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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Gezol of Sabbat fame says winter is coming: Venom leather(?) panties and flip-flops. What a man. No wonder I've had a mancrush on this man for 10+ years now.
  2. Bear

    Finished Wet Hot American Summer and thought it was alright. It's not amazing, but it's fun enough and way better than the shite film it's a sequel to. The entire seies got more purpose and it just doesn't try o had to be a cult-series, which helps a lot. 6,5-ish/10
  3. Bear

    Yes! The band looks amazing here. The entire picture is awesome. It kinds gives me many of the same vibes as bands such as Coven, Pentagram, Black Sabbath, Paul Chain and Black Hole did in the 60's, 70's and 80's. It's just got this cool, occult vibe to it.
  4. Bear

    I'm quite a fan of James Wan meself, but there would've been a The Conjuring 2 with or without Annabelle. Even if they lost a shitload of money on the film there would've been a sequel because of the success The Conjuring had on its own. Looking forward to that one, though. Have to say that The Conjuring is not among my personal favourites among newer horrors, though. I liked it alot, but there's been plenty better in my eyes. Anyway, it's great and I love its old school vibe a lot.
  5. Bear

    Why does that make me a troll or hipster?
  6. No fans of Zemial? You all deserve a beating. Bitches! This album, man. I've been going on about this album ever since its release in mid-2014, and ever since its released I've played it almost once a day. In average I've probably played it twice a day since it's release. A modern death metal masterpiece, and one of the best death metal albums ever. Early Pestilence meets early Morbid Angel and early Death. It's not original or anything, but the band's got character and you'll recognize the band in an instant when listening to it. Lots of character! 10/10
  7. Bear

    These Mucc pictures always did it for me:
  8. Bear

    My first impression is that this is a new DIM aka a new mediore album. A few good songs, a few mediocre ones and a few that should've never have seen the light of day. While the low isn't as low as DIM (see Guren, an abomination that ranks among the worst songs ever written by man), it's still pretty low and unlistenable. But I'll do what I did with DIM and give it several listens before passing my final judgement, but I suspect that this will be another Gazette album whih isn't even good enough to be kept as MP3 on my computer. I'll just do what I do with DIM and just look up the very few songs I want to hear on youtube whenever I feel like listen to them, which tends to be rarely as I am an full album/EP-kind of guy. Very good at its best, though, just like DIM.
  9. Bear

    There's rumors that Cradle of Filth are finally gonna release the 1995 version of Dusk... and Her Embrace. For those unaware, this album was recorded and supossed to be the bands second proper release after The Principle of Evil Made Flesh, but they took their label to court at the time and the release was delayed. The band then lost some members then recorded V Empire or Dark Faerytales in Phallustein instead, before they re-recorded Dusk... and Her Embrace. So next year we'll finally hear the original Dusk... and Her Embrace. Dusk... and Her Embrace is Cradle of Filth' best release to date alogn with V Empire or Dark Faerytales in Phallustein and a proper black metal masterpiece to me, and finally getting to hear the original recording excites me. I'm not gonna say anything for sure, but if I am not mistaken it has different keys and some different guitar parts which should make it a very different album. I think it might be a bit rawer and closer to The Principle of Evil Made Flesh in sound. So less gothic and more black metal. But I am not sure. Think it's planned for a march release. I can't wait!
  10. Bear

    Annabelle - I am one of those who loved The Conjuring. It's generic and offers nothing new, but James Wan knew all about its strenghts and weaknesses, and played heavy on its strenghts and it was a really effective film. But I could never understand why Annabelle would get its own film, and I've been sceptic since it was announced. And I was sceptic with good reason because this fucking sucks. This is nothing but a cheap cash-in. Where is the atmosphere? WHere's the susense? Where's the gore? A couple of cheap scares and lots of boring, uninteresting drama is what we're given here. Awful film! John R. Leonetti is a boring director, and there's a really good reason why he's only directed three films since his debut in 97, two of them being awful sequels and this oen being an awful prequel/spin-off. He should just stop.
  11. Bear

    A few more that I came to think of: 78424325 (The numbers 78424325 spell out the word "suicidal" when dialed on a phone.) Make a Change... Kill yourself I'm In A Coffin ... |||_-_||| (The band's name is supposed to represent a razor blade. It can be pronounced as either "razor blade" or "busco la muerte" (which is Spanish for "I seek death").) ██████ (The band has no name; a solid bar is often used instead. On websites limited to ASCII input, they have also used the name "nic" (Czech for "nothing/null/none").) ...Aaaarrghh... Some of these band names are just too god damn stupid to be real, yet they are. How on earth someone thought any of those names were a good idea is beyond me.
  12. Bear

    What about I? Good band, awful name. Not sure what they were thinking.
  13. Bear

    Cool:SOme of my favourites: Ghost Black Sabbath Blood Feast Frightmare Ghoul Summoning Misfits Black Magic Bathory Necromancy Varathron N.W.A. Awful: Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis
  14. The two longest tracks on the album: That is so good.
  15. Bear

    I am a member of something called Kinosonen in where I live and every now and then we get an invitation to a free showing at the local cinema. They give away tickets for free to the members who come first until they're free for tickets. Never gotten one before, but I finally got one and went to a free screening, and it was fun. Nothing like going to the cinema for free. Woman in Gold - Solid drama by Simon Curtis with a fabolous Helen Mirren and a great Ryan Reynolds in the lead, with with likes of Daniel Brühl, Katie Holmes, Charles Dance and Tatiana Maslany in the supporting roles. It's well-directed and very well-acted, and all in all a good film with a great story, but some of the laughs is way out of place here. Some of them are funny, but they're too straight-forward and very unfitting to the film. They break with everything else and comes off as elemts to please people who usually don't watch dramas. But I liked the film, mostly because of the chemestry between the leads, as well as a solid story. Could've been much better, but it was alright, and well worth two hours of my life. A 6,5/10 type of film.
  16. Bear

    Song taken from the Dope soundtrack, an old school hip hop film released this year. It looks fucking DOPE, and the soundtrack is top notch and includes songs from Public Enemy, A Tribe Called Quest, Nas and others, as well as four songs composed by Pharrell Williams for the fictional group Awreeoh. Pharrell's clearly found the N.E.R.D. in himself. Cool shit! Doesn't look lik ethe film will hit Norwegian cinemas, though. Such a shame, but expected.
  17. I will never be able to understand why Zemial hasn't got bigger name in the metal scene. Started out as a very traditional Greek black metal band before moving more towards the epic viking metal albums of Bathory and Manowar with In Monumentum, before transforming into a progressive black/thrash metal band on their last album, Nykta. Nykta is like a mix of black metal, thrash metal, progressive rock, psychedelic rock and space-rock. Imagine Bathory anno 84-85 meeting up with Celtic Frost, Rotting Christ, Varathron, Hawkwind, Pink Floyd and King Crimson to do an album. It's weird and original, but catchy and very enjoyable. Both Nykta and In Monumentum are 10/10 albums. Nykta is among the most original black metal releases of the 2000's to be honest. Check it out!
  18. Not sure about when the new Cult of Fire album is released. But it shouldn't be too far away. Another new Amorphis track: More in the vein of the bands' last 4 albums, but it's both nice and catchy.
  19. Day 2 of Pstereo: Spidergawd kicked off day 2 for me and my girl and it was decent rock 'n' roll. Nothing more, nothing less. Embarrassing guitar solo, though. Jesus, what was he thinking? 5/10 Ratking another decent effort, but they sure as fucked lacked routine. Seemed very fresh and inexperienced. Some amazing bass tunes when they were at their hardest, but the chemestry between the members were poor and they seemed a bit out of their depth. 5/10 Emilie Nicolas was real nice. Dark, gazing electro pop with a fantastic vocalist. Very enjoyable gig to watch with a beer from afar. Some lovely tunes! Will check out this band closer. 8/10 I wanted to watch Aurora but she played on a very small scene and it was just too full to get in. Way, way, way too fulll! Should quite obviously have played on one of the bigger stages. However, I was sitting outside with a beer and a burger and it did sound really good. So based on the sound alone it's a nice 8/10 Opeth played on the biggest stage, but shouldn't have because it was only half full there. I'm not big on new Opeth, and I haven't liked anything they've done since Damnation, but despite a poor setlist they did alright. But one song from Blackwater Park and one song from Deliverance isn't enough, and they played them way too slow. Why the fuck do they play their songs too slow live? Doesn't make any sense whatsoever. I'd exchange both tracks for something off their 4 first albums too. But the new stuff worked way better live than on album, and Åkerfeldt sang surprisingly well. Think he's gotten poor with time, but he worked fine live. Åkertfeldt was also in a great mood, making me laugh several times. 8/10 Missed the two first songs by La Roux because of a ridiculously slow beer line, but I could hear the songs well and it was nice. And god damn, she delivered the goods. Great gig! However, it was way too full there and they should've swapped stage with Opeth. 9/10 Band of Horses ended the evening, and it was nice and all. But a bit too much routine, yeah? Felt like they were there to do a job they've gone a bit tired off, and they sure as fuck shouldn't have headlined the last day IMO. But it was alright and all that. 7/10 Two great days, and I am looking forward to 2016 which will include one more day. Yippi!
  20. Went to Pstereo yesterday and saw some cool shit. Got there and catched the last two-three Team Me songs, and it was nice. Sweet indiepop to enjoy in the sun. Then we went over to watch Soak which was a huge disappointment, so went over and catched the last few songs from Døden which was OK. Baroness was a roller-coster to be honest. At time it was really cool and at other time it was embarrassingly bad. They didn't manage to take advantage of the stage either. Should've played on a much smalle stage. Jello Biafra was amazing. He brought the right amount of sillyness and punk attitude to the show. What a weird guy. Great concert and nice to hear some DK songs live. Yelawolf probably stole the show, and might have been the best on day 1. I have never heard these guys before, but the concert was amazing. Huge bass lines (haha, jesus! My girlfriend had to leave during the second song because of the bass), a Yelawolf on fire and a great show. The band was one man less than Baroness, but took advantage of the stage. I hope Baroness watched and picked up a few tricks from these guys. Brilliant concert! That Black Sabbath sample was great too. The Sword was cool in about two songs before it got boing, which is what I expected. Awfully mediocre band. Sunsanne Sundfør was magical. What a voice, what a show, what a personality. Huge concert!
  21. Bear

    It isn't supossed to be inspirational or anything like that, though. It's just a, in my eyes, funny quote from the slasher film Rocktober Blood. Nothing more, nothing less.
  22. Bear

    Someone didn't like my signature. What a shame. It's a beautiful quote from a very cool film. Going to a local festival called Pstereo today and tomorrow. It's an outdoors festival and the weather is amazing. It just doesn't get any better. Won't have time to go home after work, though, and that sucks. Guess I'll have to take a shower at work. Ugh! The line up is nice too: Friday: Team Me Soak Baroness Jello Biafra Yelawolf The Sword Susanne Sundfør Saturday: Ida Jenshus Broen Spidergawd Ratking Emilie Nicolas Aurora Opeth La Roux Band of Horses Will see the artists in bold for sure, and try to watch as many of the others as I can. Should be great as fuck!
  23. Bear

    Episode 12, Strung Along - A very nice one directed by Kevin Yagher who had previously directed the Tales From the Crypt episode Lower Berth, but this is even better than that. This one is a proper gem with a fantastic Donald O'Connor in the lead. A bit predictable, but lotsa fun and a nice ending. Really nice! 9/10 Episode 13, Werewolf Concerto - A late 70's - early 80's werewolf worship episode with a great Timothy Dalton in the lead, and aloso a really cool Reginald VelJohnson and a fantastic Beverly D'Angelo in supporting roles. A bit more complex than most Tales From the Crypt episodes, but really good and the werewolf transformation scene was fantastic. It was done in a very dirt and raw, yet classic way. Great episode! 9/10
  24. Bear

    Today I was told by a parent that his son has his 6th birtday tomorrow, and while trying to find out who they were to invite to the birthday party, his son had asked him if it was OK for him to invite a grown up. His dad then asked him why, and his son told him he only wanted me to come.
  25. Oh hail yes they are. Lots to dig into and check out on both. I really love those electronic soundtracks to those 60's and 70's sleazy and often semi-erotic horror films.
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