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Posts posted by Bear

  1. What have you heard by Venom? Have you checked out anything beside Welcome to Hell and Black Metal? I think At War With Satan is their best and is quite a different album. It's a lot more mature and well-written, and I also think it is their blackest album ever. This, for me at least, is proper black metal at its very, very best. I'm also a huge fan of Prime Evil which certainly is up there with the three mentioned albums. Not as black, mean and evil, but their most mature album ever IMO. I think Possessed is fantastic as well, but it's probably their rawest and meanest album ever. Sloppy as fuck. Not for everyone.


    Inbetween this they also released some fantastic non-album singles. I'm mainly thinking of of Bloodlust, Warhead, Die Hard and Manitou. All these singles contains soem of their best songs ever. Singles 80-86 got all of these. Love it!



    1. At War With Satan (10/10)

    2. Welcome to Hell (9,5/10)

    3. Black Metal (9,5/10)

    4. Prime Evil (9/10)

    5. Possessed (8/10)


    These are the albums I tend to get back to very often.


  2. Was also great to see Goat on this list! That was an album I really enjoyed from last year as well!


    Oi! This is a band people should catch live as well if they get the chance. Magnificent live band. Just to put that out there.

  3. Right before christmas the 2nd graders where making light bulb santas and the guys went for short hair and beard, while the girl went for long hair and no beard. Well, except for one guy, he wanted long hair and long beard. The teacher asked him if he really wanted long hair and beard, and yeah he was sure because Bear had long hair and beard. Coolio yo.



  4. Bear, I had no idea you were in Norway!  Cool, me too :D  So all this stuff resonates with me, especially the preference to not buy from CD-ON and similar stores.  When I was in my old band, we actually had copies in some of the Platekompaniet stores around Oslo (they were the only stores I knew about), and they sold the majority of them, but I think it was people we knew :D




    I'm actually surprised that "buying direct from the band" hasn't received more votes.  This could be easily because this forum is geared towards Japanese music, which is particularly difficult for foreigners to get, at least more so than "western" music.  And I imagine many aren't going to Japanese bands' websites in all-Japanese and buying direct, if they even have the option...



    Yeah, I know. I actually talked to you once on here. Heh. Yeah, it's not that I mind CDON. I've bougt plenty from them over the years, but music and films, and never had any big problems. When I've had problems they've been solved immediately with no problems whatsoever. But I just feel that these small distros deserves my money way more than CDON or even Platekompaniet, and they're not any more expensive either. And they focus more on the kind of music I tend to spend my money on, which makes it more ideal for me. I'm very selective when it comes to buying music, and most of what I am willing to spend money on I won't find on PK or CDON. And I prefer stores like Tiger and Big Dipper to Platekompaniet. I feel like they're more into this for what I see as the right reasons. They're not big chain stores who earn lots of money and can start new stores all ove the country. Small stores who sells music they themself enjoy. My cup of tea.



    I like buying from the band, problems with that is that I'll only end up with one or two albums. When I buy from Unborn or Terratur I tell them to put stuff I want aside and when I fee they've got enough I buy. It's everything from 3-4 to 10 different albums/EPs/demos on vinyl/tape. It makes everything so easy, and easy is good.

  5. My top 10 rock/metal releases of 2014 (for now):



    1. Darkspace - Dark Space III I

    Darkspace returns with their fourth album after six year, and once again they give us pitch black cosmic mysticism wraped into musical form. The production is a tad cleaner and the music is a tad more melodic this time around, but it still sounds like Darkspace and it still sounds amazing. Album of the year! 10/10


    2. Black Magic - Wizard's Spell

    Great heavy/black metal from Norway. These guys does it the old way. First half is pure black metal influenced heavy/speed metal madness, and the second half is their second demo, and black metal in an 80's fashion. This album is awesome! 9,5/10


    3. Salem's Pot - ...Lurar ut dig på prärien

    There's not a hint of originality or distinctive stamp to be found anywhere on this album, but fuck me if this album isn't damn fine. Salem's Pot delivers 33 minutes of sleazy, occult doom metal of the purest kind. This album could've been used as the soundtrack to Vampyros Lesbos, or many of the other erotic horror films of the 70's. In other words, this is my type of doom metal. I dig! 9,5/10


    4. Rude - Soul Recall

    This is what you get if you'd make a mix consisting of something like 50% Pestilence - Consuming Impulse, 20% Autopsy - Severed Survival, 10% Morbid Angel - Altars of Madness, 10% Obituary - Slowly We Rot and 10% Death - Leposy. Rude isn't original, but they've got more than enough character to sound unique, and believe it or not - the music is even better than the fantastic cover art. 9,5/10


    5. Tarot - The Watcher's Dream / Dying Daze / Life and Death

    This isn't really metal, but it's three fantastic EPs. Semi-progressive 70's inspired rock. For soeme reason this makes me think of Uriah Heep meets Pagan Altar meets Rainbow. It's a very charming hard rock EPs with a very nice and epic feel to it. I'm digging this so much! 9,5/10


    6. Funereal Presence - The Archer Takes Aim

    Fantastic black metal with lots of character. The closest you'll get to this album is Negative Plane (the sole member, Bestial Devotion, is the drummer of Negative Plane), but it's a lot different from that. 9/10


    7. Hail Spirit Noir - Oi Magoi

    This isn't as good as their debut, but still a lovely album. HSN continues their unique brand of psychedelic/progressive rock and black metal. The production is richer than on the first, but I thought the debut had a better production. It was more laidback and less produced and polished really. The song writing was better to. It was more messy than this. On this album they've kinda tried to separate the black metal and prog/psychedelic rock, while on the first one these genres blended nicely thoughout the album. But that's not a problem, and this is a fantastic album. 8,5/10


    8. Execration - Morbid Dimensions

    This isn't as dark as the fantastic Odes of the Occult, their previous album, but it's still a fantastic album. Well-written, semi-progressive death metal with thints of black, doom and thrash metal. The riffs found on this album isn't very original, but the way they're put together makes everything sound original. It's just odd. This album is almost on par with Odes of the Occult to be honest, and that says a lot. Great album! 8,5/10


    9. Vintersorg - Naturbål

    With Cosmic Genesis, released in 2000, Vintersorg moved away from his well-known folk metal sound and stepped into progressive territory, and lyrically he moved from nature and paganism to cosmos. While there was still elements of both the folk and black metal sound in the music, it was a huge change and while a good album, it's inferior to the three albums relesed before it. With each album he got gradually worse and reached a low with the progressive The Focusing Blur. Not bad, just not very good either. Then came Solens rötter. We were promised an album that would be back to the roots with folky metal and lyrics in Swedish. Well, it was a bit folkier, and it had Swedish lyrics, but it wasn't much that reminded anyone about the good, ol' days. With that album I stopped checking out his new albums. He also got gradually more annoying vocal-wise, and went to become awful in both Vintersorg and Borknagar (both bands got worse with each release anyway, so it did not matter). I accidently came over his promo video for Lågornas rov and it was such a surprise. Once again he was playing around with folky black metal with a progressive and symphonic touch, and it was by far the best song he had done since Ödermarkens son. The album is amazing, and VIntersorg finally sings good again as well. The album feels like the natural follow-up to Ödermarkens son. Well-written and interesting songs with lots of catches, fantastic choruses, a production with a few, lovely faults and great vocals. His best album since Ödermarkens son, and perhaps even better than that, and a natural follow-up without him just copying himself. 8,5/10


    10. Primordial - Where Greater Men Have Fallen

    Anothe fantastic release by Primordial. Not their best, and this time it basically feels like more of the same, but when you're as good at doing what you're doing as these guys there's no need to change whatsoever. Powerful celtic-folk influenced black/heavy metal with one of the very best metal vocalists of all time. A.A. Nemtheanga isn't the most talented vocalist ever, but only Quorthon comes close to the power and passion in his voice. To be fair, A.A. Nemtheanga alone makes this a superb album! That's how good he is. 8,5/10



    Honorable mentions (albums that easily can get a spot on the list another day): Alcest, Death Vomit, Mysticum, Swallowed, The Deathtrip, Mortuary Drape, Portrait, Spell, Nunslaughter / Acid Witch, The Great Old Ones and Tusmørke (not metal, but fuck that!). Especially Alcest and Death Vomit are really close at getting a spot here.

  6. Started on Orphan Black last friday and just watched the second episode of season 2 yesterday. I'm very impressed so far, and I thought season 1 was just great. It's a lot more mature and dark than what I'd expected, and Tatiana Maslany is fantastic. I do get a bit Alias/Dark Angel/Nikita-feeling of the whole show, but it comes of as more complex and better written, especially character-wise.

    I also like the fact that they don't go for the whole "one big plot for the whole season with a new subplot for every episode"-thing that way too many shows have used over the years, but rather have one big plot that they follow. Very happy about that. Exciting!



  7. Other: Vinyl and tapes, but in special cases I'll with CDs. That means, bads where I am looking to get a complete discography, like Sigh, or favourites that simply haven't released anything on any other format, like Kagrra.



    The majority of the music I buy, I'd say 95% or so, I buy from small distros or labels in Norway, run buy people who earn nothing from doing this. They live for music and the only reason why they're having their own distros/labels is to get music they love out there to people like me. It's not a job where they earn money, but a hobby where they tend to lose money, just like most other hobbies. These are mainly Unborn Productions and Terratur Possessions. Nice, reliable guys who's doing this out of passion. I'd rather support these guys than amazon, CDON or shit like that.


    3% or so I'd say are from other smaller labels/distros like Dark Symphonies, Blood Music, Virus Productions and so on, but a lot of what these labels release is something I'll get just as easily from Unborn or Terratur for the same kind of money, which makes it a lot easier for me. But every now and then I'll have to order straight from these, which I am more than happy to do as they're run by nice, reliable and helpful people. Some bigger than others, but the biggest are run by very few people, 3-4 at most, and aren't doing this for money, just out of love and passions for the music.


    2% or so I buy from CDON, amazon or something like that.


    Buying MP3s are out of the question. I've never done that, and I never will. Physical copies or free MP3s.


    Every now and then I buy used iteams from random people as well. Or straight from the band when that's an option, but in most cases that only goes for demos.


    Yeah, that's basically it. I tend to support the underground. Simple as that.

  8. My top 10 of 2014:


    1. Yellow

    2. X-Men: Days of Future Past

    3. The Tale of the Princess Kaguya

    4. Blue Ruin

    5. The Strange Colour of Your Body's Tears

    6. The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

    7. Snowpiercer

    8. Stage Fright

    9. 22 Jump Street

    10. The Sacrament



    I haven't seen too many films of 2014, and I have most likely forgotten some, but those are my top 10 for now. Films I am looking forward to and have lots of faith in include The Wind Rises, The Guest, Nightcrawler, The Badabook, The Raid 2: Berandal, What We Do In The Shadows, Inherent Vice, The Editor, Musaranas, John Wick, A Most Violent Year and A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night, and I expect at least 4-5 of these to make it onto my top 10 list. The Wind Rises, The Guest, Nightcrawler and The Raid 2: Berandal are almost a part of my list long before I've seen them. That's how much faith I have in them.


    Decided not to include documentaries.

  9. The Tale of the Princess Kaguya - Whenever a new Studio Ghibli film is announed I get excited as fuck, and when there's two films announced I get even more excited, especially considering this is the first time that has happened since I was born. And before I was born it only happened once back in 1988, and the funny fact here is that both times the directors have been Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata, It's a bit odd to be honest.


    However, during the first few minutes of The Tale of Princess Kaguya I thought to myself, "what the fuck is this childish, lackluster childrens book-like visual style doing here?", and I went from "OMG!" to "huh?" pretty fast. But as the story got going, and the princess was brought into the story, I really started to understand why they'd gone with a visual style like this. It really fits the story and the atmosphere created here, and I went from not being impressed by the visual style to adore it in 15 minutes. And from there on this was nothing but joy.


    The animation is smooth, detailed, rich and warm, but not polished and feelingless in any way imaginable. There's so much ove and passion put into the animation here, and not once do you get the feeling that they rushed a single scene is the film. It's... unbelieveable. Absolutely breathtaking!


    The visual style is, as I already said, very childish, as if it is drawn for a childrens book. While disappointed to begin with, it didn't take long for me to understand why they went with this style, because it really does fit the animation and the story and the whole atmosphere. And despite being childish, it's very detailed and the colors are beautiful. But as with the animation, it is not too polished in any way. It's warm and delicious. It's a very clever choice by the people behind this film.


    The story? Amazing. Heartwarming, fun, sad... it's everything you'd want a film to be. It's so well-written, so amazingly made into a film. And the characters? Again, unbelieveable. Som of the best characters I've ever seen in an animated film. There's so much to grab onto here, but story- and character-wise. Very mature.


    And the score by Joe Hisaishi is fantastic as usual. Magnificent!


    This is hands down one of the finest Ghibli films to this date, and the score of 100% based on 57 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes is actualy well-deserved. For my own sake, it's not a fully perfect film, but it's not far from being that. I feel sure that this is a film that with time will be remembered as one of the finest animated films ever made. 9,5/10

  10. I spent my near years eve going to the cinema with my girl watching The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies, then went home for some beers before we left to the stable to take care of the animals there. Well, my girlfiend did most of the work while I spent my time there cuddling with the three ponies and the cat. Those ponies are the cutest animals ever.




  11. I'm looking forward to a lot of albums, and the one I am awaiting the most is with no doubt Sigh's new opus "Graveward".  One things that makes me very, very excited for this album, other than the fact that Sigh is the best band ever, is how Mirai has gone from saying that this will be the most straightforward album since the debut to this being their most complex album ever. There's something about that which just turns me on.



    Other albums I am really looking forward to:


    Solefald - World Metal. Kosmopolis Sud

    A band that has been in constant change ever since the debut album, and that is always creating something unique. There just no bands out there like this. They've released one song from the album called Bububu Bad Beuys, and while it's nothing like I expected. I just love it. Crazy as fuck - but phenomenal.


    Melechesh - Enki

    Their last album, 2012's The Epigenesis, was good but still a huge disappointment, and their least good album ever. Unique, middle-eastern black/death metal unlike any band you've ever heard. Hopefully this will be an album to match either of the albums in their holy trio Djinn, Sphynx and Emissaries. If this is anything like those quality wise we'll have one of the albums of the year here.


    Negură Bunget - Tău

    Negura Bunget's last album, Vîrstele pămîntului, was a huge disappointment to many, I'd say mostly because Hupogrammos and Sol Faur leaving the band and Negru acting like a cunt, because there wasn't a huge change in the music. However I really like the album and I am looking forward to "TĂU, the first part of a musical and visual trilogy about our Transilvanian homeland. TĂU focuses on the natural landscapes, exploring marvelous places, with their myths, legends and traditions, opening a window to the past of these legendary lands.", as the band themself said. Hopefully they'll be able to capture some of the unique atmosphere from their progressive and atmospheric folk/black metal masterpieces Om and 'n crugu bradului.




    Another thing that makes me very excited about both the Melechesh and Negura Bunget albums is the fact that neither band is very productive, which makes it even more exciting when they finally release something new. Melechesh have released 5 albums since 1993 and Negura Bunget have released 6 albums since 1994, with one just being a re-intepretation of an earlier album. Heh.

  12. No, this isn't a thread just about the bands that formed in 2014, but about all bands who released their first proper release in 2014. Doesn't matter if they formed in 1987 or 2014, as long as 2014 was the year they released their first proper release (album/EP/single).


    For me it's been four bands/artists who's stood out from the rest of the newcomers in 2014 (as far as I can remember at least), and all these four have made it into my top 10 of 2014 so far.


    1. Tarot

    Tarot formed in 2011 and released their first demo in 2011, but it is not seen as a proper release by main man Will Fried, owner of Heavy Chains and a member of great bands such as The Wizar'd an Dracula. 2014 however saw the band release three EPs, two of them consisting of 3 songs clocking in at 15:10 minutes, while the third consists of four songs clocking in at 21 minutes. I have yet to hear Tarot's two first EPs, called Life and Death and Dying Daze, but the band's third EP, The Watcher's Dream, have gone from being good to become an absolute masterpiece with 50+ listens over the last few days.


    Tarot plays epic heavy rock with this lovely feeling of some kind of mysticism. Think Uriah Heep ano Demons & Wizards with hints of Dio-era Rainbow, Quartz and Pagan Altar. I made a top 10 meta/rock releases of 2014 early yesterday, and it got the 9th spot. Now,  20 listens later, it's a contender for top 5 releases of the year in all genres. It just keeps growing with each listen. This is how good this is.


    Listen to the full EP here: https://heavychainsrecords.bandcamp.com/album/the-watchers-dream

    Favourite song: Twilight Fortress. The two last minutes of this song are by far the two best minutes of music release this year. Magnificent!


    Recommended for fans of Uriah Heep, Rainbow and Pagan Altar


    2. Cluster Buster

    I don't know much about this band beside that the guy behind this is Norwegian, is a fan of 80's exploitaton, horror and action cinema, old school video games and VHS(!!!). Oh, and is a part of the new synth wave/new retro wave that's been growing over the past few years. Cluster Buster is certainly among the best, if not the best, in the genre. Cluster Buster released two albums this year, one being good and one being amazing. Maniac 1980 is my favourite of the two, and it has secured a spot among the top 10 albums of the year.


    Listen to the full album here: http://future80s.bandcamp.com/album/maniac-1980

    Favourite song: Maniac 1980


    Recommended for fans of Kavinsky, John Carpenter and Perturbator


    3. Rude

    Rude was formed as thrash metal band Forsaker in 2008 by a bunch of guys in their late teens/early 20's, but changed their name to Rude in 2011 after the release of their only demo as Forsaker the same year. When they changed name they also changed genre and started playing death metal in the vein of Pestilence with hints of Autopsy, Death, Morbid Angel, Obituary. The band released a great demo in 2013. But with the release of their debut album Soul Recall, the band took further steps into the death metal realm and released one of the best death meta albums of the 2000's. It's that good.


    This album is what you'll get if you put 50% Pestilence - Consuming Impulse, 20% Autopsy - Severed Survival, 10% Morbid Angel - Altars of Madness, 10% Obituary - Slowly We Rot and 10% Death - Leposy in a blender and mix it. Yes, there's not a hint of originality to be found anywhere during the album's 44 minutes, but there's lots of character and quality. Crushing death metal of the purest kind.


    Favourite song: Haunted


    Recommended for fans of Pestilence, Autopsy and Morbid Angel


    4. Salem's Pot

    Salem's Pot formed in 2011 and released one demo in 2012 and one in 2013, but it wasn't until 2014 that their debut album saw the light of day. ...Lurar ut dig på prärien is three songs and 33:30 minutes of sleazy, filthy and occult doom metal of the purest kind. This album could've been the soundtrack to Vampyros Lesbos, or many of the other erotic horror films of the 70's.


    Cover of the year as well, take from the already mentioned Vampyros Lesbos. So fitting!


    Favourite song: Creep Purple


    Recommended for fans of Electric Wizard, Black Sabbath and Sleep





    Now it's your turn!

  13. The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies - A very nice ending to a very nice trilogy. It is not free of faults, not even close, and despite me being very disappointed with Peter Jackson and all he's done wrong with them, I just can't help but properly enjoy these films. They're action-packed adventure film with lovely characters, great atmosphere and it's set in a universe I really, really enjoy.


    The CGI is once again better than in the previous films, but it's still not amazing and it's still way too much of it. And this is the biggest flaw in the trilogy. It feels a bit too flat and soulless a bit too often. It just lacks that proper punch that makes it a top tier film.


    While I didn't mind Tauriel as a character, the love story had nothing to do in these films. Just. Meh. Didn't add anything to the story.


    It is also sad to see Peter Jackson make the same mistakes as he did with LotR. Yes, I am thinking abou the Legolas does retarded, over the top and out of character and pace things that not only feels stupid, but also looks stupid because it is so poorly done. Why, Jackson? Why?


    I could mention more flaws, but I won't now.


    However, the scenes in Dol Guldrur (minus the scenes where Galadriel suddenly looks pathetic) were amazing. Especially the fight. It was awesome! I also thought Smaug were done even better in this film, and he felt threatening and huge. Have to admit I had hoped for a lot more Necromancer, though. But it wasn't bad. Cool as fuck!


    But all in all I think Peter Jackson has done well in capturing the feeling of visiting Middle Earth, and he's done a good job capturing the spirit of The Hobbit and Tolkien's writing. It's not nearly as good as LotR and ihey're highly flawed, and in the end, with little work, this trilogy could've been so much better. But don't get me wrong, I've really enjoyed myself during these films. I really have.




    Looking forward to the extended version. A lot!



    Edit: I forgot to say that I don't think Peter Jackson has fully comited to these films. I just don't get the impression that he's put his heart 100% into this project, and did it more out of preasure that he just HAD to do it than out of passion and love. And I think that is part of the reason why they did not become as good as they both could and should have.


    This year I definitely felt like I expanded into different genres more than ever before. While I was doing this list I realized that I covered more genres this year without trying than I did in all my last three years. I wouldn't have heard of Hail Spirit Noir if you hadn't pointed me in their direction and I was already familiar with Martyrdöd (although I was late to listening to Elddop this year). The other two are definitely new.

    I haven't heard any of Dead Congregation's other releases because I have to be in the mood to listen to them. But when I am, I don't mind the drums for some reason.


    That is very cool!


    I think the DC's debut is a lot more unique, taking less influence from Morbid Angel. A bit dirter, darker and rotten in a way, I guess. But it's got those very clicky bass drums that I just can't stand. But I know the band is very popular in the underground, even by those who don't like overly triggered drums. If you can look past the drum sound, which you can, it should please you a lot I think.

  15. Very cool list. I'm both surprised and happy to see Dead Congregation, Hail Spirit Noir, Martyrdöd and Perturbator on your list to be honest, but all are very good choices. Especially Hail Spirit Noir which made it onto my top 10 again as wel, just like they did with their even better debut album.



    However, Dead Congregation isn't a band I play too often despite their music being very good, though. I fucking hate the drums on both Graves of the Archangels and Promulgation of the Fall. Machine gun drums triggered to death just doesn't do it for me, and the sanre sounds awful on the new abum as well. Half way to St. Anger-land. Eeew.

  16. Aura Noir was great, but lacked a bit punch. I thought the setlist was a bit disappointing. Too many songs off Hades Rise, which I consider their weakest album. But I had fun.





    Morbid Angel was CRUSHING! Oh my god, what a gig. Tim Yeung is a machine, thought a bit too perfect for my taste. But he knows how to drum. Thor Anders Myhren is a fantastic guitarist and riffer, but he looked wy out of place and didn't really look like he had too much fun.


    David Vincent smiled, growled great and just looked like he had a great time and Trey Azagthoth is Trey Azagthoth. He's almost perfect.


    The gig was fantastic, and even the abomination Existo Vulgore from the abomination that is Illud Divinum Insanus worked well. I didn't even notice that they played a single song from the new album. It was that fucking good.

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