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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Bear

    There's been way too many albumsof high quality to make a proper list and I can't even remember everything that's been released, but I'll give it a try anyway: 1. Alucarda - Raw Howls Raw, filthy and sleazy doom metal punk in the vein of early Satan's Satyrs that's got great riffs, a top notch production and fantastic vocals. Alucarda brings you an album that would work perfectly as a soundtrack to the occult bikerspoiltation film Psychomania. 2. Tarot - The Warrior's Spell A compilation of Tarot's three previous EPs with a couple of new songs thrown in. Mystic and epic heavy rock that sounds like a mix of "Rainbow Rising" and "Demons and Wizards", spiced up with the mystic and occult atmosphere and feeling of Pagan Altar. 3. Sigh - Graveward Another masterpiece from the Japanese avant-garde black metal masters Sigh, and once moore they do something that's completely different from their own, previous albums as well as every other band on the planet. You Oshima isn't a new Shinichi, but he brings something new and fresh to the table, and while I did have some problems with his guitar playing to begin with, I am not a huge fan. He's not Shinichi-good, but he does well. And kudos to him for doing his own thing instead of copying Shinichi. 4. Dødheimsgard - A Umbra Omega After the huge disappointment that was 2007's Supervillain Outcast, Dødheimsgard returns with an album that can be described as nothing less than massive. It's fresh, it's original, it's playful and it's unpredictable. The entire album is best described as madness. 5. Nocternity - Harps of the Ancient Temples Harpes of the Ancient Temples sees Nocternity release their first proper release since 2004's EP A Fallen Unicorn. A few splits and EPs has been done in the meantime, but all very short. The new albums sounds like Nocternity, but it's still very different from previous releases. It sounds rawer and more stripped down as well as more minimalistic, but it's still cold and mystic in the traditional Nocternity-way. 6. Macabre Omen - Gods of War - At War It's been 10 years since Macabre Omen released their previous albums, a masterpiece called The Ancient Returns, and while not quite as good, Macabre Omen hits back with another fantastic release. Epic black metal that mixes the epic viking metal of Bathory and Hades, the cold, mystic grimness og Nocternity with the traditional sound of Hellenic black metal like Rotting Christ and Varathron. Majestic! 7. Czarface - Every Hero Needs a Villain The debut was fantastic, and this is at least as good, if not better than the debut. The album's got a classic 90's boom bap feel to it, and I can't do nothing but love the album to pieces. Attitude, feeling and everything is awesome. Ka-Bang! is just too cool! 8. Carpenter Brut - Trilogy A 90 minute compilation of Carpenter Brut's three previous EPs. Dark and pulsating horror disco. It's catchy, yet challenging, and it's cool as fuck. This album will make you dance as you chew on someone's ripped off leg. 9. Peste Noire - La Chaise-Dyable This is the album that should've followed L'Ordure à l'état Pur, not the self-titled one. While not as mad as L'Ordure..., it still feels like a natural follow-up to L'Ordure... and just continues what they started with Ballade cuntre lo Anemi francor and perfected with L'Ordure... White trash hooligan black metal. 10. Solefald - World Metal. Kosmopolis Sud If you're familiar with Solefald you know that the band's two solve members Cornelius and Lazare doesn't give a flying fuck. Every since their debut album was released in 1997 they've done whatever the fuck they wanted and shown a massive middle-finger to every "rule" that existed within the realm of black metal. World Metal is just another proof of that, and the title World Metal, as well as song title World Music with Black Edges, more or less tells you all you need to know here. The foundation is still black metal in my ears, but there's all kinds of elements of influences put on top of that. Great album. Other worthy releases: Glaciation - Sur les falaises de marbre Inculter - Persisting Devolution Downfall of Nur - Umbras de Barbagia Spectral Voice - Necrotic Doom Gruesome - Savage Land Meleches - Enki Negura Bunget - Tau Devouring Star - Through Lung and Heart Wormridden - Festering Glorification Luciferian Light Orchestra - Luciferian Light Orchestra Deathhammer - Evil Power Acid Witch - Midnight Movies Abigor - Supreme Immortal Art (Instrumental 1997) Satan's Wrath - Die Evil Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats will probably make the list at one point, and Ghost is getting close as well.
  2. I am jelly as fuck. Never seen them live sadly, but I hope to catch them live sometime. Fantastic band! Have you heard Mansion? Finnish band which at times sound very much like Jex Thoth. They're a bit heavier on the heavy metal and a bit moe rocking, though, but at times they sound like a carbon copy. Amazing band as well. Some Hades Almighty news after the news of Janto left the band: The Dawn of a New Era HADES ALMIGHTY are back! A lot has been festering in the HADES Horde in the last year, and we are now finally able to reveal some details. First, we hereby present the mighty Ask Ty as our new musical orator and screamer of blood curling verses. Known as drummer and part time vocalist of bands like Kampfar and Krakow, Ask Ty brings fresh nutrients to the soil of the Horde. We have been working together for the last 6 months, and the harvest has been fruitful. Secondly, we hereby announce the first studio release since 2001’s ‘THE PULSE OF DECAY‘. This will be an EP, titled ‘PYRE ERA, BLACK!’, which will lead up to the next album released not long after. Both will be released through Dark Essence Records. Prepare for the Dawn of a New Era! Photo: C.Misje I'm quite a fan of the band, but I am not expecting great things from the new EP. But I look forward to it anyway.
  3. 1. Blood for the Burning Oath / Dungeons of the Disembodied 2. Elysium of Dripping Death 3. Ashen with Solemn Decay 4. Beyond Deserted Flesh New Hooded Menace! Fantastic band, and they never disappoint so I will be most surprised if this isn't anywhere to be found on my top 10 when the year is over. The teaser sounds great!
  4. Bear

  5. Oh yeah, the new Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats sounds great. Left a massive first impression on me. I really like Mind Control, but I think this sounds way better. Mind Control had this filthy bikersploitation-feeling to it, but with The Night Creeper they've kinda gone back to what they did before Mind Control, and again it feels very horror-inspired. A very impressive first impression indeed! I will be surprised if this doesn't end up on my top 10 when the year's gone.
  6. Bear

    I'm just fucking with you to be honest. From what I've gathered our tastes in metal (or just music in general to be honest) is like day and night, and I think our definition of the word "brutal" is a bit different as well. Or, very different. But carry on, Blackdoll. Do your thing.
  7. Bear

    I didn't like Oculus at all to be honest. I thought it was really poor, and thoughout the film I just felt like the director hadn't made up his mind with where he wanted this film to go. Didn't do anything for me. Yeah, Scream 4 was a huge surprise to me. Didn't expect much, but it was great. Really did it for me. It's predictable and all, but who really cares when it's as well-done as that? And I am just gonna add that Wes Craven's New Nightmare is a really underrated film. It's awesome!
  8. Jex Thoth is amazing. Think they released their best material as Totem, though. And Jex are among the most talented female vocalists avlive. Superb woman!
  9. Bear

    Brutal metal. Absolutely disgusting.
  10. Bear

    Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck! That sound awesome.
  11. Bear

    Good to see he's already started recording stuff.
  12. Bear

    From Beyond the Grave - This is, as far as I know at least, the last in the line of Amicus Production's anthology horror films, and they ended their anthology run with a god damn bang! Excellent film with four rather long segments, which all are top notch. Peter Curshing plays an antique shop owner, and the people who come in and steal/rip him off ends up with a less than enjoyable faith. It's hardly original like, but it's well-executed and Peter Cushing is brilliant. The Gatecrasher - The first short is probably my favourite of them. A cold, chilling story that gives me a strong Mario Bava-feeling, which I really appreciate. There's something very gothic and almost Lovecraftian about the whole tale, and I really liked it. 9/10 An Act of Kindness - There's a couple of really creepy moments in this short, but it's by far the weakest here. It's an ironic tale which is a bit lacking on the horror-side of things, but it's very enjoyable. 8/10 The Elemental - A nice one with a very classic, silly exorcist tale in it. Silly, over the top and much, much fun! 9/10 The Door - A very Poe-esque tale that was up there with The Gatecrasher. Maybe just as good to be honest. A bit on the gothic side as well, and very nice. 9/10 So, great film! Well-worth a look and more.
  13. Bear

    Thank you. Heh. I thought about including a bit of into on the films as well, but I was in a hurry when I saw it so I didn't have the time. But yeah, all those are well-worth a look in my eyes. Both Housebound and Wyrmwood makes the last too with 9,5/10 and 8/10. I haven't seen V/H/S Viral yet, and I don't plan to either. While I really liked the two first, the last one just haven't managed to win my interest at all. Weird, but that's how it is.
  14. Bear

    Wyrmwood: Road of the Dead - A very nice Australian low-budget horror film with an original twist to it. Imagine if Dawn of the Dead, Resident Evil and Max Mad: The Road Warrior had a baby. This would've been the child. There's just something very fresh about the film. Some really nice and silly, but original ideas that works out really well. There's some good special effects, but there's also some rather poor CGI, but I can see through that as everything else was good, some good actors and some spot on comedy that works really good in the mix Bianca Bradey really impressed me. Was amazing! Aside from the lighting being pretty bad at times I'm having troubles believing this only had a budget of $160,000. Money well spent! Housebound - I wrote a bit about this last ngiht and I'll write even more now. What a film, guys! Horror-comedy done right. Frightening, creepy, hilarious and full of suspense. Damn, this film was great! It twists and turn at every corner, leaving you surprised at what happens next. Newcomer Gerard Johnstone knows exactly what he is making and he is not afraid to play on cliches, make fun of them or just jump straight over the, something which is cool because you never know exactly what he's gonna do next. He also adds some very nice and unique camera angles to it all. Some shots is something that you don't see very often in films like this. It feels very original when you do something like that. Anyway, Housebound is as I have already said a horror-comedy, and it mixes several genres together. It's part haunted house, part ghost story, part murder-mystery and part comedy, and it pays homage to the genres very well. And the actors are top notch. Morgana O'Reilly, which is ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC, Rima Te Wiata and Glen-Paul Waru are all amazing in their roles, and their comedic timing is spot on. The way they talk, and even move at times, are great and their facial expressions is at times among the best I've seen. Hilarious! Top god damn notch film! 9,9/10
  15. Bear

    So Wes Craven died. He's made a lot of shit over the years, but man, what a legend! The Last House on the Left, The Hills Have Eyes, Swamp Thing, A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Serpent and the Rainbow, The People Under the Stairs, Scream I & IV and Wes Craven's New Nightmare are top notch.
  16. Bear

    A couple of us made a "favourite horror-comedy" list a page or two back, and I just wanted to add that I just watched Housebound and that it sure as fuck goes straight into my top 10 list. What a brilliant film! It's goes back and forth between being hilarious, creepy and suspenseful, and it simply does everything right! Jesus christ, WHAT A FILM, GUYS! Will come back tomorrow. But guys, WHAT A FILM!!!
  17. Bear

    I just gotta add these which I think is magnificent, even though it's not something most people would consider iconic. Rosenfeld:
  18. The same as Tokage. Even the well-known, godawful Deathgaze drumsound is a part of the sound. That's ridiculous.
  19. i'm really enjoying the new Ghost meself. It's not a new Infestissumam (yet), but still enjoyable as fuck. The production is way better this time around, but it doesn't have as many stand-out tracks as Infestissumam (Secular Haze, Ghuleh / Zombie Queen, Year Zero, Monstrance Clock). The only track that can compare to those are Absolution. But the album sounds great. Hope to catch them live again, but it seems like Oslo is their only stop in Norway from now till the end of year so it won't be in 2015. But their concert last year are easily on my top 5, so I hope to catch them live again soon. Brilliant live band. I'm simply loving the entire "circus" that is Ghost. Everything they do is 100%, and nothing less. I can see how eople can get tired of it all, but I just love it. It's fantastic!
  20. Bear

    Bought some new stuff now. Yay!: Sabbat - Envenom Sabbat - Evoke Sabbat - Sabbatrinity Already own all three on vinyl, but Evoke and Sabbatrinity are different versions from the ones I've already got. Envenom was the same sadly, but shit happens. Timeghoul ‎– 1992 - 1994 Discography Absu - The Third Storm of Cythrául + In the Eyes of Ioldánach 3LP BOX For these five including shipping I paid about $80. The Absu box is currently being sold for around $55 while the Timeghoul one is being sol for around $50. It was just too cheap not to buy anything. Brilliant deals. Really happy to have that Timeghoul compilation in my collection. Been wanting it since its release, but it's been a bit too expensive for my taste till now. Same with that Absu release.
  21. The bonus track from the new album. Blue Öyster Cult much, eh? Cool as fuck!
  22. Bear

    Let me guess: it's more of the same, and as usual it's of high quality, but just not high enough? Motorhead's never released a poor album, but when you have albums like Overkill, Bomber, Ace of Spades, Iron First, Aoother Perfect Day, Orgasmatron, 1916 and No Sleep 'til Hammersmith in your collection you've kinda got enough Motorhead if you ask me. Also speaking about Motorhead, I never understood why Mikkey Dee left King Diamond to join Motorhead, fi that is what he did? Yes, Motorhead's a bigger band and all, but he doesn''t get to use more than 1/10th of himself when drumming for Motohead. Don't get me wrong, Dee is one of the best and coolest drummers ever and his work with Motorhead is great, but his work on Fatal Portrait, Abigail, "Them" and Conspiracy are close to unbeatable. Incredible drum work that's rarely been matched, and it's a shame we've never got to hear him play like that again.
  23. Bear

    Some recommendations for Lestat. A small list of horror films made from 2013-2015 that I think are worth watching, and I've included my personal score for them as well. Zombeavers (7/10) Honeymoon (8/10) Creep (7/10) A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (9/10) The Babadook (8/10) It Follows (8/10) The Town That Dreaded Sundown (8/10) Stage Fright (8/10) The Quiet Ones (7/10) Frankenstein's Army (9/10) The Sacrament (7/10) A Field in England (8/10) V/H/S & V/H/S 2 (8/10) The Strange Colour of Your Body's Tears (8/10) Insidious & Insidious: Chapter 2 (8/10) Rigor Mortis (8/10) Stoker (8/10) The Conjuring (8/10) Warm Bodies (7/10) Evil Dead (8/10)
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