metal discussion thread   
    Much better than anything on Sunbather and New Bermuda.
  18. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Kaleidoscope in The general Metal discussion thread   
    Sweet as fuck as usual from Ghost. Great video too.
  19. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in Last movie you saw.   
    Heavy Metal in Baghdad - Filmmakers Eddy Moretti and Suroosh Alvi travels to Iraq to find and meet Acrassicauda, the first and only metal band in Iraq at this time. It's an interesting documentary both when it takes a look at the band and their troubles, as well as when it looks at the situation in general during these times. Recommended.
    Syrian Metal Is War - Unlike Heavy Metal in Baghdad this doesn't focus on one single band, but the entire Syrian metal scene in a war-torn Syria. Director Monzer Darwish isn't a very talented man and he more often than not struggles to get his camera in focus, but there's a sense of passion here that I feel is missing in Heavy Metal in Baghdad. A Stronger DIY-feeling that I really like.
    Very interesting both when it looks at the scene itself, but also when it looks as Syria as a country and fucked up it has become. Good stuff this.
    Heavy Metal Parking Lot - It only clocks in at 17 minutes, but Heavy Metal Parking Lot may be the greatest rock/metal documentary ever made. A very straight-forward documentary as some guys walk around a parking lot before a Judas Priest and Dokken concenrt in the mid 80's and talk to fans who are attending the concert later. The atmosphere is fantastic, the people are fantastic and there's no bullshit. 
    One of those films you have to watch. A must-see for everyone in the entire fucking world.
  20. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Kuroi_dix in Your last music-related buy!   
    Sigh - Desolation
    Sigh - Tragedies
    Sigh - Tragedies (repress)
    Abigail - Ultimate Unholy Death
    Noctiferum - Serenades Of The Empire
    Urfaust - Verräterischer, Nichtswürdiger Geist
    Abigail - Eastern Force of Evil: Abigail's Tribute to Sigh
    Abigail ‎- Intercourse And Lust
    Sigh / Kawir ‎– Suicidogenic/Sinn
    Morrigan/Abigail ‎– A Celtic / Japanese Alliance
    Abigail / Morbid Upheaval split
    Abigail / Unholy Grave - Tribute to Acid – Acidiehardmaniaxe Far East EP
    Abigail / Sigh - Evilized Japan
    That was yesterday's purchase. So happy to finally own those Sigh tapes after searching for 10-15 years. That feeling!
  21. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Kaleidoscope in Post-black metal/Blackgaze/Symphonic black metal/Experimental black metal   
    While not a band within the genres mentioned in the OP, I'm still gonna post this band as they're black metal.
    Wigrid! The debut album were highly influenced by Burzum, and I would guess especially Det som engang var and Burzum/Aske. Albeit with a more depressive twist to it all. The second album is also very Burzum influenced, but it's slower and contains much more traditional depressive black metal riffing similar to what you'd hear in Strid, Nidhoggr and Nyktalgia.
    I'll have to go with Hoffnungstod as the best of the two albums, but both are absolutely amazing. Hoffnungstod is a modern classic and one of the best black metal albums of the 2000's imo.
    The reason I had to post this is because I am a huge fan, and I am gonna get dressed and walk up to my local mail office and pick up Discography Box Part II, which is the second tape box that collects every Wigrid and Elfenblut (pre-Wigrid) material, with the exception of the two tracks from the latest split release. I liked the first one a lot, so I will be pleased about getting this too. Like the first box it also contains a 3" CD with a track.
  22. Like
    Bear got a reaction from blacktooth in SIGH   
    Sweet! Shouldn't be long until we get a new cover art then.
  23. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Mamo in SIGH   
    Daaaamn! Did not see that coming. Doesn't make me any less interested, that's for sure.
  24. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in The general Metal discussion thread   
    That is amazing. The amount of details, man. Holy shit!
  25. wow
    Bear got a reaction from Visutox in The general Metal discussion thread   
    That is amazing. The amount of details, man. Holy shit!
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