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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Bear

    No problem. Several of the F13 are worth seeing.
  2. Bear

    I see, I'll do my best to stay away from that old films them. But here's a list of regular slashers and giallos that should please you (all films are the original ones unless stated different): Friday the 13th Prom Night April Fool's Day My Bloody Valentine The Prowler Sleepaway Camp House on Sorority Row Blood and Black Lace Bird with the Crystal Plumage Deep Red Tenebre The Girl Who Knew Too Much The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh Opera New York Ripper Alice Sweet Alice Black Christmas A couple of older films on the list here, but if you like whodunits them these are a must. The entire list is a must for fans of horror in general, but I've bolded out my personal favourites of the lot. The best of the best. Blood and Black Lace and The Girl Who Knew Too Much ae both from the 60's, but these are awesome. Highly stylized, sexy and grim giallo mystery masterpieces that is as great as they look. These are the whodunit slashers of the 60's.
  3. Bear

    Do you mind old films? The 50's and 60's were great for whodunit horrors/thrillers.
  4. Bear

    Escape to Witch Mountain - Sadly, this was not the masterpiece I remembered, and it's a huge disappointment when you know what other films John Hough directed (The Legend of Hell House, Twins of Evil, Eyewitness). It's not bad or anything, it just doesn't hit the right points with me in 2015. It lacks that nice fantasy-feeling that I remembered from it, and it wasn't that big adventure as I remembered as well. It's not bad or anything and Donald Pleasence is fantastic, but it lacks that final touch to make it something special. And the ending sucks. Ew. It's ok, but nothing more really. Masters of the Universe - Masters of the Universe isn't just a bad He-Man film, it's a bad film in general. But despite this there's something so pure and awesome with it, and I've been a huge fan since I first laid eyes on it - and I still am that fan. It's dumb, silly and cheesy as fuck, and it never manages to give you a proper He-Man feeling, but there's just something really cool about the film. I sure as fuck enjoy it! And there's a reason why this is often mentioned as a guilty pleasure to many. I don't feel guilty for liking it, though. I just feel cool as fuck! I love me some Dolph, so that sure helps me. But the overall fantasy and adventure feeling of this film just pleases me. I think it's just great!
  5. If you're asking me if I am speaking of the band Down, then no. I like the two first Down albums and all, and while the sludge is there, their way too much southern metal for my liking. When it comes ti sludge I am more into the darker, bleaker, rawer and often more hardcore-inspired music like EyeHateGod, Corrupted, Grief, Dystopia, Iron Monkey, 13, Burning Witch, certain Boris and Melvins albums and so on.
  6. Bear

    Starry Eyes - Weird and bleak horror film that's a bit on the psychological side, at least for the first hour or so. The plot is very interesting, it's well-directed and acter and it's got a superb soundtrack. I'm thinking Dario Argento meets David Lynch here to be honest. I'm not sure what more to say about it. It was just really good, and the climax was suuuuuuuuuuuperb! This isn't your regular horror film, that's for sure. By the way, did I tell you to be sure to check out the soundtrack? What a massive soundstack, guys. The score is immense! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxp4UFoLbd0 I will haunt down that soundtrack on vinyl for sure. It was just too god damn good!
  7. Bear

    I support Jigsaw's recommendations. That's the first three films that popped into my mind when reading your post as well. And David Lynch of course. I think there's something a bit David Lynch-esuqe about Jackob's Ladder.
  8. Bear

    Satoshi from our First UK tour 20 years ago. Me in Dublin 1994 singing Venom with Sigh!!!! That is Alan Averill of Primordial and Mirai of Sigh for those not aware.
  9. Bear

    How to Train Your Dragon 2 - I liked the first one quite a lot (7/10), and while it is the better film, I personally enjoyed this a lot more. I thought this was an overall bigger adventure and much more fast-paced than the first one, and I thought Stoick was a lot better int his than the first one. Valka was great, especially her appearance, and Drago Bludvist was a badass villain. Another thing I found really interesting here is the chemistry between Hiccup and Astrid, and how they were around eachother. This will sound stupid, but the way they talked to eachother, looked at eachother and more than anything touched eachother was something you rarely see in animated films for children. Am i mistaken by saying it's something a bit unique for films like this in these times? I liked it. What I did not like those is the smooth style and the animation. It just feels so soulless and boring. There's no feeling in the animation. It... nah, fuck it. Computer animation just isn't my cup of tea. It, as regular CGI, should only be used when something is too hard to make without it., which means very, very, very rarely. Valka, though. Badass! Five Masters of Death / 5 Shaolin Masters - Fantastic Chang Cheh film that is simply an all-star martial arts film with a crazy good cast. David Chiang, Ti Lung, Fu Sheng, Kuan-Chun Chi, Wang Lung-wei and Bryan Leung are among the actors included in this film, and that alone is more than enough to satisfy me. But when you take a look at the plot and the action-choreography it just gets even more impressive, buecause this film's got a lot more to it than just an impressive cast. It's a superb film. Classic Chang Cheh and a must for fans of the genre.
  10. Bear

    Correct. Both were originally unrelated to Hellraiser, but to save money they just decided to include Pinhead and the Cenobites to make 'em Hellraiser films.
  11. Bear

    I'd say the two first are worth watching. But only the first one is a must.
  12. Bear

    Late Phases - A nice and original twist on the traditional werewolf tale. A horror-drama with some very subtle but effetive comedy thrown in. It's a slow burner, but it's really well-done and Nick Damici is excellent as the blind Vietnam vet and basically IS the entire film. The character reminds me of Eastwood's in Gran Torino. Anyway, a nice film with nice special effects and a cool story. The werewolf's does look very shabby and cheap, but it's easily forgiven because everything else truly rules. The film is a bit of a surrise, and I liked it a lot.
  13. Bear

    Are you familiar with the norwegian band Scariot? Should be very enjoyable for someone into Communic and Nevermore, even though they're a bit more agressive at times with their death metal influence. But we're mainly talking progressive power/thrash here. Good band. Very overlooked and underrated, though.
  14. Bear

    By the way, would it be possible to just move this thread to the band section and remane it "Sigh" as a general thread as I've already used it as a general thread since forever now?
  15. Bear

    Star Trek Intro Darkness - If I was a Star Trek fan I'd seriously be mad at this atempt at making a Star Trek film. It's not bad filmmaking at all, but it isn't Star Trek either, and this time around it feels even more like Star Wars than the previous one. While there is a lot of refrences to other Star Trek films and such, the overall feeling is much more compareable to Star Wars imo, much because of the action and overall adventure of these films being much more similar than those (I've seen) of Star Trek. But as with the previous one I don't mind because I am not a huge fan to begin with, and I was again massively entertained, and very impressed by the visuals in the film. Looked very nice. I think Zachary Quinto is really impressive here, and Benedict Cumberbatch is fantastic as always. I am well aware of the difference between his Khan and the original one, but I thought he was great anyway and I really enjoyed his cold arrogance. He felt menacing, and I liked that a lot. I just think this is great popcorn entertainment made for a modern audience, an audience not familiar with Star Trek to begin with. Loyal Star Trek fans should feel cheated to be honest, but not me. I liked it. Nice little Indiana Jones homage in the begining of the film as well. Awesome!
  16. Bear

    An old flyer from one of their gigs: Our first gig outside of Japan. In Dublin 20 years ago. Seeing that I came to think of a story that I read half a year ago or so, written by none other than Alan Averill of the mighty Primordial, which is about this evening and a bit more. A very fun read: A nice read for fans of the band or just good stories from the past.
  17. Bear

    The Monster Squad - Rewatchd this today, probably for the first time in 15 years or so, and I am still digging it. It was actually a lot better than I remembered. Ok, so some of the make-up and rubber masks looks a bit shabby, but it's easily forgiven because everything else is so good. Imagine The Goonies meets House of Frankenstein/House of Dracula and you've got it. It's got that nice family adventure of The Goonies, and the nice horror of House of Frankenstein/House of Dracula, and it's an excellent combination. Like House of Frankenstein and Dracula it's an all-star films with plenty of known monsters, and Count Dracula, Frankenstein's Monster, The Wolf-Man, The Mummy and Gill-man/The Creature (from the Black Lagoon) and even Van Helsing are a part of the film. It's a lovely horror-comedy with a nice story, great atmosphere and a shitload of cool refrences to other classics. Fantastic film! That club house is awesome as well. Really underrated film. Deserves a status as a proper classic.
  18. Why the fucking fuck did it double post? Not the first time in this thread. Fucking vaginal discharge all the way or something.
  19. Bear

    Really bad Scorn Defeat cover photo session outtake. That's hilarious as fuck!
  20. Bear

    Lana Del Rey is fantastic and Born to Die is a massive masterpiece. What an album. And Carmen is the best. I bet my neighbours hate both me, Carmen and Lana Del Rey by now.
  21. Malice Mizer was the first thing I thought of when seeing the picture as well.
  22. THey're playing in Norway this month or next actually, but it's too far for me to bother. I can't travel that far for one concert at the moment. Sadly. Yes, that is the Mansion. Highly recommended stuff. All releases are top notch IMO. Already familiar with SubRosa, Mantar and Horn of the Rhino. Not a fan of either, though. I prefer my sludgy metal a bit different then those acts.
  23. Bear

    Star Trek - As I put this film on I didn't have any exectations at all, I didn't even expect to be entertained. I just put it on because I was told it had great sound, and as I bought a new surround system the other day I just wanted to test it. But this film really caught me off-guard. I'm not a huge Star Trek fan to begin with. I've seen some seasons here and there when I was younger, and I've seen some films and enjoyed most of it. But I quite liked this film. Actually, I liked it a lot for what it was. I didn't get much Star Trek feeling from it, and towards the end it felt more like a Star Wars film than a Star Trek film and it hits me that J. J. Abrams must've been just as inspired by Star Wars as by Star Trek for this film which is quite weird, but it was still a fun film IMO. The film is quite obviously made for the new generation of youngsters and not the older Star Trek horde, but as I wasn't a big fan to begin with I don't mind that. It's nicely directed, well-acted and to by surprise well-crafted as far as the visuals and special effects goes. It's looked nice for most part. So yeah, impressed. Will watch the sequel later this week.
  24. Bear

    Episode 14, Curiosity Killed - This episode marks the end of Tales from the Crypt season 4, and while it's not bad, it's such a disappointing way to end the season. Elliot SIlverstein, the director of this, previously made the fantastic The Reluctant Vampire from season 3, so my expectations were quite high. But this episode didn't live up to it. The characters and dialogue is both lacking, and it just didn't provide the fun it so easily could've. It wasn't bad, but it's mediocre for a Tales from the Crypt episode. 6/10
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