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Posts posted by Bear

  1. SOme cool updates for anyone into good metal.


    Here you can hear a 5 min outtake from one of the new songs from the upcoming Negura Bunget album. It sounds like Negura Bunget, an it sounds damn good.





    Macabre Omen - Gods of War - At War


    Ten years after their magnificent debut album, The Ancient Returns (6/6!), and 21 years after their formation and first demo, Macabre Omen returns with their second full lenght in 2015, and I am very much looking forward to it. Recommended for fans of Bathory, greek black metal (Rotting Christ, Kawir, Varathron, Nocternity) and Hades.

  2. I experienced something similar at work not too long ago actually. I work with a bunch of chick, 4 of them are in their mid 40's, and two are in their 30's. I entered as usual, sat down around the table for the meeting and they were talking about their vaginal discharge. It was awful. I left and told them to update me on what to do that day later. Jesus christ. As if I have any interest in hearing about their vaginal discharge.

  3. The reason I post most about extreme metal is because that's what the other people around here seems to care about, as well as folk metal. I could post a lot about other genres too as I am very much into other genres, but I see no reason to post lots of heavy, doom, power or whatever-bands if I am the only one seems to care.



    And Immolation is a damn big band for being death metal. Yeah, they're not among the biggest bands around, but they're up there with other legendary bands such as Autopsy, Pestilence, Grave, Asphyx, Unleashed, Malevolent Creation, Edge of Sanity, Monstrosity and so on. So yeah, they're actually a very common name in the death metal scene, and they have a status as both a legendary death metal band and a cult band.


    And I don't get your comment on them being close to black metal in any way at all. Pure dark, putrid and blasphemous death metal with close to no resemblence to black metal at all IMO, just like Incantation whom they share much of their sound with. The band is pure death metal in all departments to my ears..

  4. It's been a long time since I recommended anything here, so I'll throw out a few demo recommendations this time around. All these demos ae rather new, and all have been a part of my top 10 when the year finished. In other words, these are fantastic demos. There's been some hype around all these bands in the underground, so you might have heard about them.




    Beastiality - Ancient Bell Chimes


    Beastiality plays dark, morbid and dirty black/thrash/death metal in the vein of Bathory, Nihilist, Hellhammer and Nifelheim. It's not origianl, but there's more than enough character for everyone to recognize them and everything from the songwriting to the vocals and production is top notch. Brilliant demo!




    Vampire - Vampire


    Crushing death/thrash from sweden in the vein of Bloodbath (Serbia), old Sepultura and Possessed. It's dark, evil and great. Raw and evil. Brilliant demo!#2


    The ban released their debut album last year, but for me it was a huge disappointment. The songs ae great, but the album was way too polished.




    Possession - His Best Deceit


    Raw black/death metal in the vein of Bathory, Blasphemy, Sarcofago and old Sepultura (ontains a Sepultura cover too). Grim, agressive and crushing - Possession will possess you!


    The band released a great 7" last year too, and will release something new this year.




    Necromancy - Hanged in Hässelby


    Necromancy plays pure, 80's influenced occult black metal in the vein of Bathory, Mortuary Drape and Mercyful Fate. This is a compilation of the bands first two demos, Rites of Necromancy and Magic Alchemy Occultism, and both are top notch. A must for fans of 80's black metal.




  5. The Raid 2: Berandal - I finally got around to watch this, and I am impressed. Everything is turned up a notch... or five. The plot is way better, the character development is better and the violence is just on a whole other level. The action is so well-coreographed and tightly executed by both actors/stuntmen and director that's even though there's a lot of fighting, it's never too much. And I consider myself to be a pretty big fan of martial arts films, and this is one of the best martial arts films I've ever seen and it's both one of the most extreme action flicks I've seen as well as the best coreographed film I've seen.


    I just can't find anything to put my finger on, because this is such a well-made and entertaining flick. It will certainly be way too brutal and violent to some, and contain way too much fighting for others, but fans of martial arts should not be disappointed with the film. And I fucking loved the film!



  6. It depends abit on what I am reading, but for most part I listen to ambient, neoclassical, post-rock, funeral doom or black metal. Bands like Mortiis, Summoning, Paysage d'Hiver, Mono, Zhaoze, Kinstrife & Blood, The Great Old Ones, Thergothon, Tyanny, Evoken, Worship, Evoken and more are bands that I've been playing a lot when reading. The important thing to me when finding music to read to, is that it in somewhat manage to evoke muh of the same feeling and atmosphere as the subject I am reading. I'll never listen to Summoning when reading Lovecraft or other horror stories, and I'll never listen to Tyranny or Thergothon when reading Tolkien or other fantasy stories. It doesn't match well.

  7. The Raid: Redemption - Brilliant film, and even better now than my first time watching it. This is simply a modern classic. Yes, the character development isn't good at all and the story is lacking, but who eally gives a fuck about that when watching a film like this? It's a badass actionfilm with amazing action, more amazing action and it's all topped with even more amazing action. And Iko Uwais is cool as fuck. He's as cool as Tony Jaa to be honest.


    Gareth Evans might not be a very good storyteller, and his characters are rather flat, but he nails more or less everything else on the head with this film.



  8. The new retro wave is something compltely different from new wave and darkwave. Listen to some of the songs posted here and you'll get what kind of music this thread is about. It's also known as Outrun electro. Kavinsky, one of the leading artists in the "movement", despite being more on the house-side, named his debut album Outrun, and it's named after a Sega game from 86 which have served as a massive inspiration for the genre. But the genre as a whole is very inspired by film soundtracks from the 80's, as well as 80's pop culture. Action, horror and exploition films, neon lit cities, video games, cool cars and all that. Everything that was cool.




    One of the coolest music videos ever btw. I'm having a massive man crush on this guy.

  9. play it then judge it. it's not good to judge something on appearances, It might just be the way your girlfriend is playing the game and that is why it looks boring to you. give it a try yourself and play it the way you want to, there are endless ways to play a game and never one right way but many different play styles.


    That sounds like a good idea, but I'm not gonna do it simply because I know what I like and not. I'm very picky and selective when it comes to modern gaming, and just by looking at something I'll know if I'll like it or not. Sounds stupid? Maybe, but I know what I know.

  10. believe it or not dead Island is actually considered to be a decent game. Don't get me wrong it's definitely not amazing and it has many flaws but the zombie killing core of the game is actually fun for a while and crafting new and exciting weapons along with leveling and gaining new abilities to add to your arsenal is actually quite entertaining for a while.


    EDIT: actually now that I think about it, Dead Island is one of the few games that have gotten zombie melee combat right.... that's something that they should definitely be praised for.


    I know it's considered a decent game, and that's what bothers me a bit. I just don't get it. My girlfriend's been playing it for hours now and it's just the same again and again and again. She does the same over and over again.


    And while boring gameplay don't necessary equal a bad game, it'll need something to make up for it. But for me, Dead Island has no positive qualities whatsoever. And it takes itsef way too serious for my taste. With some humor and some more over the top elements it could easily have become a playable game (for me).


    Far Cry: Blood Dragon is a game I finished "recently" that belongs to the boring gameplay category, but for everything it does wrong it does two things right. The gamelay itself isn't very interesting. Same old, same old and all that shit. But the setting, humor, characters and soundtrack is right up my alley and just hit me straight into the heart, an those things combined made me look right past the gameplay.



    But yeah, Dead Island does nothing right for me. Absolutely nothing at all.

  11. yeah, I could hear a lot of CoF in them. The male vocalists voice/vocals kinda remind Bradley Fafara from Devildriver.


    What? Bradley Fafara? I'll admit I don't hear any Fafara in the vocals at all.


    Watching Chthonics - Defenders of Bú-Tik Palace on YT and tbh i think they've tried to go beyond their traditional symphonic/black metal and delve into folk metal which isnt too bad as i do love me some Onmyo-Za


    The band adapted the folky touch pretty early on, but when the band changed from symphonic/melodic black metal to melodic death metal with Takasago Army they let the folk instruments play a bigger part in their music.

  12. I borrowed Dead Island for my girlfriend to play a long time because I thought it would be something she'd like, and I was right. She started playing it yesterday and now she can't stop. I knew I wouldn't like, because I am good that way. But this is even worse than I had predicted. Everything about it looks so fucking shit. The gameplay looks ultraboring and there's no atmoshere whatsoever. Jesus christ. Happy for her, but how shit like this can get very popular is beyond me.

  13. My knowledge of taiwanese metal is pretty limited, but I've heard a few bands. But there's only two that I listen to every now and then:


    Chthonic, who have become pretty known over the years. Started out as a symphonic/melodic black metal band in the vein of Cradle of Filth, but have since then turned into a melodic death metal band. Their discography is a bit up and down, but at their best they're fantastic. 9th Empyrean, Takasago Army and Bu-Tik are all great. Relentless Recurrence, Seediq Bale and Mirror of Retribution all feature some very good music as well, but they're so poorly produced. Way too polished.


    Inferno Requiem only released one album during its 12 years of existence, but that album is really good. Great, gloomy and atmopsheric black metal with some odd drumming and lots of hate. A bit poorly produced, but not in a way that ruins the atmosphere of the album. Very enjoyable if you're into raw black metal.

  14. The Faculty  - Decentish (5-6/10) sci-fi-horror directed by Robert Rodriguez with Elijah Wood, Josh Hartnett, Jordana Brewster, Famke Janssen, Robert Patrick, Salma Hayek, Usher and more in the roles as ifferent characters. It's a pretty standard film and is basically a mix of Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Thing and Breakfast Club, but some of the characters lacks depth, it's at times awfully acted (especially Clea DuVall and Shawn Hatosy are doing a oor job here) and the special effects are a mixed bag. When it's all about the practical special effects it looks amazing, but as soon as it is switched over to CGI it goes bad at once. But it's OK. Not something I'll rewatch again (did watch it something like 10 years ago though, and liked it muh better back then).

  15. Hooded Menace is fantastic. Brilliant death/doom in the vein of Coffins, Winter and Autopsy. The band is very inspired by The Blind Dead film-series, wich is great. Gloom Immemorial is a great compilation, but I'd recommend taking alook at one of their full-lenghts as well. They're best as a full-lenght band. Dark, heavy and crushing death/doom.



    The Crown used to be great, but I rarely listen to aything post-Deathrace King. It's not bad, it's not just all that great either IMO. They went in a more modern direction following the likes of The Haunted and Dimension Zero. But the two albums they released as Crown of Thorns and the two first albums of The Crown are brilliant melodic death metal IMO.

  16. 10931229_10152662262453207_3566423451793


    For the first time avantgarde metallers Vulture Industries and graphic artist Costin Chioreanu will come together on stage. The Babylon Spiral combines the atmosphere and aesthetics of the Expressionist Cinema of 1920's Germany with the intensity and eeriness of a Vulture Industries concert. Using specially designed stage props, actively manipulated by the artist throughout the show, the concert will draw the audience on a journey through time.

    The collaboration between Vulture Industries and Costin Chioreanu grew from a mutual admiration between the two sets of artists. The first stop on the journey happened on the third VI album "The Tower", and was followed by the animation video "Lost Among Liars". We are now approaching the summit of our collaboration and you are invited to ascend with us.



    Oh shit, this is gonna be good.

  17. I'd recommend all of Roger Corman's Poe adaption, with the exception of The Raven. I think they're all fantastic. Maybe a bit too over the top an dramatic for some, but I'm a huge fan and I love them. Vincent Price and the sets alone are more than enough to make them fantastic (even though he doesn't feature in one). And they all, except for The Raven, look like a million dollars. Roger Corman is so underrated, but these films shows his massive talent, a talent that sadly got pushed away in favour of his talent for business and money.


    Talking about these films makes me so damn excited. :P

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